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The States develop various policies aiming at tourism sustainable development. These policies approach tourism development as ecologically acceptable, economically viable and socially and morally fair for the host communities. In this way... more
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      Tourism and LawTravel, Tourism and Hospitality Law
El turismo es una actividad cuyos efectos sobre el bienestar de las personas, también mediados por el entorno, han sido ampliamente documentados. Bajo esta perspectiva, las características y expectativas de los turistas, junto con la... more
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      Tourism StudiesDisability StudiesDisabilityMexico
"This study examines the notion of administrative sanctions in Greece’s tourism sector. It reviews and analyses the sanctions imposed by the administrative bodies on the main types of enterprises comprising the sector in hand. Those... more
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      Tourism and LawTravel, Tourism and Hospitality Law
This publication offers the outcome of a research carried out by a group of students of the first year of the Master Degree in Sustainability and Tourism Management (MaST) of the University of Trento, who attended the course of Tourism... more
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      Tourism MarketingTourism ManagementPrivate lawTourism
The research titled " Legal Arrangements of the Privatization of Coastal Line by Entrepreneur Tourism in Bali Province ". This research is motivated by the practice of privatization of tourism entrepreneurs on the coastal line in the... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism and LawLaws About TourismTourism law
Documento sobre la historia del sometimiento de la lúdica a la normatividad, como un todo en Colombia desde la mirada analítica y esto debe hacerse desde una aproximación a la “Vieja-Nueva-Historia”.
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      Constitutional LawTourism StudiesInternational LawCultural Tourism
Discussion of advantages and disadvantages that social media potentially brings to the tourism sector.
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      Tourism MarketingEtourismSocial Media MarketingEmarketing and Etourism
Tipos de Sociedades Comerciales, Paralelo de sus características diferencias (Ltda., S.A., Comanditas, S.A.S., Colectivas)
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      Tourism StudiesColombiaTurismoTourism and Law
Pariwisata merupakan primadona untuk perekonomian Indonesia yang dapat menunjang pendapatan negara dalam hitungan cepat atau instan dan dinilai sangat efisien. Pasar global telah membuat negara-negara di dunia berlomba-lomba membuat... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism and LawLaws About TourismTourism law
In I. Chatzigiannakis et al. (Eds.). Intelligent Environments 2018. Amsterdam: IOS Press, pp. 298-307.
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      PrivacyPERSONAL DATA PROTECTIONInformation Security and PrivacyData Protection
Artigo publicado em "MediaLaws – Rivista di diritto dei media" (ISSN 2532-9146), 2/2018, pp. 251 a 266; e em Carvalho, Maria Miguel (Ed.). "Law and Technology – E.Tec Yearbook" (ISSN 2184-4062). Centro de Investigação em Justiça e... more
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      Tourism StudiesPrivacyPERSONAL DATA PROTECTIONInformation Security and Privacy
Artigo publicado como "Autor(es) Convidado(s)" no primeiro número da Nova Série da "SAPERE AUDE - Revista das áreas de Direito, Filosofia e Sociologia" (ISSN: 2316-6266), agora vinculada à Pós-Graduação 'Stricto Sensu' (Doutorado) da... more
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      Tourism StudiesPrivacyPERSONAL DATA PROTECTIONInformation Security and Privacy
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      Tourism StudiesTourism and LawTravel, Tourism and Hospitality LawTourism Law management
We aim to update and deliver a feasible strategic plan for the legal treatment of the relationship between tourism and cultural heritage
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      Tourism StudiesCultural HeritageHeritage TourismEnvironmental Sustainability
El turismo en Colombia es un derecho y tiene ahora un componente jurídico. Se institucionalizó. Está regulado por normas porque la Constitución así lo estableció. TEMA 1.-LA NORMA O REGLA DEL OCIO Y DEL TURISMO La norma que regula el... more
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      Constitutional LawTourism StudiesColombiaTourism
