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Publication of the stela of Seshen-Nefertem, dated to the end of XXX dynasty or to the beginning of the Ptolemaic Period. The stele, found in the tomb of Sheshonq (Dyn. XXVI), high steward of the god's wife, in the Asasif (TT 27), bears... more
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      EgyptologyEgyptian ArchaeologyLate PeriodSaite Period
This paper publishes three shabti figures of the vizier Paser held in the Petrie Museum of the Egyptian Archaeology (UC39724-39726), together with another nineteen shabtis which are dispersed in four Museums (Egyptian Museum Berlin,... more
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      EgyptologyAncient Egyptian Art and ArchaeologyTitles in Ancient EgyptAncient Egyptian Administration
The Old Kingdom viziers bore the composite title tAyty TAty (n) zAb. Further hieroglyphic signs, such as the phallus-sign and the addition mAa, were appended in some cases to this title. The form of the vizier’s title with the... more
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      Social ChangeEgyptologyEgyptian Art and ArchaeologyOld Kingdom (Egyptology)
'/gl '6s'srl.erdsuoJ'uEAeuE):gt-/t il-al 11 t/rl zrbsu-rapqv{,le.\\eue):/9'01 nl|aililq 1)y'9e^\2ut\ 'gt '0961 'oSEirqJ 14op8utx plo aqt u! allt PUD luDa',De8 '\ 'tl-Zl'1 lDl zlbeu-rapqv T' [eaeue):/9'01 uttallng 3)Y'\eaeue\ '6C... more
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      Old Kingdom (Egyptology)Titles in Ancient Egypt
The title xntj-S occurs from the Old Kingdom down into the 18th Dynasty. The title has enjoyed a few short treatises on its meaning. However, no one has yet brought all the evidence for these individuals together in one study. Moreover,... more
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      EgyptologyOld Kingdom (Egyptology)Titles in Ancient EgyptAncient egyptian titles
The personage of Ptahshepses, who held the vizieral office in the mid-Fifth Dynasty, is well-known to Egyptologists. Through marriage to Princess Khamerernebty, Ptahshepses became the king’s son-in-law and pledged his loyalty to the... more
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      EgyptologyReligion and Social ChangeOld Kingdom (Egyptology)Ancient Egyptian Iconography
This paper presents the first publication for the inscriptions of the statue of PiAy, perhaps from Memphis, dating probably to late Eighteenth or early Nineteenth Dynasty. The statue’s owner, his titles, and status, as well as deities’... more
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      Titles in Ancient EgyptRamesside court society
The sophisticated administration in the age of the pyramid builders offers a remarkable time span for research and a unique opportunity to analyse the dynamics of a complex society in a diachronic perspective. Contrary to traditional... more
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      Ancient HistorySocial ChangeSocial NetworksSocial Networking
ABSTRACT DuMars, Christine Michelle. M.A. The University of Memphis. May 2009. The First Intermediate Period Stela of Ikw and Merimat. Major Professor: Patricia V. Podzorski, PhD. The purpose of this study is to investigate the... more
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      Titles in Ancient EgyptFirst Intermediate PeriodOffering formulaFunery Archaeology
The present volume seeks to indicate novel methods and approaches to analysing and interpreting the agency of individual officials in different periods of ancient Egyptian history. Their activity and careers are observed using different... more
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      Ancient HistorySocial ChangeSocial NetworksSocial Networking
Since its discovery by Battiscombe Gunn, it is believed that Saqqara's Ostrakon is able to improve our understanding of how Egyptians designed curved elements, but the geometric significance of the hieratic values is still uncertain.... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptologyEgyptian Art and ArchaeologyEgyptian Archaeology
The paper deals with the reign of Nyuserre, one of great Old Kingdom rulers who ruled in the mid-Fifth Dynasty. The gradual transformation of Egyptian society took place during this crucial period, and a number of innovations came about... more
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      Social ChangeEgyptologyReligion and Social ChangeOld Kingdom (Egyptology)
Although the scientific discussion about the site and its monuments forms an independent research focus, the archaeological legacy of the Memphite necropolis of the second millennium BC remained uninvestigated for a very long time. The... more
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      Ancient HistorySocial ChangeDigital HumanitiesSocial Networks
Hitherto sparse evidence on Khentytjenenet has been markedly enlarged owing to new excavations of the Czech archaeological mission at Abusir. A recently discovered cluster of individuals holding priestly titles and/or epithets referring... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptologyProsopographyAncient Religion
Since its discovery by Battiscombe Gunn, it is believed that Saqqara's Ostrakon is able to improve our understanding of how Egyptians designed curved elements, but the geometric significance of the hieratic values is still uncertain.... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionHistoryMathematicsGeometry And Topology
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    • Titles in Ancient Egypt
Depuis 50 ans, la Mission archéologique française de Saqqâra fouille inlassablement les sables du désert égyptien. Conçue en 1963 par ses deux éminents fondateurs, Jean Leclant et Jean-Philippe Lauer, elle s’est consacrée longuement à... more
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      EgyptologyAutobiographyCeramic Analysis (Archaeology)Old Kingdom (Egyptology)
L’examen de la stèle de Minhotep Houtoutou (Musée du Caire 17/5/25/7 [S.R. 12041]) et la confrontation avec un passage du papyrus Ermitage 1116-B verso, (38)-(39), permettent d’assurer que Minhotep Houtoutou fut bien un contemporain... more
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      New Kingdom (Egyptology)18th DynastyRamesside PeriodTitles in Ancient Egypt
"The main point is that when one takes into account what we know about ancient Egyptian mathematics (based primarily on the Rhind Papyrus) and what we know about the system of measuring lengths in terms of "cubits," "palms," and "fingers"... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilologyReligionAncient Egyptian Religion
The tomb complex of Princess Sheretnebty was discovered in the non-royal necropolis of Abusir South in the spring season of 2012. 1 The archaeological work on this monument continued in the fall season of 2012, when the whole burial... more
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      Egyptian Art and ArchaeologyTitles in Ancient EgyptAbusirFalse door
Cet article traite de l’appellation matrona stolata / ματρῶνα στολᾶτα et de ses variantes, attestées sur des documents épigraphiques et papyrologiques. On examine la chronologie, entre la fin du IIe s. et la fin du IIIe s. (voire le début... more
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      Women's StudiesWomen's HistoryGreek EpigraphyLatin Epigraphy
A comprehensive illustrated reference guide to Egyptian funerary cones, including the transliteration and translation of the hieroglyphic texts of over 600 examples, together with a note of the tomb number where known. A detailed... more
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      ReligionProsopographyFuneral PracticesNew Kingdom (Archaeology)
Egyptology is becoming a strategic scientific discipline in that it is instructive for contemporary civilization and makes it possible to avoid critical mistakes in its development. However, classical Egyptology tools need to be... more
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      Social ChangeSocial NetworksSocial NetworkingComplex Networks
Publication de la façade d'un mastaba de la VIe dynastie, retrouvé au sud-est du temple royal et représentant Méryrê-Ânkh, prêtre de Pépy I, ainsi que deux de ses fils.
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      EgyptologyEgyptian ArchaeologyFunerary ArchaeologyOld Kingdom (Egyptology)
This paper addresses nine shabtis for the ‘God’s Father’, Panebmontu. Five shabtis are kept at the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology (UC40419, 402054–57). These figures were not published in Petrie’s catalogue of the shabtis of... more
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      Third Intermediate PeriodTitles in Ancient EgyptShabtis - Shawabtis - Ushebtis
Gianluca Del Mastro: Titoli e annotazioni bibliologiche nei papiri greci di Ercolano. Napoli: Centro Internazionale per lo Studio dei Papiri Ercolanensi 'Marcello Gigante' 2014. 437 S. zahlr. Abb. (Cronache Ercolanesi. Suppl. 5.).
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      PapyrologyCodicologyClassical philologyGreek Palaeography
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      EgyptologyEgyptian Art and ArchaeologyGender and SexualityEgyptian History
Workshop “Les célébrations-Hbw en Égypte ancienne : aspects pratiques et rituels” Université de Genève - Musée d’Art et d’Histoire, Genève - 23-24 avril 2015 Le terme ḥb est le plus souvent traduit "fête", bien que ses différentes... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptologyEgyptian Ritual TextsRitual and Performance (Egyptology)
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      Ancient Egyptian HistoryMiddle KingdomSocial History (Ancient Egypt)Middle Kingdom Society
The paper deals with the reign of Nyuserre, one of the great Old Kingdom rulers who ruled in the mid-Fifth Dynasty. A gradual transformation of Egyptian society took place during this crucial period, and a number of innovations came about... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionSocial ChangeEgyptologyReligion and Social Change
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      Titles in Ancient EgyptAncient JewelryEgypt in the first millennium BCEMeroe
The monograph evaluates the results of the archaeological research in the area of the Fifth-Dynasty Tomb AC 26 (formerly known as Pyramid Lepsius no. 23) and Late Sixth-Dynasty structures AC 32 carried out by the Czech Institute of... more
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      AnthropologyArchaeozoologyCeramics (Archaeology)Old Kingdom (Egyptology)
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      EgyptologyEgyptian Art and ArchaeologyGender and SexualityEgyptian History
By focusing on the development of the administration and its changes and turning points during the Old Kingdom period, this contribution proposes a dynamic model of bureaucratic evolution at that time punctuated by several ground-breaking... more
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      Social ChangeEgyptologySocial NetworksComplex Networks
During the reign of Amenhetep III Egypt became a powerful state dictating its policy to neighboring lands and nations. The pharaoh succeeded in creating a well-functioning administrative machine in the capital city. The desire to imitate... more
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      Ancient HistoryEgyptologyNew Kingdom (Egyptology)Ancient Egyptian History
"Power in the 17th dynasty: the title 'Son of Re' and the rethinking of administrative structures in the Second Intermediate Period"
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      Second Intermediate Period (Egyptology)Titles in Ancient EgyptAncient Egyptian Administration
Článek se zabývá vybranými otázkami spojenými s institucí vezirátu a s titulem vezíra ve Staré říši. Ke kompozitnímu vezírskému titulu byly v několika případech připojeny další hieroglyfické znaky. Vezírský titul a přídavky jsou v... more
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      EgyptologyOld Kingdom (Egyptology)Ancient Egyptian HistoryAncient Egyptian Society
The archaeological works in Abusir South, planned for the spring season of 2012, were scheduled to continue in an area explored in 2010, i.e. to the southeast of the Sixth Dynasty tomb of the vizier Qar. 1 In 2010, the tomb of the chief... more
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      EgyptologyEgyptian Art and ArchaeologyOld Kingdom (Egyptology)Titles in Ancient Egypt
This Annual Report includes a comparative discussion of royal names and epithets of the Ptolemies and the Roman emperors, as well as an excursus on  Hadrian's visit to Egypt.
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      EgyptologyPapyrologyEgyptian languageDemotic
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      Text MiningAncient EgyptTitles in Ancient EgyptSinai
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      ArchaeologyEgyptologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyNear Eastern Studies
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      NomadismAncient Graffiti (Archaeology)Borders and FrontiersMiddle Kingdom (Egyptology)
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      Second Intermediate Period (Egyptology)Middle KingdomSocial History (Ancient Egypt)Middle Kingdom Society