I am a maritime archaeologist, a member of the Research Career of the National Scientific and Technical Research Council of Argentina (CONICET). I work at the Institute of Archaeology, School of Philosophy & Letters, University of Buenos Aires. I completed a Ph.D. in archaeology with a dissertation titled ‘Technological innovation and naval conflict in Western Europe, 1751-1815: archaeological and historical contributions to the knowledge of metallurgy and their applications on warships’. I was supported by the CONICET, with doctoral and postdoctoral scholarships, and by the Advisory Council on Underwater Archaeology and the Society for Archaeological Sciences, for the archaeometric research on metal artifacts from mid-18th to early 19th-century shipwrecks. I taught courses in historical archaeology, maritime archaeology, and archaeometallurgy, co-organized national scientific meetings and symposiums, and I am associate editor of the Society for Archaeological Sciences Bulletin.
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Papers by Nicolás Ciarlo
Desde el año 2000, a través del ProArHEP (UNLu), comenzamos a desarrollar investigaciones y campañas de excavación arqueológica en el sitio Vuelta de Obligado. Así fue que en el lugar hicimos prospecciones, excavamos unos 300 m2, realizamos sondeos y trincheras exploratorias, y llevamos a cabo recolecciones de material en playas. Hasta 2011 excavamos en el área que ocupó la segunda batería. En la actualidad, las excavaciones están centradas en un terraplén, ubicado en el monte, y en el área donde se habría emplazado la primera batería, al mando del Coronel Álvaro Alzogaray. Allí se abrieron nueve cuadrículas de 2 m por 4 m, y una de 3 m por 5 m; y se realizaron varias extracciones de una capa de humus de unos 0,80 m de potencia, que no presenta diferencias internas significativas. Los materiales se encuentran concentrados, principalmente, dentro de una fracción de unos 0,30 m. La secuencia estratigráfica contrasta con la hallada en la segunda batería, donde los materiales arqueológicos fueron localizados en el contacto entre la base de la capa de humus (desde 0,08 m hasta unos 0,20 m) y el techo de la plancha de tosca.
El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar la información arqueológica y su análisis en el gabinete. Asimismo, cotejar esa información con la que proviene de los documentos escritos y pictóricos, con el fin de lograr una mejor comprensión del área excavada en la barranca. Las investigaciones realizadas hasta la fecha sugieren, por un lado, que el sector excavado corresponde al piso de ocupación de la primera batería, y por el otro, que los focos de mayor densidad de materiales están relacionados con el modo en que los combatientes de la Confederación dispusieron las estructuras defensivas para protegerse del fuego de la escuadra anglo-francesa durante la batalla.
Desde el año 2000, a través del ProArHEP (UNLu), comenzamos a desarrollar investigaciones y campañas de excavación arqueológica en el sitio Vuelta de Obligado. Así fue que en el lugar hicimos prospecciones, excavamos unos 300 m2, realizamos sondeos y trincheras exploratorias, y llevamos a cabo recolecciones de material en playas. Hasta 2011 excavamos en el área que ocupó la segunda batería. En la actualidad, las excavaciones están centradas en un terraplén, ubicado en el monte, y en el área donde se habría emplazado la primera batería, al mando del Coronel Álvaro Alzogaray. Allí se abrieron nueve cuadrículas de 2 m por 4 m, y una de 3 m por 5 m; y se realizaron varias extracciones de una capa de humus de unos 0,80 m de potencia, que no presenta diferencias internas significativas. Los materiales se encuentran concentrados, principalmente, dentro de una fracción de unos 0,30 m. La secuencia estratigráfica contrasta con la hallada en la segunda batería, donde los materiales arqueológicos fueron localizados en el contacto entre la base de la capa de humus (desde 0,08 m hasta unos 0,20 m) y el techo de la plancha de tosca.
El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar la información arqueológica y su análisis en el gabinete. Asimismo, cotejar esa información con la que proviene de los documentos escritos y pictóricos, con el fin de lograr una mejor comprensión del área excavada en la barranca. Las investigaciones realizadas hasta la fecha sugieren, por un lado, que el sector excavado corresponde al piso de ocupación de la primera batería, y por el otro, que los focos de mayor densidad de materiales están relacionados con el modo en que los combatientes de la Confederación dispusieron las estructuras defensivas para protegerse del fuego de la escuadra anglo-francesa durante la batalla.
historical shipwrecks has contributed to the knowledge of Modern
technology and society, frequently on aspects beyond the mere naval
scope. During the last decades, works on the characterization of metal
components from the hull structure and nautical equipment of diverse
wooden ships stand out. As this objects had to withstand the strains of
sailing, they are of interest to analyze the knowledge once available
on material behaviour and manufacturing means. For European
maritime powers, whose economic and political well-being strongly
depended on the success of certain naval enterprises, warships played
a fundamental role. Their remnants, analyzed from a comparative
perspective, account for the multiplicity of aspects that defined them
through time. In this presentation we will refer to the archaeological
study of diverse shipwrecks to explore the factors that interacted and
originated changes during the beginning of the industrialization
process in Western Europe.