Berdasarkan paparan dalam bab-bab sebelumnya yang mengacu pada Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 10 Tahun 2009 tentang Kepariwisataan, khususnya pasal 20 (huruf a, b, c, d); 21; dan 23 (huruf c), dapat disimpulkan bahwa masih banyak... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourismTourism and LawPariwisata
Comunicação apresentada no "II Congresso Mundial de Destinos Turísticos Inteligentes", da Organização Mundial do Turismo, realizado em Oviedo, Espanha, dia 25 de junho de 2018. A mesma foi publicada no Anuário da Proteção de Dados 2019,... more
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      Tourism StudiesPrivacyPERSONAL DATA PROTECTIONEuropean Union Law
Con la creación de la Ley 300 de 1996 asistimos a la generación de un estatuto sobre el derecho turístico en Colombia, que extrañamente ha sido objeto de escasos estudios académicos y jurídicos, lo que evidencia poco interés de los... more
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      ColombiaTourism and LawDerecho del turismoTravel, Tourism and Hospitality Law
Las normas técnicas sectoriales son de propiedad exclusiva de las Unidades Sectoriales de Normalización por lo tanto está prohibida su reproducción y cualquier uso que se haga de ellas debe contar con la aprobación de la correspondiente... more
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      Tourism ManagementInternational LawTourismTourism and Law
Con la creación de la Ley 300 de 1996 asistimos a la generación de un estatuto sobre el derecho turístico en Colombia, este fue actualizado en 2012 con la perspectiva de convertir este sector en el mayor generador de divisas para el país... more
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      ColombiaTourism and LawDerecho del turismoTravel, Tourism and Hospitality Law
Bali Province is a province that relies on regional revenue in the tourism sector. Equitable development between North Bali South Bali require assistance through the form of government policy. One of the Bali provincial government policy... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism and LawLaws About TourismTourism law
"ABSTRACT An important position is held in tourist activities by the profession of a tour guide. The role of the tour guide is connected with various and diverse social roles. Therefore, the profession of a tour guide requires high... more
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      Tourism and LawTour guides
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo el estudio de los regímenes locales especiales en materia de turismo: desde los tradicionales municipios turísticos a nuevas fi-guras incorporadas en la legislación turística y de comercio, con diferentes... more
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      TurismoTourism and LawMunicipiosDerecho del turismo
 Domagoj Cingula Publisher  Design  Print 
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      Tourism StudiesInternational LawAviation LawTourism and Law
Conferência ao VI Congresso Luso-Brasileiro de Direitos Humanos na Sociedade da Informação. Convento de Cristo, Tomar. Dia 14 de fevereiro de 2019.
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      Surveillance StudiesEtourismPERSONAL DATA PROTECTIONEuropean Union Law
Penelitian ini berjudul "Kebijakan Pemerintah Provinsi Bali dalam Mengendalikan Arogansi Local Tour Guide di Pura Besakih“. Dilatarbelakangi oleh pengembangan Kawasan Suci Pura Besakih sebagai Dayat Tarik Wisata. Pengelola Kawasan Suci... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism Planning and PolicyTourismTourism and Law
Dilatarbelakangi oleh fenomena erupsi Gunung Agung dengan Kawasan Rawan Bencana sejauh 6-8km meliputi 6 Kecamatan yaitu, Kecamatan Kubu, Abang, Karangasem, Bebandem, Selat dan Rendang. Pemulihan melalui pengembangan pariwisata pasca... more
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      Tourism Planning and PolicyTourism and LawTourism law
This Impulse paper on behalf of the European Commission - DG GROW for the Communication on the collaborative economy COM(2016) 365 final, aims to assess the existing regulatory framework for the collaborative economy in the... more
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      European StudiesComparative LawTourism StudiesTourism Management
One country’s government has got a decisive role in the tourism planning. As one of its responsibilities there is the controlling of the activity by creating proper public politics. In order to include every aspect related to tourism in a... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism Planning and PolicyTourism and Law
In Rui A. De Lacerda Badaró (Org.): Turismo e direito: convergências. São Paulo: SENAC, 2004 (ISBN: 9788573593327).
