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Two shipwrecks discovered by Odyssey Marine Exploration in the English Channel in 2008 are embedded in the history of the War of the Austrian Succession (1739-48) and specifically the year 1744. The First Rate Royal Navy warship HMS... more
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyMaritime History
Egyptian texts of the Old Kingdom are unfortunately vague in describing foreign geography and trade networks. From the inclusion of toponyms in expeditionary texts, one can broadly reconstruct long distance trade routes from Egypt into... more
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      EgyptologySaharan ArchaeologyNubian-Egyptian RelationsAncient Nubia
European definition of micro, small and medium enterprises as an instrument of the development policy of the enterprise sector – experience, postulates and conclusions for the future The subject of the article is the issue of separating... more
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      East AfricaEuropean UnionPeople's Republic of ChinaUnia Europejska
This study demonstrates how routes over mountain plateaus and passes connected farms, hamlets and regions. The routes enabled wide social and economic networks and were a prerequisite for regional surplus production in the Norwegian... more
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      Medieval ScandinaviaViking Age ScandinaviaTrade Routes
This is an earlier and substantially lengthier version of the European Commission’s Green Paper on Ports and Maritime Infrastructure, which I had prepared as a member of Commissioner Neil Kinnock’s wise men group. The Green Paper has... more
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      BusinessManagementEconomic HistoryTransport Economics
Третя частина статті присвячена вивченню фрагментів літопису 947 року про похід княгині Ольги до Новгорода і встановлення погостів на річці Лузі. Аналізуючи ранні свідоцтва про Новгород, автор стверджує, що мова йде про Новий город на... more
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      Russian StudiesMedieval HistoryEast European studiesUrbanism
This Aztec codex (opposite) depicts Yacatecutli, the god of merchants and travellers (top left). Also known as 'Long Nose' he carries a cross, as a symbol of crossroads. Aztec merchants, or pochtecas, would use a walking stick to make an... more
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      ArchaeologyEconomic AnthropologyTrade Routes
, εκδόσεις Πεδίο, Αθήνα 2013, σ. 544, 17x24 εκ., ISBN: 978-960-546-091-4.
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      Economic HistoryMaritime HistoryShippingMediterranean
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      European HistoryEconomic HistoryTransport EconomicsMedieval History
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      Economic HistoryPharmacologyMedical SciencesPharmacy
The paper presents the problems of the topography of Zawichost in the early Middle Ages. The author discusses archaeological sources associated with the Zawichost-Podgórze settlement complex with the stronghold dated to the period between... more
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      Settlement PatternsEarly Medieval ArchaeologyChurch ArchaeologySettlement archaeology
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      HistoryLiDARArchaeological GISLiDAR for Landscape Archaeology
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      Russian StudiesMedieval HistoryEast European studiesUrbanism
