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Una nuova ipotesi sull'attribuzione dell'"Arco di Giano" nel Velabro (Roma)

A new hypothesis on the attribution of the "Arch of Janus" in Velabrum (Rome)
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      Roman TriumphRome, Constantine, MaxentiusRoman topographyTriumphal Arch
TMA 12, december 1993, 6de jaargang nr. 2. Prijs los nummer n. 13,95 I bfr. 260.
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      Imperial RomeMediterranean archaeologyHadrianConstantine
On January 20th 1739 Francis Stephen of Lorraine, the new Grand Duke of Tuscany, does his solemn Entry in Florence, with his wife Maria Theresa. On this occasion the senator Carlo Ginori suggests to build a masonry triumphal Arch, an... more
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      ArchitectureArchitectural HistoryHistory of FlorenceHistory of Art
In 1967, Richard Brilliant proposed that the four main relief panels upon the Arch of Septimius Severus in the Roman Forum could be identified as representing the sieges/ battles/ campaigns at Nisibis, Edessa, Seleucia and Ctesiphon .... more
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      Audience and Reception StudiesSeptimius SeverusAncient RomeTriumphal Arch
On the base of a passage of Claudianus the so called Arco di Portogallo on the via Lata-Flaminia in Rome is identified as an entrance in the Pomerium used by emperor Honorius. The arch is probably the imperial Porta Triumphalis built by... more
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      Topography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Ancient Topography (Archaeology)Roman TriumphAncient Roman Topography
Triumphal arch in Ślesin, Konin county, Poland
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    • Triumphal Arch
G. Mazzilli, L' Arco di Traiano a Leptis Magna, Monografie di Archeologia Libica XLII, Roma 2016 This monograph summarises the results of the full study of the monument, already excavated and restored by the Italian Archaeological Service... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyClassicsImperial RomeLibyan archaeology
FOR THE FORMATTED VERSION WITH KENTRIDGE'S DRAWINGS GO TO: This is a guide to the iconography of William Kentridge’s Triumphs & Laments, the 500-meter-long frieze of colossal... more
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      ReligionRoman HistoryIconographyArt History
Three coins of emperor Domitian show the picture of an arch: a Janus carrying two quadrigae with elephants standing over. This monument is traditionally identified with the Porta Triumphalis, commemorated by Martialis nearby the temple of... more
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      Rome, City ofTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Imperial RomeRoman numismatics and archaeology
The so-called Arco di Portogallo – a late antique arch on the via Lata in Rome destroyed in 17th century – is reinterpreted as the arch dedicated by the Roman senate to the Emperor Honorius according to Claudius Claudianus around 400 AD.... more
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyLate AntiquityTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Roman Sculpture
Nel maggio 1789, nella duplice veste di pontefice e abate commendatario, Pio VI si recò a Subiaco per consacrare la nuova cattedrale di S. Andrea, da lui fatta ricostruire dalle fondamenta. Per l’occasione, le autorità municipali e i... more
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      Ephemeral architectureNeoclassical architectureFrancesco MiliziaTriumphal Arch
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesByzantine StudiesByzantine ArchitectureTheodosius
Статья посвящена одну из самых известных памятников французского Возрождения - Фонтану Невинных в Париже. Считается, что именно в нем проявилось французское понимание античного наследия. Однако первоначальная структура памятника была... more
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      French RenaissanceTriumphal ArchJean MartinJoyeuses Entrées
Abstract: This article examines the significance of the Cardinal-Infante Ferdinand of Austria’s Joyeuse Entrée into Ghent. He made a number of triumphal entries all around the territory as governor of the Nether- lands after his victory... more
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      History of ArtHistoria del ArteTriumphal ArchGhent
Reservados todos los derechos por la legislación en materia de Propiedad Intelectual. Ni la totalidad ni parte de este libro, incluido el diseño de la cubierta, puede reproducirse, almacenarse o transmitirse en manera alguna por medio ya... more
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      Early Modern HistoryArchaeology of the Iberian PeninsulaFelipe IITriumphal Arch
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      Late Roman EmpireRoman roadsRoman EmpireLate Roman Archaeology
The Arch of Trajan at Benevento is well known to scholars of Roman art and architecture thanks to its excellent preservation and complex icono- graphic program. This paper explores the Arch of Trajan in its urban context, considering it... more
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      BeneventoRoman ArchitectureRoman ArtTriumphal Arch
Esame delle testimonianze storiche relative a due importamnti monumenti trionfali e onorari di età imperiale romana nella provincia di Pannonia.
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      Cassius DioArchaeology of Roman PannoniaAmmianus MarcellinusRoman Architecture
A recent study on the Arch of Trajan at Lepcis Magna mentions a second Arch of Tiberius, along a street running parallel to the main cardo, where the more famous “twin” of this arch is located. Within the aforementioned study, the... more
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      AugustusRitual ProcessionLepcis MagnaTriumphal Arch
Le bref article revient sur le problème de la datation et de l'interprétation de l'inscription et propose une hypothèse de travail pour l'interprétation de la restitutio présumée du monument. L'hypothèse actuelle d'un arc tibérien... more
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      Roman EpigraphyRoman GaulNatural DisastersRoman Provincial Archaeology
La mostra, a cura di A. Alberti, R. Carpani e R. Ferro, presenta l'esemplare dell'Arco trionfale di Albrecht Durer conservato presso la Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense, Milano.
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      Prints (Art History)Albrecht DürerEmperor MaximilianAlbrecht Altdorfer
Originating from ideas conceived in the 19th century, precise reconstructions are a 20th century phenomenon caused by the urge to preserve our legacy within a narrative of heritage construction. It has come to be used and abused by those... more
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      PhotogrammetryCultural HeritageAuthenticityHeritage Conservation
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      Roman HistoryGreek TheatreAncient Greek and Roman TheatreAncient Greek and Roman Art
ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Der Arcus Constantini gilt bis heute als eines der herausragendsten Monumente spätantiker Herrschaftsrepräsentation. An prominenter Stelle – die via triumphalis überspannend, gelegen zwischen dem Amphitheater, dem Palatin... more
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      HistoryImperial ideology and representationChristianisationTriumphal Arch
Ont.). Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, publisher. Series: Essays and studies (Victoria University (Toronto, Ont.). Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies) ;45. Description: Series statement: Essays and studies ;45... more
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      Papal HistoryFirmicus MaternusTriumphal ArchBaldassare Peruzzi
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      Roman roadsRoman Architecture and UrbanismRoman ArchitectureRoman aqueducts and water supply
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      Topography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Ancient Roman NumismaticsRoman ArchitectureRoman Triumph
""На примерот на обликувањето на западната фасада на црквата на Светите Архангели во Штип, задужбина на протосевастот Хрељ, а имајќи го предвид прашањето што се набљудува и што е научен да види набљудувачот, можно е да се разберат... more
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      Mirror SymmetryTheory of ornamentRites of PassageTheories of Vision
""На примерот на обликувањето на западната фасада на црквата на Светите Архангели во Штип, задужбина на протосевастот Хрељ, а имајќи го предвид прашањето што се набљудува и што е научен да види набљудувачот, можно е да се разберат... more
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      Mirror SymmetryTheory of ornamentRites of PassageTheories of Vision
""На примерот на обликувањето на западната фасада на црквата на Светите Архангели во Штип, задужбина на протосевастот Хрељ, а имајќи го предвид прашањето што се набљудува и што е научен да види набљудувачот, можно е да се разберат... more
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      Mirror SymmetryTheory of ornamentRites of PassageTheories of Vision