Fading Channel
Recent papers in Fading Channel
This letter finds the relation between different parameters that characterize the reverberation chamber as a channel emulator for over-the-air (OTA) testing of wireless devices and components. It is shown experimentally for the first time... more
Modern wireless communication demands reliable data communication at high throughput in severe channel conditions like narrowband interference, frequency selective fading due to multipath and attenuation of high frequencies. Traditional... more
We present closed-form expressions for the average bit error probability (ABEP) of BPSK, QPSK and M -QAM of an amplify-and-forward average power scaling dual-hop relay transmission, over non-identical Nakagami-m fading channels, with... more
The increasing need of high data rate transmissions over time or frequency selective fading channels has drawn attention to modulation schemes with high spectral efficiency such as QAM. With the aim of increasing the 'diversity order' of... more
1639 the average frequency distribution H avg (s) := (1=N ) N i=1 H(s; i):
In this work, we study coding over a class of two-user broadcast channels (BCs) with additive white Gaussian noise and multiplicative fading known at the receivers only. Joint decoding of low-density paritycheck (LDPC) codes is analyzed.... more
A statistical discrete-time model is proposed for simulating wideband multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) fading channels which are triply selective due to angle spread, Doppler spread, and delay spread. The new discrete-time MIMO... more
In this work, we present a framework analysis of millimeter waves (mmWaves) vehicular communications systems. Communications between vehicles take place through a cooperative relay which acts as an intermediary base station (BS). The... more
This letter studies the effect of quantized channel state information (CSI) feedback on the average rate of correlated channels. Demonstrating the general rate optimization problem, the results are obtained for both delayed and delay-free... more
This paper addresses the problem of wireless transmission of a captured scene from multiple cameras, which do not communicate among each other, to a joint decoder. Correlation among different camera views calls for distributed source... more
Ionospheric scintillation induces distortion onto RF communication and radar signals that propagate through the ionospheric medium. Unless properly accounted for, this scintillation may greatly impact the performance of military and... more
In this work, we study the performance of free space optical links with fading statistics modelled by the negative exponential distribution which describes channels under strong atmospheric turbulence conditions. We investigate the... more
Secrecy capacity is a fundamental informationtheoretic performance metric to predict the maximum data rate of reliable communication, while the intended message is not revealed to the eavesdropper. Motivated by this consideration, in this... more
In this work, a channel estimation technique based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) has been proposed as an alternative to pilot based channel estimation technique for Space-Time Block Coded Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (STBC-MIMO)... more
In this work, a channel estimation technique based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) has been proposed as an alternative to pilot based channel estimation technique for Space-Time Block Coded Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (STBC- MIMO)... more
We study the problem of communication reliability and diversity in multi-hop wireless networks. Our aim is to develop a new network model that better takes into account the fading nature of the wireless physical layer. To that end, we use... more
When the mechanisms of fading channels were first modeled in the 1950s and 1960s, the ideas were primarily applied to over-the-horizon communications covering a wide range of frequency bands. The 3-30 MHz high-frequency (HF) band is used... more
Achieving optimal performance is a paramount concern in wireless networks. One of the strategies is to use wireless empirical models to predict wireless link quality factors such as path loss and the received power in any given... more
Information flow in a telecommunication network is accomplished through the interaction of mechanisms at various design layers with the end goal of supporting the information exchange needs of the applications. In wireless networks in... more
Ascertaining on the suitability of the Weibull distribution to model fading channels, a theoretical framework for a class of multivariate Weibull distributions, originated from Gaussian random processes, is introduced and analyzed. Novel... more
Radio waves or radio signals propagate through the atmosphere in wireless communication. They are affected mostly by variability in radio refractivity which leads to a decrease in their speed or rate of propagation which eventually cause... more
Diversity methods provide the receiver with independently faded copies of the transmitted signal with the expectation that at least one of these replicas will be received correctly. There are ranges of techniques available through which... more
The presented research paper aims to analyze the channel capacity of a MIMO System in Rayleigh fading channel with different antenna nodes and spacing. It is argued that an implementable model is not readily available in the evaluated... more
This letter addresses the problem of energy detection of an unknown signal over a multipath channel. It starts with the no-diversity case, and presents some alternative closed-form expressions for the probability of detection to those... more
In emerging cognitive radio (CR) networks, the first cognitive task preceding any dynamic spectrum management is the sensing and identification of spectrum holes in wireless environments. This paper develops a distributed compressed... more
In orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems over fast-varying fading channels, channel estimation and tracking is generally carried out by transmitting known pilot symbols in given positions of the frequency-time grid.... more
In a companion paper, we showed the existence of decoding thresholds for maximum-likelihood (ML) decoding of a serial concatenated trellis-coded modulation (SCTCM) system with one or more inner accumulate codes. In this paper, we compute... more
In this article, we derive six distinct series representations of the generalized Nuttall Q-function. Interestingly, some of these expressions generalise some of the recent results on series representation of the Marcum Q-function since... more
In the fading channels, it is found via computer simulation that the performance of the Convolution interleaved based OFDM systems outperform than that of CRC interleaved OFDM system as well as uncoded OFDM channels.
A sensitivity analysis of two distortionless beamformers is presented in this paper 1 . Specifically, two well-known variants, namely the minimum power distortionless response (MPDR) and minimum variance distortionless response (MVDR)... more
Aperture extension (interferometry baseline extension) is achieved in this novel ESPRIT-based two-dimensional (2-D) arrival angle estimation scheme using a sparse (a.k.a., thin or thinned) uniform rectangular array of electromagnetic... more
A technique intended to increase the diversity order of Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulations (BICM) over non Gaussian channels is presented. It introduces simple modifications to the mapper and to the corresponding demapper. They consist of... more
We consider the design of channel codes for improving the data rate and/or the reliability of communications over fading channels using multiple transmit antennas. Data is encoded by a channel code and the encoded data is split into n... more
M. Dohler is with CTTC, Parc Mediterrani de la Tecnologia, Av. Canal Olimpic S/N, Abstract This letter addresses the problem of finding a tractable expression for the symbol error outage (SEO) in flat Nakagami-m fading and shadowing... more
The combination of space-time coding (STC) and smart antenna technology promises an enhanced performance in terms of power and spectral efficiency. However, with STC transmit diversity, each co-channel interferer (CCI) will produce more... more
This paper investigates the impact of residual transceiver hardware impairments (RTHIs) on cooperative non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) networks, where generic α − µ fading channel is considered. To be practical, imperfect channel... more
In future packet based wireless communication systems, transmission in the downlink will often dominate the traffic load. An obstacle in this context is the time-variability of the channel.
We investigate the performance and design of free-space optical (FSO) communication links over slow fading channels from an information theory perspective. A statistical model for the optical intensity fluctuation at the receiver due to... more
We obtain the (Shannon) optimal power and rate allocation strategies for the uplink on single cell systems. For an N user system, we show that successive decoding which is independent of channel state is optimal in the Shannon sense.... more