El objetivo principal consistió en reunir información que permitiera determinar el contexto cronológico-cultural de la embarcación. Se implementó un abordaje interdisciplinario orientado a identificar el tipo y función del barco, analizar sus características constructivas, determinar el origen geográfico y las propiedades de la madera utilizada, examinar los artefactos asociados y evaluar la información resultante en relación con el registro histórico recabado.
Por el momento se ha podido corroborar que se trata de una nave propulsada a vela, de porte mediano y construcción relativamente rústica. Su tipología constructiva correspondería a mediados del siglo 19, siendo en ese caso uno de los naufragios más antiguos hallados en la región. Evidencias de cortes de madera sugieren que podría tratarse del naufragio cuyos restos fueron reutilizados por los primeros colonos galeses a su arribo en 1865.
Los resultados preliminares indican que el sitio BG2 posee un valor significativo para el patrimonio cultural marítimo de la región y, por lo tanto, se vuelve necesario asegurar su conservación y puesta en valor.
Palabras clave: Ancla – Siglo XVIII – Arqueometría – Metalografía – Análisis químico"
Palabras clave: Norpatagonia – Cuentas – Arqueometría – Roca metamórfica
Palabras claves: Poblamiento rural – Norte de La Pampa – Siglo XX
Este libro sólo contiene los trabajos de aquellos que nos honraron al enviarnos sus presentaciones. Debemos resaltar que hubo más estudios durante el evento, que por distintos motivos o compromisos editoriales no fueron remitidos para su publicación.
Como es habitual, dividimos los contenidos en sesiones para facilitar al lector la búsqueda. Las conferencias abarcan temáticas diversas, con énfasis en problemáticas de fuerte significancia para nuestro acervo nacional. Es destacable la cantidad de trabajos presentados en Gestión, aspecto que evidencia la necesidad de un espacio para expresar ideas, planificaciones, propuestas de gerenciamiento, etc. de los bienes culturales.
Al igual que en años anteriores, reiteramos nuestra intención de propiciar un espacio de interacción entre las comunidades educativas, con miras a preservar, conocer y conservar el patrimonio cultural. Por ello, agradecemos a todos los asistentes, expositores, y a las autoridades de la Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica, por brindarnos no sólo un espacio físico sino por saber interpretar el espíritu de estas Jornadas.
Los invitamos a disfrutar de este 4to libro, con la convicción de que será fuente de información y estudio en el campo de los bienes culturales.
This book presents the research results carried on the metallic artifacts from the sloop-of-war HMS Swift (1770), lost off Puerto Deseado (Province of Santa Cruz, Argentina). The shipwreck –located in 47° 45’ 12’’ South and 65° 54’ 57’’ West– was found by local divers, and it has been subject of archaeological study since 1997 by the Underwater Archaeology Program, under the direction of Dolores C. Elkin, Ph.D. (Argentinean National Research Council and National Institute of Anthropology). In particular, this study was framed in the research line of the ship technology and their social context.
State of the Art (chap. 2):
Characterization analyses of some historical ship artifacts have proven to be very useful since the 1980’s, especially for the temporal and spatial identification of associated remains, as well as for the study of many technical characteristics (e.g. manufacture methods and alloys). The study of metallurgy from historical ships has received special attention in Argentina during the last ten years, and it is reflected in several research on artifacts recovered from XVIIth-XXth century shipwrecks, which were carried out almost entirely by the Archaeometallurgy Group, under the direction of Horacio M. De Rosa, Chem. Eng. (School of Engineering, University of Buenos Aires). These studies have focused on different fastenings and sheathing, and in less degree in other artifacts such as anchors and minor fittings. Many aspects have been analyzed, including their relative chronology and place of origin, the manufacture processes, the quality of the alloys, and their operability within the original context, as well as the degradation processes after the shipwreck.