Peer-review. Articoli e note inviati per la pubblicazione alla rivista sono sottoposti -nella forma del doppio anonimato -a peer-review di due esperti, di cui uno almeno esterno al Comitato Scientifico o alla Direzione. Ogni due anni sarà... more
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      Ancient HistoryMaritime HistoryMediterranean StudiesRoman Empire
“Long-range desert travel by donkey or camel was a daring venture in the ancient world, and losing your way could prove just as fatal as losing your waterskin ...” Recent exploration has revealed an amazing network of ancient roads and... more
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      Ancient HistoryAfrican StudiesArchaeologyEgyptology
Illegal wildlife trade is one of the most potentially threatening crimes globally, listing at the third highest criminal activity, next to illegal drug and gun sales. Elephants and Rhinoceros are exploited for their charismatic features... more
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      ElephantsRhinocerosIUCN Red ListIllegal Wildlife Trade
Developments in freight transport and transport infrastructure have a strong influence on economic growth. The Baltic States have recently undergone a transformation from planned economies to market orientation. The interest in the Baltic... more
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      Maritime HistoryBaltic StudiesTransport GeographyBaltic Sea Region Studies
Zusammenfassung/Abstract: Anhand archäologischer Zeugnisse aus Naukratis in Ägypten, von Aigina in der Ägäis und aus Gravisca in Etrurien wird die Spur des Sostratos von Aigina aufgenommen, jenem naúkleros, mit dessen Handelsgewinnen –... more
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      Maritime HistoryAncient economies (Archaeology)MediterraneanAncient Trade & Commerce (Archaeology)
ΔÔ ‰Â ‡ÙÂÚÔ ÌÈÛfi ÙÔ˘ 19Ô˘ ·ÈÒÓ·, ÔÈ ı·Ï¿ÛÛȘ ÌÂÙ·ÊÔÚ¤˜ ÂÈ‚·ÙÒÓ Î·È ÂÌÔÚÂ˘Ì¿ÙˆÓ ÛÙËÓ Â˘Ú ‡ÙÂÚË ÂÚÈÔ¯‹ Ù˘ ªÂÛÔÁ›Ԣ ¤Ú·Û·Ó ·fi ÙËÓ ÂÔ¯‹ ÙÔ˘ ÈÛÙ›Ô˘ ÛÙËÓ ÂÔ¯‹ ÙÔ˘ ·ÙÌÔ ‡. ªÂ Ù· Ù¯ÓÔÏÔÁÈο ÂÈÙ ‡ÁÌ·Ù· Ù˘ ‚ÈÔÌ˯·ÓÈ΋˜ Â·Ó¿ÛÙ·Û˘,... more
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      Maritime HistoryMediterraneanSeafarersPort cities
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      HistoryMaritime HistoryMediterraneanSeafarers
The River Main as route of communication and trade in the early Middle Ages -Fossa Carolina, castles, royal courts and the Karlburg trading place Peter Ettel Mit 10 Abbildungen Inhalt: Fossa Carolina, Burgen und Königshöfe weisen auf die... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval And Medieval Settlement (Archaeology)Canal historyTrade Routes
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      ManagementEconomicsSupply Chain ManagementInternational Business
Inventory of marine archaeological sites discovered in the province of Nampula, including the Island of Mozambique, during the archaeological surveys from 2001 to 2013. The list comprises 45 wreck sites of archaeological importance. Also... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyPortuguese StudiesAfrican HistoryPortuguese Colonialism and Decolonizaton
1528 y›l›nda bin kiflinin biraz üstündeki nüfusuyla köy irisi bir kasaba görünümündeydi ‹zmir. Ancak sadece 50 y›l sonra bafllayan h›zl› bir geliflim ve dönüflüm süreci, bu küçük yerleflim birimini bütün Akdeniz'in ticaret a¤›n›n merkezi... more
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      Ottoman HistoryMaritime HistoryOttoman StudiesMediterranean
Universitetet i Bergen Forord Når denne hovedoppgaven nå går i trykken, er det mange som må takkes. Først og fremst har min veileder, Nils Kolle, gitt meg meget god og engasjert hjelp hele veien.
