Traditionalist Conservatism
Recent papers in Traditionalist Conservatism
'אהבה, שמחה תמימות ומסורתנות: קווים לשיטת המוסר של ר' משה רוזנשטיין מלומז'ה', דוד אסף ועדה רפופורט אלברט (עורכים), ישן מפני חדש, הוצאת מרכז זלמן שזר, ירושלים תשס"ט, כרך א, עמ' 279-251.
ПОЛИТИЧКА РЕВИЈА POLITICAL REVIEW Година (XXIX) XVI, vol=51 Бр. 1 / 2017. стр. 245-253. -245 --245 -* Истраживач сарадник Ду шанДо ста нић * Ин сти тутзапо ли тич кесту ди је,Бе о град КА КОБИ ТИКОН ЗЕР ВА ТИ ВАЦ При каз књи ге: Ro ger... more
El afán de dar prioridad temporal al nacionalismo liberal sobre el nacionalismo reaccionario —y, más en concreto, de afirmar que el «nacionalcatolicismo» no surgió hasta la segunda mitad del xix— ha llevado a la historiografía reciente a... more
"* Preface *: What makes laws endure or change? When a law changes, how does a tradition of legal interpretation justify the innovation in light of its legal precedents and foundational texts? What is the function of the reasons given... more
Türk düşünce dünyasında önemli bir yer ve geleneğe sahip olan Cemil Meriç'in, gelenek ve modernité arasında bir bağ kurma çabasinin yanında, muhafazakarlığa yakin yönüyle de ele alınması gerekmektedir. Meriç'in, geleneği korumanın yanında... more
Resumen El presente trabajo tiene como fin reflexionar brevemente sobre las causas de la crisis de la sociedad occidental contemporánea a partir del pensamiento de Wilhelm Röpke y Russell Kirk. Sendos aportes, desde diferentes contextos... more
Through a synthesis of fledgling theories of post-truth (author, 2006, 2014, 2016, 2017) developing around Donald Trump and Brexit and theories of emotions in populism, I analyze the right-wing French movement La Manif Pour Tous, and... more
Illiberal Democracy in Indonesia charts the origins and development of organicist ideologies in Indonesia from the early 20th century to the present. In doing so, it provides a background to the theories and ideology that informed... more
Sponsored by the elected hereditary peer Lord Lucas (12th Baron Lucas and 8th Lord Dingwall) The Equality (Titles) Bill was a private member’s bill to: “make provision for the succession of female heirs to hereditary titles; for... more
Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) have recently witnessed a surge in protest, mobilization, and debates about marriage, abortion, gender, and feminism. This politics of morality has been notably more successful in the east than in the west... more
This essay gives an account of how traditional morality is best understood and also why it is worth defending (even if some reform is needed) and how this might be done. Traditional morality is first contrasted with supposedly more... more
During the first half of the 19th century in Germany, but especially in Prussia, reforming (i.e. re-structuring) the nobility was discussed as a possible solution for soothing the pondering elite conflicts with the rising bourgeoisie.... more
Edmund Burke's defense of moral traditionalism is shown to rest upon two controversial premises regarding the effects of cultural and legal traditions: first, that the observation of traditions is necessary in order to preserve civil... more
The battle to eliminate Christmas and other festive occasions that in part define America as a nation can no longer be ignored. Finally, most Americans are waking up to this threat. However, this cultural danger did not show up out of... more
Kritische Bestandsaufnahme und Sichtung einer metapolitischen Debatte
This paper undertakes a comparative analysis of nationalist and radical rightist movements in Greece from the 1920s to the present date. The research considers the conditions of their existence as well as the causes and circumstances of... more
A small number of scholars have noted T. S. Eliot's anticipation of the hermeneutical theory later articulated by the philosopher Hans-Georg Gadamer. Eliot similarly concerns himself with the epistemological assumptions of positivism in... more
Gilbert 22:2 (November-December 2018): 7. A biographical sketch of the "Sage of Mecosta," Russell Amos Kirk, in which I discuss his career as a political theorist and commentator, as well as his religious outlook and his self-conception... more
"Gerd-Klaus Kaltenbrunner’s Work and Thought" is an interview in which we asked Martin J. Grannenfeld questions about the writings and philosophy of Gerd-Klaus Kaltenbrunner, an Austrian Catholic Traditionalist philosopher who was... more
In the past decades, both national and international developments come to the forefront adverting the main problems about homosexual presence. Specific countries have fostered important rights to gay people while some countries enacted... more
Настоящая статья посвящена истории итальянского кинематографического искусства 1950-1980-х гг. и творчеству выдающегося актера и режиссера Альберто Сорди. Автор предпринял попытку дать историко-философскую оценку кинематографу Италии,... more
Философия • 2017. Вып. 3 (10). Филология. История. Философия • 91 ББК 86.35+87.3(4/8)
Anthropologists as well as plain people often use the concepts of tradition/traditional values/traditional culture. They both suppose that tradition is something contraposed modernity/contemporaneity. Really any culture is based on... more
De toute évidence, Les Nouveaux Visages du nationalisme conservateur au Québec de Jean-Marc Piotte et Jean-Pierre Couture s’annonce comme le titre polémique par excellence de la présente saison, si ce n’est pas davantage. Piotte et... more
An important string in the conservative vision is an appreciation of the naturally grown, the personal, the genuine and diversified, the unique and particular; of human bonds and a shared culture and memories; the acknowledgment of a... more Des contradictions philosophiques des anti-« mariage gay » au prisme de la première pensée contre-révolutionnaire,... more
"About the Book: In Superfluous Southerners, John J. Langdale III tells the story of traditionalist conservatism and its boundaries in twentieth-century America. Because this time period encompasses both the rise of the modern... more
The Colombian Regeneration (1886-1900) found in the political and intellectual trajectory of Miguel A. Caro one of its main references. The present article traces a triple critical approach to its philosophical work, always marked by the... more
The famous phrase with which Balzac, in the Foreword to the Comédie humaine, placed the latter under the patronage of the «two eternal Truths: Religion, Monarchy» and, more specifically, under the aegis of Bossuet and Bonald, is... more
En novembre 2020, en opposition à la suspension des messes imposée dans le cadre du second confinement de la France contre la COVID-19, des jeunes catholiques se sont organisés pour protester. Cette tribune propose une analyse des enjeux... more
The Counter-Enlightenment and its corollary, the Counter-Revolution, must not be systematically reduced to some sterile philosophical denial and combat, hoping to return to the former established society, political power and thought,... more
Le ministère Villèle n'est-il mort que d'une coalition unissant royalistes déçus et libéraux en mal d'une revanche sur la "Chambre retrouvée"? La question est plus complexe qu'il n'y paraît, montrant une tentative de gouvernance originale... more