In this region, the researches on Historical Maritime Archaeology began around 1995. Since then, the main project of the Underwater Archaeology Program has been the study of the HMS Swift. Due to the wreck process and the depositional environment, the site has been preserved in extraordinary conditions. The remains include circa 70% of the original structure; the equipment related to the anchoring, steering and pumping systems; rigging components (including rope); cannons, swivel-guns, and personal weapons; wooden furniture and tools; ceramic, porcelain and glassware; several utensils and organic products related to food and kitchen; parts of clothing and uniforms (shoes and accessories); human remains; and some personal belongings, among others –which are, mostly, under sediment. The main lines of research of the project have been the following: life conditions on board (e.g. diet and health), technology developments (e.g. naval architecture and armament), analysis of biological remains, and natural formation site process.
Historical Context (chap. 3):
During the 18th century, Western Europe was characterized by deep changes, which had worldwide impact. New social, political, and economical relationships precipitated, and many of them became the pillars of modern society. Given that background, the maritime context occupied an outstanding place regarding the process of configuration and world expansion of the main maritime powers (i.e. Great Britain, France, and Spain). Activities developed through their crafts were crucial –especially concerning the overseas trade and the armed conflicts for the supremacy of the seas. In this regard, the time period that encompasses the precedents and prelude of the first Industrial Revolution was signed by diverse processes of technological innovation, and some of them were strongly related to activities performed in the maritime scenario.
In 1770, a small fleet was commissioned to Port Egmont, the British operating base in the Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas), being one of the ships the sloop-of-war HMS Swift. Early on this year, the vessel was doing some coastal survey, when strong winds forced it to reach the continental coast. After a few days, the crew decided to enter in the Deseado estuary, where they faced a tragic end. After a month, the survivors were rescued and brought to the Islands, but the Swift would remain there for over 200 years.
Theoretical Framework (chap. 4):
The research on the metallurgy of the site was defined by an interdisciplinary perspective, across two scientific specialities:
1. Historical Maritime Archaeology, which is focused on the study of human past activities related to aquatic and intertidal/foreshore contexts –the maritime navigation has a highlighted place–, and for which written and other historical sources are available. These studies have contributed to known many aspects about modern society, such as military activities, commerce and exchange, exploitation of aquatic resources, and the European colonialism. The historical shipwrecks have been occupied a protagonist place in this regards –due to the great relevance that the maritime and revering environment have over centuries.
2. Archaeometallurgy, that deals with the study of past knowledge and practices associated with the production, distribution, use and discard of metals –usually by means of methods, techniques and analytical specific knowledge borrowed from other scientific fields, such as Materials Science, Chemistry and Engineering. The fine-grain information obtained by means of these analytical methods and instrumentation is usually translated into some relevant technological aspects. A socio-anthropological perspective of technology has been taken, and it has especially considered the socio-cultural and historical variables that have shaped it within a particular moment.
Aims and Methodology (chap. 5):
The main goal of this work was to contribute to the current knowledge of the British metallurgy during the second half of the 18th-century, especially regarding maritime craft by means of the analysis of a sloop-of-war. This was accomplished fulfilling four more specific aims: 1) typological (functional) and physico-chemical characterization of a wide sample of artifacts; 2) analysis of technical features of these objects, such as design, alloys, manufacture methods and, from the latter, their operability and specificity to the maritime environment; 3) examination of evidence related to transitional or novel technologies, repaired artifacts and recycling processes; and 4) articulation between the information about the HMS Swift artifacts and data from previous researches.
The sources of information used for this study consist mainly of artifacts remains from the Swift, data from historical documentation and information from other archaeological and historical researches (on other contemporaneous shipwrecks). The macroscopic characteristics were examined, and recorded by means of photos and scaled drawings. A sample (about 22 % of the collection) for microstructural and chemical analysis was selected. The characterization was done by applying the following analytical methods and instrumentation: light microscopy (LM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDXRS), wavelength dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (WDXRS), and wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence (WDXRF).
Results (chap. 6 to 11)
These sections present the results of the characterization of artifacts belonging to the following categories (one chapter for each one): ship equipment –related to the anchoring, pumping, and steering systems–; rigging components; artillery and personal weapons; furniture; utensils related to food and kitchen; clothing and uniform accessories; and some personal belongings. The information obtained from the macroscopic, microscopic and chemical characterization –in part by means of the analytical methods and instrumentation cited above– are presented. Based on this, the characteristics of the manufacture process and material quality of the artifacts are analyzed. This information is considered for discuss the operability and specificity of the artifacts to the maritime environment. Other aspects, such as the objects conditions, their site location, and relation with other pieces, are taking into account. Also, the previous data is examined in the light of the available historical data and the studied objects from other archaeological contemporaneous shipwrecks.
