Firmicus Maternus
Recent papers in Firmicus Maternus
A chapter on the emperor Constans and his image, in D.P.W. Burgersdijk, A. Ross (eds.), Imagining Emperors in the Later Roman Empire (Cultural Interactions in the Mediterranean I) (Leiden and Boston, 2018)
L’article réfléchit sur la présence du serpent dans les rites bacchiques comme instrument chrétien de condamnation de Dionysos. D’une part est analysé le mythe des rapports incestueux et animaux de Zeus avec Déméter et Perséphone qui... more
dei suoi dati biografici e del suo atteggiamento religioso, sappiamo sappiamo solo quanto possiamo ricavare dalle sue due opere, la Mathesis ed il de errore profanarum religionum. Nella Mathesis dice di sé stesso di essere originario... more
Firmicus Maternus wrote "De errore profanarum religionum" in a crucial period for the relationship between the traditional cults of the Roman empire and the Christian religion. The need for a definition of the religious identities led the... more
La presentazione che ha accompagnato la mia relazione al convegno sul tema "Lavoro manuale e lavoro intellettuale nella società romana", e che si è svolto all'Università di Roma Tre il 25-26 maggio 2017.
Point d'orgue d'un vaste projet de recherches, ce colloque sur les « Religions orientales dans le monde grec et romain » a permis de mettre en évidence à quel point le vocable « religions orientales » est une construction rhétorique et... more
The main purpose of the volume is to explore and reassess Latin texts where the cultural representation of time, in a literary and anthropological sense, plays a prominent role. It is a matter of fact that during its multi-faceted... more
Ont.). Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, publisher. Series: Essays and studies (Victoria University (Toronto, Ont.). Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies) ;45. Description: Series statement: Essays and studies ;45... more
Digital exhibition for The Visual Commentary on Scripture (VCS): a freely accessible online publication that provides theological commentary on the Bible in dialogue with works of art.