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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionAncient Near EastNew Kingdom (Egyptology)Ancient Egyptian History
ABSTRACT: This lecture provides a broader background for the New Kingdom regarding Egyptian society --particularly in the New Kingdom. It starts with an overview of the hierarchical, "pyramidal" structure of Ancient Egyptian society... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyEgyptologyIconography
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      Ancient Egyptian HistoryAncient Egyptian LiteratureAncient EgyptAncient Egyptian Society
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionAncient Egyptian IconographyAncient Egyptian LiteratureAncient Egyptian Art and Archaeology
Making full use of the thousands of documentary texts preserved from Deir el-Medina and its environs, this Handbook explores the methods used by the artisans in the design and creation of exquisitely-crafted tombs for their royal masters,... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionNew Kingdom (Egyptology)Ancient Egyptian ArchitectureAncient Egyptian History
The Old Kingdom viziers bore the composite title tAyty TAty (n) zAb. Further hieroglyphic signs, such as the phallus-sign and the addition mAa, were appended in some cases to this title. The form of the vizier’s title with the... more
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      Social ChangeEgyptologyEgyptian Art and ArchaeologyOld Kingdom (Egyptology)
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      Egyptian ArchaeologyMuseums and Exhibition DesignAncient Egyptian SocietyEgyptology, Deir el Medina, New Kingdom
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionAncient Egyptian HistoryAncient Egyptian LiteratureAncient Egyptian Art and Archaeology
The sophisticated administration in the age of the pyramid builders offers a remarkable time span for research and a unique opportunity to analyse the dynamics of a complex society in a diachronic perspective. Contrary to traditional... more
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      Ancient HistorySocial ChangeSocial NetworksSocial Networking
The present volume seeks to indicate novel methods and approaches to analysing and interpreting the agency of individual officials in different periods of ancient Egyptian history. Their activity and careers are observed using different... more
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      Ancient HistorySocial ChangeSocial NetworksSocial Networking
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      New Kingdom (Egyptology)Ancient Egyptian SocietySlavery In Ancient Egypt
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      Ancient Egyptian HistoryAncient Egyptian LiteratureAncient EgyptAncient Egyptian Society
Trabajo de Máster de Mediterráneo Antiguo de la asignatura Fundamentación religiosa en el Egipto faraónico impartida por el profesor Josep Cervelló.
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptologyEgyptAncient Egyptian Cosmology
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      Ancient Egyptian ArchitectureAncient Egyptian IconographyAncient Egyptian HistoryAncient Egyptian Art and Archaeology
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      EgyptologyWomen's HistoryAncient Egyptian HistoryWomen and Gender Studies
The paper deals with the reign of Nyuserre, one of great Old Kingdom rulers who ruled in the mid-Fifth Dynasty. The gradual transformation of Egyptian society took place during this crucial period, and a number of innovations came about... more
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      Social ChangeEgyptologyReligion and Social ChangeOld Kingdom (Egyptology)
Although the scientific discussion about the site and its monuments forms an independent research focus, the archaeological legacy of the Memphite necropolis of the second millennium BC remained uninvestigated for a very long time. The... more
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      Ancient HistorySocial ChangeDigital HumanitiesSocial Networks
The current state of Egyptological research faces a problem to process the huge volume of data. Researchers have dealt with the datasets consisting of thousands entities. Such a volume cannot be evaluated efficiently and rigorously using... more
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      Social ChangeSocial NetworksData MiningComplex Networks
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionAncient Egyptian HistoryAncient Egyptian languageAncient Egypt
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      Ancient Egyptian HistorySocial History (Ancient Egypt)Ancient Egyptian languageAncient Egypt
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      SociologySocial TheorySociology of CultureEgyptology
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      Ancient HistorySocial HistoryHebrew Bible and Ancient Near EastAncient Egyptian Literature
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      Ancient Egyptian HistoryAncient Egyptian languageAncient EgyptAncient Egyptian Society
ScriptaAntiqua ScriptaAntiqua 132 132 études réunies par études réunies par Estelle GALBOIS et Sylvie ROUGIER-BLANC Estelle GALBOIS et Sylvie ROUGIER-BLANC Maigreur et minceur Maigreur et minceur dans les sociétés anciennes dans les... more
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      EgyptologyEgyptian Art and ArchaeologyOld Kingdom (Egyptology)Ancient Egyptian History
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyEgyptologyPatronage (History)
Egyptology is becoming a strategic scientific discipline in that it is instructive for contemporary civilization and makes it possible to avoid critical mistakes in its development. However, classical Egyptology tools need to be... more
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      Social ChangeSocial NetworksSocial NetworkingComplex Networks
cerning land-tenure and the assessment of agricultural land is the great Wilbour Papyrus, a genuine official register, written in hieratic, dating to year 4 of Ramesses V of the Twentieth Dynasty (1142 nc).l Its great length, excellent... more