Concluding Remarks (chap. 12):
This research has allowed obtaining novel information, and discussing some aspects related to the ship technology and the artifacts used on board. The latter show a wide range of alloys and technical skills –related largely to the different mentioned categories. Particularly, those which have a special relevance regarding the ship navigability are technically complex –in terms of knowledge, materials and personnel involved in its production–, and have a notable specificity related to the environment (e.g. a relatively good resistance to marine corrosion). The macro and microstructural registered features are consistent with those of the chronological and socio-cultural context under study, and they do not differ from those which have been analyzed in contemporaneous bigger ships. Likewise, the materials and thermo-mechanic treatments analyzed would have been coherent with the functional requirements of the artifacts. A few pieces have innovative features, some of which have been used as base for further technological developments in Great Britain.
El presente trabajo se enmarca dentro de la investigación de la tecnología metalúrgica de la corbeta de guerra inglesa HMS Swift, naufragada en 1770 en la actual localidad de Puerto Deseado (Santa Cruz). Este sitio se destaca por sus excelentes condiciones de preservación, que han permitido recuperar una amplia diversidad de artefactos vinculados a distintos aspectos de la vida a bordo, así como a la tecnología y la sociedad de la época.
Se exponen los resultados de la caracterización física (por metalografía óptica y microscopía electrónica de barrido) y química (por espectroscopía de rayos X dispersiva en energía) de un conjunto de artefactos de hierro, plomo, cobre, aleaciones de cobre (latón o bronce) y estaño-plomo (peltre), que originalmente pudieron estar expuestos a la corrosión galvánica.
El análisis de estos objetos permitirá evaluar algunos aspectos vinculados a la problemática de la corrosión galvánica de ciertos artefactos dentro de un ambiente agresivo, un aspecto poco considerado en el estudio de la metalurgia de mediados del siglo XVIII.
Palabras clave: Metalurgia – Naufragio – Siglo XVIII"
En relación con esa línea de investigación, en el presente trabajo se analizó un conjunto de chapas obtenidas de naufragios de diversa procedencia. Se realizó la caracterización microestructural de las muestras, utilizando microscopía óptica y electrónica de barrido, y se determinó la composición química por medio de espectrometría de rayos X dispersiva en energía. El comportamiento frente a la corrosión se estudió mediante la obtención de potenciales de corrosión y el análisis de curvas de polarización en un medio salino (simulando agua de mar).
Los resultados obtenidos permitieron determinar ciertos aspectos del proceso de manufactura de los revestimientos, así como evaluar la calidad de éstos en relación a su composición y microestructura.
The main goal of the present work was contribute to the knowledge of British metallurgy at the beginnings of 19th century, especially regarding maritime craft. This was specifically accomplished by: first, typological and physico-chemical characterization of a sample of cargo artifacts from the site, the latter mainly by means of light microscopy (LM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDXRS); second, analysis of some technical features of these objects, such as design, alloys, and manufacturing methods; and third, examination of evidence related to novel technologies.
It is worth noting the precise temporal definition of the site under consideration, as well as the fact that the ship brought on board large quantities of objects that had never been taken out from their original containers. The analysis of these artifacts shed light upon some technological aspects of the early stage of British industrialization, particularly the characteristics of the mass production of artifacts. In this regard, the application of multivariate analysis allowed making a fine-grain examination of the manufacture processes and quality standards. The information obtained was also used to evaluate the technical skills and knowledge of the artisans, and to discuss some aspects for which there are scarce historical written records.
This paper presents the research results carried on the metallic artifacts from the sloop-of-war HMS Swift, lost off Puerto Deseado (southern Argentina) in 1770. Different categories of artifacts –e.g. ship equipment; artillery; furniture; and clothing– were studied by means of typological and physico-chemical analyses, the latter by applying light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, among others.
The data from this study have allowed to obtain new information related to the ship’s technology; and discuss some aspects regarding technical features of the artifacts, such as design, alloys, manufacture methods, novel characteristics, and specificity to the maritime environment.
Las características morfológicas y estructurales de los diversos dispositivos de fijación exhiben notables diferencias relacionadas con los distintos contextos sociales. Su caracterización posibilita obtener información sobre la tecnología de las piezas, los distintos métodos de construcción naval, y la cronología relativa y procedencia de los naufragios estudiados, entre los aspectos sobresalientes más estudiados.
En esta presentación hacemos un racconto de las investigaciones de caracterización de los restos de piezas de fijación provenientes de naufragios de diversas nacionalidades ocurridos en la costa atlántica argentina entre los siglos XVII y XIX, realizadas desde 2003 por el Grupo de Arqueometalurgia de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Asimismo, incorporamos información inédita de relevancia sobre el tema.
Palabras clave: Arqueología subacuática – Arqueometalurgia – Naufragio – Tecnología – Elementos metálicos de fijación – Siglos XVII-XIX