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"To study the political forces behind the translation and its process has been one of the thrust areas in the field of Translation Studies .There is always a motivation behind a translation and its construction of meaning. This... more
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      Translation StudiesTranslation and IdeologyLanguage Planning and PolicyLanguage and Ideology
Master's thesis at the University of Colorado Boulder, 2017 This thesis examines the role of translation and the formation of Vajrayāna Buddhist subjects in religious transmission through an analysis of the tantric Buddhist ritual... more
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      Translation StudiesTibetan StudiesTibetan BuddhismRitual Theory
The article discusses the background and implications of the title “the God of Heaven” used as an epithet for YHW in Elephantine. It argues that one should look for the background in the winged symbol used in both Achaemenid and Egyptian... more
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      Cultural EncountersAncient Near EastIsraelite ReligionAchaemenid History
Предмет на анализа на овој труд е Зборникот од областа на теологијата чиј автор е протојереј Јован Таковски. Трудот, прво се осврнува на структурата на Зборникот, односно, на начинот на претставување на термините утврден уште во првиот... more
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      TerminologyOrthodox TheologyTranslationTraduction
Given its role in cultural exchange and the advancement of human civilization, scriptural translation has always been and should continue to be an important part of translation studies. In contemporary China, however, the level of... more
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      BaháiTranslation StudiesTranslationTranslation and translatability of religious texts
A live webinar on translation studies and its implications for Bible translation was held on 20 August 2020. The goal was to answer the question: What insights can Bible translation practitioners glean from the field of translation... more
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      Translation StudiesComplexity TheoryBible TranslationAlterity
Although the difficulties of translating the holy Word are recognized, Bahá'í institutions have always stressed the importance of translation. No approach to biblical or quranic translation corresponds completely to the Bahá'í ideal, just... more
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      TranslationReligious StudiesTranslation and translatability of religious textsBahai Studies
A live webinar on translation studies and its implications for Bible translation was held on 20 August 2020. The goal was to answer the question: What insights can Bible translation practitioners glean from the field of translation... more
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      PsychologyTranslation StudiesComplexity TheoryBible Translation
The 19 th century saw not only a spread of Christianity throughout West Africa, but also the translation of Christian texts into a large number of native languages in the area. Missionaries in the field were frequently involved in... more
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      Sociology of LanguageTranslation and translatability of religious texts
聖典コーランを訳す There is a widespread belief that the Holy Qu'rān cannot be translated, either because of actual linguistic difficulties or because it would be sacrilegious to do so. Nevertheless, significant portions of the Qu'rān have been... more
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      Quranic StudiesIslamic StudiesQuranic and Islamic StudiesTranslation of Islamic Religious Texts
Behind the translated text, there is a process involved which has caused the translation. This process includes who? Why? What? How? Who wants to translate and why, how and what it is going to translate? From the selection of the text to... more
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      Translation StudiesTranslation and IdeologyBible TranslationTranslation and Interpretation
Language is the depository for the identity of a community: from the simplest oral, daily formulas, to the scriptural spiritual legacy preserved in literary and cultic texts, language encompasses the defining conceptions and discursive... more
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      Translation StudiesBible TranslationBible TranslationsLanguage and Identity
The study aims at examining the problems the Qur?an translators encounter while translating the Qur?an. It is based on the translation of professional translator namely, Yusuf Ali. The translated text is compared to the original text to... more
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      Translation StudiesTranslation theoryArabic-English translationTranslation and translatability of religious texts