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      Tourism StudiesEuropean LawEuropean Union LawTourism and Law
This article identifes and analyzes the rules on land use in Chile, concluding that they lack coherence, harmony and fullness needed to be called “territorial planning system”, generating a negative impact on tourism development. In this... more
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      Land-use planningOrdenamiento Territorial, Planificacion sectorial y BiodiversidadTerritorial Development and PlanningTourism and Law
En primer término es de resaltar que esta ley amplió significativamente la lista de aportantes de la contribución parafiscal para la promoción del turismo. Los nuevos aportantes son: centros vacacionales, oficinas de representaciones... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism Planning and PolicyInternational LawTourism
This study was conducted to examine the impact of crises and resultant risk perception of tourist on their travel intentions at the world heritage site of Ajanta in Maharashtra by using quantitative method. A taxonomy of underlying... more
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      Tourism and CrimeCrimeTourism and LawTourism law
Artigo publicado em "Comparazione e Diritto Civile" (ISSN 2037-5662), n. 4/2016, pp. 2 a 13. Também publicado na "Revista Direitos Emergentes na Sociedade Global" (ISSN 2316-3054), V. 5. n. 1 (2016), pp. 56 a 70, em AA.VV. (V.... more
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      Contract LawConsumers RightsEcommercePERSONAL DATA PROTECTION
Information at the finger-tips is a common phrase in the society nowadays, thanks to the internet. Internet is one of most effective marketing tool, which every single thing is promoted and advertised using this technology, including the... more
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      LawE TourismTourismTourism and Law
Nusa Penida merupakan kepulauan tropis yang menjadi destinasi wisata dunia dengan keindahan alam yang masih alami. Peningkatan jumlah kunjungan wisatawan dan perkembangan pariwisata secara tidak langsung mendorong tumbuhnya pembangunan... more
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      Tourism ManagementRule of LawBusiness PlanTourism and Law
Como respuesta a las grandes afectaciones que la pandemia ha generado al sector Turismo, el Gobierno de Colombia ha expedido esta nueva Ley. La cual tiene por objeto fomentar la sostenibilidad y la implementación de mecanismos de... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingTourism ManagementTourism Planning and Policy
Este es el ABC del proyecto de ley de modificación de la Ley General de Turismo en Colombia, se destacan varios interrogantes: ¿Por qué es importante este proyecto de ley para el sector turismo? ¿Por qué es necesario incluir el tema de... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingTourism ManagementTourism Planning and Policy
Preserving memory from the visit of a tourist destination plays an important role in tourist activity. In pilgrimage in particular, and in religious tourism in general, the preservation of this memory constitutes a spiritual process... more
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      Tourism and LawReligious TourismTourism law
Comunicação ao Colóquio "Alojamento Local, Plataformas Digitais e Proteção dos Consumidores » Perspetivas Luso-Espanhola". Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 4 de maio de 2018.
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      Hospitality StudiesHospitalityTourism and LawPortuguese Law
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    • Tourism and Law
"The delinquency in hotels is well known both to the professionals of the sector as well as to the clients. The specificity of hotel accommodation as an area of “hospitality” and discretion, providing distinctive tranquility and security... more
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      Tourism and LawTravel, Tourism and Hospitality LawTourism Safety and Security
El ministerio de Industria comercio y turismo [MINCIT] presentó al congreso un proyecto de ley en pro de resolver las grandes afectaciones que la pandemia ha generado al sector Turismo. Este documento contiene lo planteado por el... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingTourism ManagementTourist Behavior
Comunicação apresentada no Seminário Internacional de Direito do Turismo: O Alojamento em Espanha e Portugal, Instituto Politécnico de Beja, Portugal, dia 6 de novembro de 2009.
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      Contract LawHospitality StudiesTourism and LawHospitality Law
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      Cruise TourismEuropean Union LawTourism and LawPortuguese Law
Incentives benefited by tourism establishments operating in the tourism industry within the scope of the incentive law have been addressed and examined in the study. The developments regarding the historical process of tourism incentive... more
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      Tourism ManagementTourism and Law
Comunicação à Conferência Internacional ESHTE/INATEL sobre a Diretiva (UE) 2015/2302, relativa às viagens organizadas e aos serviços de viagem conexos. Lisboa, 11 de outubro de 2016.
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      Tourism StudiesEuropean LawEuropean Union LawTravel
"Mejorar la economía para evitar el suicidio de la humanidad" Papa Francisco[1] Introducción El principio de seguridad jurídica que requiere nuestra inquieta economía se ve reflejado en múltiples leyes, pero tres de ellas forman la lógica... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism and Law
Nos centramos en este trabajo en la hipótesis en la que un tercero publica un comentario o valoración sobre un establecimiento de alojamiento (los denominados reviews) en Internet. Teniendo cuenta que existe la posibilidad de que se... more
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    • Tourism and Law
An important position is held in tourist activities by the profession of a tour guide. The role of the tour guide is connected with various and diverse social roles. Therefore, the profession of a tour guide requires high levels of... more
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    • Tourism and Law