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      Ancient Egyptian HistoryAncient Egyptian languageAncient EgyptAncient Egyptian Society
Hatiay, High Priest of Montu and Overseer of Prophets of all the gods, was one of the Ramesside period’s highest dignitary. He is now well known thanks to his tomb in the Abd el-Qurna necropolis, the TT 324. Nonetheless the dating of this... more
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      Ramesses IIAncient Egyptian HistoryTheban TombsRamesside Period
ABSTRACT: Power point lecture-5 introduces the society and government in Ancient Egypt and an additional section on law, crime, and punishment in Ancient Egypt (in a summary form with text and pertinent illustrations), following the broad... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyEgyptologyAnthropology
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      EgyptologyPatronage (History)Old Kingdom (Egyptology)Ancient Egyptian Society
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      Ancient Egyptian Art and ArchaeologyAncient EgyptAncient Egyptian SocietyAncient Egyptian quarries
ABSTRACT: This lecture covers a wide range of topics regarding Old Kingdom Egyptian society and other aspects. It discusses and addresses what features distinguish the king, queen, nobility, officials, and peasants (i.e.,... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyEgyptologyHistory of Technology
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      Ancient economies (Archaeology)Ancient Egyptian HistoryAncient economyAncient Egyptian Literature
تقديــــــــم بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم يُعد التأريخ للحضارة المصرية القديمة بمثابة تشريف ومتعة لصاحبه ، فهي أقدم وأعظم حضارات العالم. وكان أن أثارت الحضارة المصرية إعجاب العالم كله ، فلا غرو أن نجد أمم بأكملها من أكثر الشعوب تقدما... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionAncient HistoryAncient Greek HistoryRoman Egypt
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      Ancient EgyptAncient Egyptian Society
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      EgyptologySociolinguisticsEgyptian languageLate Egyptian
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionAncient Egyptian HistoryAncient Egyptian LiteratureAncient Egyptian language
The paper deals with the reign of Nyuserre, one of the great Old Kingdom rulers who ruled in the mid-Fifth Dynasty. A gradual transformation of Egyptian society took place during this crucial period, and a number of innovations came about... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionSocial ChangeEgyptologyReligion and Social Change
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      Ancient Egyptian HistoryAncient Egyptian Art and ArchaeologyAncient EgyptAncient Egyptian Society
Las estelas privadas del Reino Medio procedentes del sitio de Abidos constituyen hoy en día una de las fuentes más importantes de información para poder analizar, comprender y reconstruir la sociedad egipcia. Es por ello que en este... more
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      EgyptologyAncient Egyptian HistoryAbydosAncient Egyptian Society
Since the beginning of the pharaonic civilization, a recurrent trope in the royal ideology is that of the king defeating the ‘Nine Bows’, the foreign countries surrounding Egypt. Royal and private sources often showed the king’s power by... more
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      Prisoners of WarNew Kingdom (Egyptology)Ancient Egyptian IconographyAncient Egyptian History
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      History Of PropagandaAncient Egyptian HistoryAncient Egyptian LiteratureAncient Egyptian language
Resumen En este artículo se expondrá la vigencia de las proposiciones de Marx y Engels, con sus contradicciones y sus variaciones en el tiempo, respecto del modo de producción asiático. En particular, trataremos la conexión con el proceso... more
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      Ancient Egyptian HistoryAncient Egyptian SocietyAncient Egyptian EconomyKarl Marx Theory of the Mode of Production
By focusing on the development of the administration and its changes and turning points during the Old Kingdom period, this contribution proposes a dynamic model of bureaucratic evolution at that time punctuated by several ground-breaking... more
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      Social ChangeEgyptologySocial NetworksComplex Networks
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      Ancient Egyptian HistoryAncient Egyptian LiteratureAncient Egyptian Art and ArchaeologyAncient Egypt
The modern and occidental perception of friendship can be perceived as clear and understandable to all: it is a notion that is often associated with loyalty, love, patience and mutual comprehension. Was the ancient Egyptian view of... more
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      Friendship StudiesFriendshipAncient Egyptian LiteratureAncient Egyptian Society
The painted walls of the chamber and sarcophagus of Harhotep (CG 28023, originally in the courtyard of TT 314 at Deir el-Bahari) represent one of the most elegant and colourful instances of mortuary decoration of the Middle Kingdom,... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptian Art and ArchaeologyEgyptian ArchaeologyEgyptian History
endnotes 54-73. Although old, Hans Bonnet's Reallexikon der ägyptischen Religionsgeschichte (Berlin: De Gruyter 1952) is extremely informative and detailed, and well worth consulting for any religious topic that might arise; for the... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionAncient Egyptian LiteratureAncient Egyptian languageAncient Egypt
The paper deals with Ptahshepses who built his vast and impressive mastaba in the vicinity of king Nyuserre’s pyramid. The subject has been studied through the prism of Old Kingdom society and in comparison with his contemporaries.... more
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      EgyptologyEgyptian ArchaeologyOld Kingdom (Egyptology)Ancient Egyptian Iconography
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      Third Intermediate PeriodAncient Egyptian Society21st DynastyWoman In Ancient Egypt