Olaf Tans
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Papers by Olaf Tans
Seeing that socio-legal theory has produced a number of compelling grand theories about law’s development as a body of knowledge, this contribution analyzes legal evolution on the micro-level of decision-making in concrete cases. To that end, law finding is reconstructed as a three stage process of reason-based rule-construction. Legal evolution is argued to stem from the argumentative jumps that are made in this process in order to use what is initially drawn from the body of legal knowledge in new cases. These jumps are justified by additional reasoning that plays a crucial role in that it brings new information to the law finding process. It is explained how this new information gets incorporated in the body of knowledge as a result of discursive maneuvers of legal practitioners.
great difficulty in finding a convincing foundational relation between abstract constitutional provisions and constitutional norms for concrete situations. On the basis of this poor
record, it is hard to comprehend how constitutionalism remains such an influential factor in our polity. This article tries to explain our adherence to the philosophy of constitutional ordering by analysing its function in constitutional discourse.
Books by Olaf Tans
Chapters by Olaf Tans
Seeing that socio-legal theory has produced a number of compelling grand theories about law’s development as a body of knowledge, this contribution analyzes legal evolution on the micro-level of decision-making in concrete cases. To that end, law finding is reconstructed as a three stage process of reason-based rule-construction. Legal evolution is argued to stem from the argumentative jumps that are made in this process in order to use what is initially drawn from the body of legal knowledge in new cases. These jumps are justified by additional reasoning that plays a crucial role in that it brings new information to the law finding process. It is explained how this new information gets incorporated in the body of knowledge as a result of discursive maneuvers of legal practitioners.
great difficulty in finding a convincing foundational relation between abstract constitutional provisions and constitutional norms for concrete situations. On the basis of this poor
record, it is hard to comprehend how constitutionalism remains such an influential factor in our polity. This article tries to explain our adherence to the philosophy of constitutional ordering by analysing its function in constitutional discourse.
na afloop van de verkiezingen in maart 2019, probeert deze
bijdrage grip te krijgen op de veelgehoorde kritiek op de
populistische stijl van politiek bedrijven, aan de hand van
Plato’s bespiegelingen over de rol van mythes in de publieke
sfeer. De filosoof was kritisch over het populaire gebruik
van verhalen door bijvoorbeeld de dichters van zijn
tijd, maar maakte zelf veel gebruik van de verhaalvorm in
zijn zoektocht naar de waarheid c.q. het goede. Het roept
de vraag op wanneer de politieke mythe zuiver en wanneer
onzuiver wordt gebruikt, een vraag waar Plato wel
een abstract maar geen concreet antwoord op geeft. Zijn
genuanceerde blik op de mythe maakt wel duidelijk dat
het populisme zich niet onderscheidt door een gebrek aan
respect voor de feiten, want dat geldt voor de ervaring van
het politieke in het algemeen. Ook kan de klassieke denker
ons leren dat we alleen een positie kunnen bepalen in de
mêlee van beelden en verhalen waar wij tegenwoordig mee
te maken hebben, door de filosofische confrontatie met de
verbeeldingswereld aan te gaan.