Transnational Studies
Recent papers in Transnational Studies
In this paper, my aim is to elaborate disability movement praxis so that transnational struggles for justice over the production of impairment emerging from the Global South can be represented within the transnational frame of disability... more
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate how visual aesthetic referents used in branding can help foster a transnational imagined community (TIC). The authors use brands embedded with Middle Eastern visual aesthetics as a... more
Revista completa en Este trabajo introduce el número 50 de la revista Alteridades publicada por el Departamento de Antropología de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana: "La ciudad... more
(CONTINUA EN ESPAÑOL) There are only a few studies in the libraries of the world that study so well the internationalization of class relations and positions, as well as the transnational formation of experience and identity (…). The... more
Es gibt viele Stereotype über die Schweiz, die zumeist auf dem Gedanken der Exzeptionalität beruhen. In der Rückschau auf das 20. Jahrhundert hat sich das Erzählmuster einer schweizerischen Erfolgsgeschichte fest etabliert.... more
„Manifestation of the Idea of European Unity – Living Magna Charta of Peace“: The Political Dimension of the PRESSA Cologne 1928 and its Reception in the Contemporary German and International Press“ The PRESSA was the most ambitious and... more
Doctoral dissertation submitted in Fall 2017 at the University of Toronto
Located at the intersections of international porn studies, celebrity studies, gender, sex and globalization, this article looks at the recent and unusual case of Sunny Leone, an Indo-Canadian bisexual pornographic actress who... more
The intellectual lineage of Juri Lotman's legacy can best be understood in a broader European and global context. The methodological impetus gained from Baudouinian and Saussurean linguistics and the conceptual transfer of the paragons of... more
Il progetto di ricerca è un'analisi transnazionale di romanzi sulla guerra in Jugoslavia (1991-1995) pubblicati tra il 1995 e il 2015. Il corpus letterario è composto da tredici romanzi, scritti in francese (1), spagnolo (2), tedesco (4)... more
A critically neglected short poem that focuses on the ancient custom of stone giant building in Cumbria, William Wordsworth's “Rural Architecture” avoids the monumental permanence and transcendent universality so often associated with... more
Making decision in order to set off for international destinations is hardly independent of potential economic benefit that spawns in the form of remittances. The primary motivations for migration from developing countries are generally... more
This paper is a draft of the Introduction to a book manuscript that is forthcoming. Do not quote without permission of author.
Here's an excerpt from my introduction to this issue. "The queer potential of Japanese popular media in global circulation—particularly manga, anime, and video games, as well as related fan practices—is no secret. The appeal of... more
Résidents au Mali, ces enseignants transforment leur voyage et y inscrivent leur vie. Nous recueillerons les récits d'enseignants Français établis à Bamako. En poste dans la capitale malienne, nous voulions explorer la manière dont ils... more
This paper examines how the Buddhist revival, the Chan revival, and recent popularity of transnational meditation practices have facilitated Chinese women practicing Buddhist meditation in contemporary China. With the influence of the... more
Mislan would like to thank her colleagues and the reviewers of Journalism History for providing her with constructive feedback, which greatly improved the manuscript.
P o r t r ät m e d a i l l e n d e r d e u t s c h e n r e n a i s s a n c e in erz i m P r e s s u m
In one of the first volumes to address social work practice with this emergent and often marginalized population, practitioners and scholars specializing in transnational issues develop a framework for transnational social work practice.... more
The following paper aims to recontextualise the works of Ion Luca Caragiale by means of applying the contemporary methodologies of World Literature studies in order to inscribe the author in an international literary circuit. At the same... more
The institutionalization of a permanent Italian opera house in Copenhagen happened comparatively late for a European capital. The emergence of a new bourgeois audience, which for the first time shared loges with the aristocracy, created... more
Through the mediating element of travel, European and Latin American visual artists contributed to turning the physical space of Harlem into a central metaphor of modernity. Artists such as the German immigrant Winold Reiss, the Mexican... more
Richard Wright's The Color Curtain: A Report on the Bandung Conference has long been a fundamental book in Bandung historiography. As a crucial companion volume to The Color Curtain, Roberts and Foulcher's Indonesian Notebook: A... more
¿Por qué hablar de Guerra Fría en América Latina a más de tres décadas de finalizado el conflicto? ¿Qué podemos extraer de un mundo bipolar para un presente multipolar? En el último lustro acudimos a un escenario en el que las derechas a... more
During the mid-nineteenth century European radicals developed contacts, relationships and networks. They organized activities and plans and propagated discourses and projects that transcended national borders. This article explores this... more
A magyar irodalom utóbbi harmincévnyi romániai recepcióját tár-gyaló tudományos munkák mindegyike érinti azt a problémát, hogy noha 1989 után is jelentős mennyiségű irodalmi alkotást lefordítottak román nyelvre, a megjelent kötetekről... more
The article discusses the participation of the Communist International (Comintern, 1919-1943) in the Caribbean region throughout most of the 1930’s, and argues in favor of an international dimension for local and regional developments... more
Through an analysis of ethnography, material culture and the built environment, this paper elaborates experiences and aspirations of two different population groups with a common ‘temporal’ housing experience: vernacular courtyard houses... more
Beginning in the early 1960s-and especially by the end of the decade-a large number of the ethnic Hmong people in Thailand aligned themselves with the Communist Party of Thailand (CPT). By the 1970s, most of the CPT's "liberated areas"... more
This article sets out to elucidate the role of Japanese Protestants in the education of Koreans during the early twentieth century. Scholarship has often assigned only marginal roles to Japanese Protestants within the history of Japanese... more
Topografías transnacionales propone una nueva aproximación para describir y analizar la dimensión geográfica de las comunidades transnacionales. El libro se sustenta en el extenso trabajo etnográfico realizado en comunidades dispersas... more
Ce recueil monographique d’articles vise à explorer le concept du « transnational » dans le domaine interdisciplinaire des Études Hispaniques et Lusophones. Cette publication est issue du 1er Colloque International de Jeunes Hispanistes... more