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      Maritime HistoryMediterraneanNorwegian HistorySeafarers
The present paper explores the shifting roles and understandings of the Singapore Straits from the latter Middle Ages until the opening decades of the eighteenth century. In pursuing this task, I will develop a set of basic questions that... more
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      BusinessHistoryEconomic HistoryDiplomatic History
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      History of TextilesModern and Contemporary JapanPhilippinesChina studies
Features Itinerario, first published in 1596 by Dutchman Jan Huygen van Linschoten. The publication is valued for revealing directions into the trade routes of the East, besides its beautiful engravings and early modern maps which... more
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      HistoryCultural StudiesSoutheast Asian StudiesMaritime History
Archäologische Nachrichten 2020 | Impressum/Vorwort 8 | 8 | Herausgeber des 26. Heftes © Archäologisches Landesamt Schleswig-Holstein (ALSH), Schleswig
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      Pilgrimage RoutesEarly Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyBronze Age (Archaeology)
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      Maritime HistoryMediterraneanGlobal HistorySeafarers
In the thesis study examining the strategic importance of Trans-Caucasia in terms of the future of historical trade routes, the history of trade routes and the role of regions in the development of these routes are mentioned, and the... more
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      EconomicsCaucasusHistory of EconomicsGeorgia
Der Name "Seidenstraße(n)" geht auf den deutschen Geographen und Kolonialisten Ferdinand von Richthofen (1833Richthofen ( -1905 zurück und ist die Bezeichnung für ein System von Handelswegen, welche den Raum des heutigen China in der... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryInternational TradeCentral Asian Studies
Nel corso degli ultimi decenni il processo di globalizzazione dell’economia mondiale ha portato ad una crescita del commercio internazionale. Le ragioni di questo sviluppo sono molteplici: il decentramento delle attività produttive, le... more
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      Maritime HistoryMediterraneanSeafarersPort cities
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      Eurasian NomadsMedieval tradeHistory of the Volga-Kama RegionEarly medieval Eurasia
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      Ancient HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesArchaeology
R ealizar una puesta a punto en los estudios sobre el tema que nos ocupa supone un doble riesgo ineludible: por un lado, la posibilidad de caer en la superficialidad de una mera mención de cuestiones y fichas bibliográficas; por el otro,... more
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      Archaeology of Roman HispaniaRoman SpainTravelsAncient Roman economy, trade and commerce
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      Early Modern HistoryCultural LandscapesSouth Asian ArchaeologyHyderabad
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      Marine BiologyPhysical GeographyMediterranean prehistoryMaritime History
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      Maritime ArchaeologyMaritime HistoryRoman PotteryAegean Archaeology
Maritime history of the waters of the Kattegat and Skagerrak, the straits between the North Sea and the Baltic. The book examines the impact of war on everyday life in Norway, Sweden and Denmark between 1550 and 1914.
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      Nordic HistoryMaritime HistoryEnvironmental HistoryShipping
Since the mid-1970s a Bronze Age assemblage of metal objects has been recovered from the seabed off the south Devon coast at Salcombe, southwest England. The assemblage spans two suspected shipwreck events and comprises nearly 400 pieces... more
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      ArchaeologyStable Isotope AnalysisRecyclingStable Isotopes
Persistence and change are necessary for the stability and development of both the human individual and the human society, since the beginnings of human history. Man needs a static framework, which, related to his self-awareness, defines... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyEgyptology
Zamki średniowiecznego pogranicza polskowęgierskiego, w ujęciu archeologii historycznej Praca Licencjacka napisana w Zakładzie Archeologii Powszechnej pod kierunkiem dr Przemysława Nocunia Kraków 2010 Od ponad stu lat, temat budowli... more
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      History of Hungaryhistory of PolandMedieval castlesMideval Trade Routes
This paper examines several interrelated aspects of maritime connectivity within the Roman Mediterranean. First, it considers Fulford’s suggestion of a divide between eastern and western trading zones along the North African coast in the... more
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyClassicsMaritime History
Circulations monétaires et réseaux d'échanges en Normandie et dans le Nord-Ouest européen (Antiquité-Moyen Âge) © P r e s s e s u n i v e r s i t a i r e s d e C a e n
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      High Middle AgesHagiographyMaritime HistoryNumismatics
This paper examines several interrelated aspects of maritime connectivity within the Roman Mediterranean. First, it considers Fulford’s suggestion of a divide between eastern and western trading zones along the North African coast in the... more
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyClassicsMaritime History
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Maritime RoutesLate Bronze Age archaeologyLate Roman Archaeology
Devotion to the goddess Tanit/Tinnit, a permutation of Astarte, took place in Mediterranean cave sanctuaries and on Phoenician ships. Employing both material and textual evidence, it is argued that her worship at sea and at port required... more
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyTheologyNew Testament
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesPilgrimagePilgrimage Routes