18th Dynasty
Recent papers in 18th Dynasty
Sir Flinders Petrie’s excavations at Tell el‐Amarna in Egypt uncovered a large number of glass finds and vitreous debris from areas identified as palace trash heaps and industrial buildings, revealing that as early as the 14th century BC,... more
Eighteenth Dynasty pharaoh Thutmose III conquered the ancient city-state of Megiddo in the late fifteenth-century BC as a part of his first campaign into Syria-Palestine. This victory, part of the first campaign in history for which there... more
Tematem niniejszego opracowania są królewskie pałace Amenhotepa III, jednego z największych władców XVIII dynastii. Założenia te wzniesione zostały na jego polecenie w Tebach, na zachodnim brzegu Nilu. Stanowisko znane pod współczesną... more
"The purpose of this paper is to review the relationships between Egypt and the King- dom of Mitanni (also known as Naharin in Egyptian sources) during the reign of Amenhotep III, King of Egypt (c. 1390- 1352 BCE), and Tushratta,... more
This chapter presents an introduction to Amarna religion, beginning with some main features of pre-Amarna notions of kingship, especially the 18th Dynasty thoughts on the royal /ka/ and divine birth. The following sections describe the... more
After a brief survey of various uses of the sledge in ancient Egypt, the article focuses on the role of this mundane implement in funeral processions. Because of its close association with funerary rites, the sledge was often incorporated... more
"Funerary function of Egyptian Furniture" - Essential results of the unpublished Master-Thesis: Christian E. Loeben, "Die beschrifteten Truhen und Kästen des Tutanchamun" (Inscribed Chests and Boxes of Tutankhamun), Freie Universität... more
The three Hyksos dynasties (XIV, XV, XVI) ruled Egypt approximately from 1750 to 1530 BCE and then disappear abruptly after the death of Pharaoh Seqenenre Taa. One can notice that Egyptian documents unanimously describe the departure of... more
I am proposing the final answer to the question of millennia who the Pharaoh of the Exodus was by establishing common grounds between primary evidence in the religious texts and historical material. Using this approach I also explored... more
The reign of Akhenaten is one of the most controversial of all Egyptian history since only about the co-regency with Amenhotep III there are more than 1200 books and academic articles that have been written. He has thus become the center... more
This paper compiles, in defined categories, the most notable of the women who ruled and influenced Egypt over a period of nearly 3,000 years.
To be or not to be is a crucial question regarding Moses as well as the Exodus because, according to the Bible, the character related to that famous event forms the basis of the Passover which meant the Promised Land for Jews and later... more
During the preparation for the exhibition in the Tut-ankhamun Galleries at the Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM) new evidence occurred for Tutankhamun's parents. The recent examination of the box strip with royal names, sequins from a robe and... more
The early 18th Dynasty was a time of military and political reorganization and consolidation in which signifi cant administrative changes were enacted that were likely designed to support a "powerful and pervasive royal authority." 1... more
Solomon's father-in-law is shown to have been 18 th-Dynasty Thutmose III, who captured and burned Gezer and presented it to his daughter, Solomon's bride, as a wedding present. The reign of Hatshepsut, aunt/stepmother to Thutmose III,... more
Already Wilhelm SPIEGELBERG remarked in his Kunstgeschichte from 1903 that many artistic forms of the early 18th dynasty were inspired by models from the Old- and Middle Kingdom. Since then, many publications pondered on the question of... more
The role and significance of queenship during the New Kingdom is arguably the most prominent throughout ancient Egyptian history, exemplified particularly by the queens of the 18 th dynasty. This essay will focus on the iconographic... more
The Movement of Time. News from the ‘clockmaker’ Amenemhet, in: R. Landgráfová/J. Mynářová (eds.), Rich and Great. Studies in Honour of Anthony J. Spalinger on the Occasion of his 70th Feast of Thot, Prague 2016, 207-231. New edition and... more
Final paper for MA module on Demonology, focusing on snakes and their function in the early Royal Books of the Afterlife
Ilinca Bartos, « Tutankhamun’s Golden Armchair: Its Original Owner and Shape Reconsidered », ENiM 14, 2021, p. 273-284. http://www.enim-egyptologie.fr/?page=enim-14&n=13 Résumé : Il est généralement admis que le fauteuil... more
Very little is known about the administration of the 18th Dynasty crew of royal necropolis workmen, but ostraca inscribed with non-textual identity marks provide a significant source of information for this period. Many of the ostraca are... more
What if Amarna’s Great Aten Temple was not as innovative as often thought? An architectural comparison with Amun Ra’s temple in Luxor and Akhenaten’s first religious complex in East Karnak reveals structural similarities beneath the... more
Numerous workmen’s marks known from ostraca found at the village of Deir el-Medina as well as in the Valley of the Kings are also attested on objects from the tombs around the Deir el-Medina settlement. This paper presents some... more
Sagrillo, Troy Leiland. 2012. “Amenhotep III.” In Dictionary of African biography, edited by Emmanuel Kwaku Akyeampong and Henry Louis Gates. Vol. 1 of 6 vols. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. 205–207.
Este trabajo pretende analizar el origen y naturaleza del pueblo y la élite gobernante que llamamos “hicsos”, así como las características de su dominio sobre Egipto. Nos centramos en la presencia asiática en el Delta Oriental, desde el... more
L’examen de la stèle de Minhotep Houtoutou (Musée du Caire 17/5/25/7 [S.R. 12041]) et la confrontation avec un passage du papyrus Ermitage 1116-B verso, (38)-(39), permettent d’assurer que Minhotep Houtoutou fut bien un contemporain... more
This article presents a new examination of the dating elements of the 7th pylon of the temple of Amun-Ra at Karnak, and some new observations concerning its decoration. Traces of amendments to the lists of “captives” carved on the... more
This is the story of a remarkable statue associated with two of the most important cities of the ancient Eastern Mediterranean, Enkomi and Amarna. Made during the Amarna period of various materials, including bronze, it was at some point... more
Hatschepsut, Pharao der 18. Dynastie, wurde von den meisten Ägyptologen über viele Jahre hinweg mit wenig schmeichelhaften Worten betitelt: Der König gilt als "skrupellos", "eitel" und "hinterhältig" oder bestenfalls als "passiv" oder... more
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Results of the 2002 field season of the Ahmose and Tetisheri Project, southern Abydos. Major results included the identification and initial excavation of a previously unknown temple of Queen Ahmose-Nefertary, called Temple C; magnetic... more
Chapter 1 “Literature of the Classical Age” includes seven compositions. They are: “The Tale of the Eloquent Peasant”. Transliteration and translation are given for each of the four sources separately. “The Instruction of Amenemhet I”.... more
Ein altägyptisches Vergangenheitsbewusstsein war bereits häufiger Gegenstand der Forschung, wobei kunsthistorische Betrachtungen (Archaismus), philologische Auswertungen (Textkritik, Textüberlieferung) und politische Überlegungen... more
This conference presentation was published in MDAIK 76-77, 2022, p. 63-82. L'article issu de cette présentation est paru dans MDAIK 76-77, 2022, p. 63-82. Among the most important officials during the reign of Ay is a man named... more
Byen Amarna er på den ene side enestående, eftersom den blev grundlagt i en speciel periode i Ægyptens historie, hvor mange aspekter af den religiøse opfattelse og det kunstneriske udtryk ændredes, hvad der bevirkede ændringer også af... more