Time of Arrival
Recent papers in Time of Arrival
We propose an asynchronous, low cost, and accurate mobility estimation scheme for wireless mobile networks. This scheme considers the round-trip time (RTT) of the signal from the mobile station to the base station as observation and... more
This paper describes the characterisation of a set of 3 He proportional counters differing in gas composition and pressure. Each step of the signal generation in the detector is analysed. Optimal working conditions are defined in order to... more
Two plastic scintillator arrays with fast read-out electronics have been constructed for proton detection in an electron scattering environment. The detectors, one consisting of 47 and the other of 53 scintillators, each subtend a 39 msr... more
Mean square error Time of arrival Cramer-Rao lower bound
Observations of radio emissions from thunderstorms were made during the summer of 1996 using two arrays of sensors located in northern New Mexico. The first array consisted of three fast electric field change meters separated by distances... more
The loose part monitoring system (LPMS) in the primary circuit of the WWER-440 / WWER-1000 as in any other PWR or BWR type of NPP is one of the fundamental and essential to safety diagnostic tools. The purpose of the system is to detect,... more
Various methods are used to locate cloud-to-ground lightning flash. The accuracy of the methods depends on the number of sensor stations, station topology, mathematical model adopted for the analyses, and type of measuring equipment. For... more
Various methods are used to locate cloud-toground lightning flash. The accuracy of the methods depends on the number of sensor stations, station topology, mathematical model adopted for the analyses, and the type of measuring equipment.... more
The time-of-arrival (TOA) estimation ofpulse signals is widely used in radar, sonar and other sensor systems for geo-locating targets. This paper presents a new estimator for the TOA and width (W) of a pulse. Three auto-convolutions of a... more
This paper presents a comparative analysis of three nonlinear filters for estimation of the location and velocity of a moving emitter, using time difference of arrival (TDOA) measurements received by two unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) as... more
The paper addresses the general problem of estimating the position of an underwater target carrying an acoustic emitter by measuring the times of arrival (TOAs) of the acoustic signals at a set of surface buoys equipped with submerged... more
This paper describes a novel approach of a robust and efficient 3D location estimation technique for noncooperative, active or passive RF emitters in a noisy environment with two or more arbitrary shaped arrays. Each array can provide... more
The high time resolution of ultra-wideband (UWB) signals facilitates very precise position estimation in many scenarios, which makes a variety applications possible. This paper reviews the problem of position estimation in UWB systems,... more
Acoustic emission (AE) source location provides a powerful tool for the engineer. Current methods, time of arrival (TOA) location and single sensor modal analysis location (SSMAL), are based on assumptions derived from a simplistic... more
A b s t ra c t The berth scheduling problem deals with the assignment of vessels to berths in a marine terminal, with the objective to maximize the ocean carriers' satisfaction (minimize delays) and/or minimize the terminal operator's... more
Temporal variation in the diet and chick growth of rhinoceros auklets (Cerorhinca monocerata), on Teuri Island, Sea of Japan, was studied to understand how local marine environmental changes aect the reproduction of this piscivorous... more
This paper describes a monolithic integrated transmitter intended for impulse radio (IR) Ultra-wide band (UWB) applications including indoor communication and indoor localization. The transmitter operates in the higher UWB band centered... more
The fractional Fourier transform (FRFT) is a potent tool to analyze the chirp signal. However, it fails in locating the fractional Fourier domain (FRFD)-frequency contents which is required in some applications. The short-time fractional... more
1] The arrival times at Earth of 166 flare-related shocks identified exiting the Sun (using metric radio drift data) during the maximum phase of Solar Cycle 23, were forecast in near-real time using the Shock Time of Arrival Model (STOA),... more
The near-continuous record of the New Zealand terrestrial flora since the landmass broke away from Gondwana provides an excellent opportunity to assess the history of the pteridophyte flora in the region. A database of all published... more
The signal emitted by an airborne acoustic source arrives at a stationary sensor located above a flat ground via a direct path and a ground-reflected path. The difference in the times of arrival of the direct path and ground-reflected... more
An imager for time-resolved optical sensing was fabricated in CMOS technology. The sensor comprises an array of 128 2 128 single-photon pixels, a bank of 32 time-to-digital-converters, and a 7.68 Gbps readout system. Thanks to the... more
Scheduling aircraft landings has been a complex and challenging problem in air traffic control for long time. In this paper, we propose to solve the aircraft landing scheduling problem (ALSP) using multi-objective evolutionary algorithms... more
Cardiac surgery (PCS) has a low error tolerance, is dependent upon sophisticated organisational structures and demands high levels of cognitive and technical performance. The aim of the study was to assess the role of intraoperative... more
This paper investigates the impact of realistic antennas on joint anchor-less localization and indoor characterization based on Impulse Radio (IR) Ultra Wideband (UWB) communications. In this frame, the Maximum Averaged Likelihood (MAL)... more
Positioning algorithms and their implementation in mobile networks are being investigated in the literature due to their importance in location services. Nowadays, the need for superior accuracy has cast attention to hybrid positioning... more
The signal emitted by an airborne acoustic source arrives at a stationary sensor located above a flat ground via a direct path and a ground-reflected path. The difference in the times of arrival of the direct path and ground-reflected... more
This paper presents a ranging receiver architecture able to timestamp IEEE 802.11b Wireless LAN signals with sub-100 picosecond precision enabling time-based range measurements. Starting from the signal model, the performance of the... more
Means for the continuous monitoring of seismic phase velocity to precision finer than one part in 104 have been used to detect in situ periodic velocity variations apparently related to solid earth tides. The magnitude of the velocity... more
is an Associate of the Centre.
The paper contains a proposal for an energy and time representation. We construct modes that correspond to fuzzy distributions around discrete values of energy or time. The modes form an orthogonal and complete set in the space of square... more
Methods of heat detection were compared in the Mid- Crest Area Cattle Evaluation Program (MACEP) heifer development program in the 1998-breeding season. A total of 189 heifers from thirteen consignors entered the program on November 10,... more
Accuracy of ordinary sensor node localization in wireless sensor networks mainly depends on the signal parameter such as time-of-arrival and signal strength estimation errors and the accuracy of the anchor node locations. In this paper a... more
We study the construction of probability densities for time-of-arrival in quantum mechanics. Our treatment is based upon the facts that (i) time appears in quantum theory as an external parameter to the system, and (ii) propositions about... more