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mapping in relation with informal settlement upgrading based on information gathered from the residents of the informal settlement. Furthermore, the application of GIS spatial analysis in different informal settlement problems is... more
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      Urban PlanningThiessen PolygonsInformal SettlementsDistance Matrix
mapping in relation with informal settlement upgrading based on information gathered from the residents of the informal settlement. Furthermore, the application of GIS spatial analysis in different informal settlement problems is... more
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      Spatial AnalysisThiessen PolygonsInformal SettlementsDistance Matrix
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      VenezuelaThiessen PolygonsGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are powerful tools in the field of invasive species management. GIS can be used to create potential distribution maps for all manner of taxa, including plants, animals, and diseases. GIS also... more
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      Invasive SpeciesUnited StatesField SurveyThiessen Polygons
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Abstract— The estimation of areal rainfall is an important part of solving various hydrological problems utilizing rainfall-runoff and other models. Traditionally used Thiessen polygons (TP) method proved to be inaccurate mainly in... more
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      EngineeringThiessen PolygonsInterpolationInverse Distance Weighting
RÉSUMÉ – La grande majorité des reliefs de la région du Sartenais, au sud-ouest de la Corse, a connu une occupation au cours de l’âge du Bronze et/ou de l’âge du Fer. Ces gisements ont, pour la plupart, été l’objet de sondages ou de... more
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      ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologySettlement PatternsAncient economies (Archaeology)
The nearly complete list of Medieval settlements in a study area of the Bergisches Land, Germany, and a historical map of 1715 form the basis for analysing the settlement pattern of Medieval and early modern farms in this rural region.... more
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      Settlement PatternsArchaeological Predictive ModelingThiessen PolygonsKolmogorov-Smirnov test
Forest regeneration is a spatial multifaceted process with numerous unknown variables. The individual area or the area potentially available (APA) to an individual plant embodies an idea widely used in population ecology but it has fewer... more
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      Forest EcologyThiessen PolygonsPlant competitionSpatial Distribution
It is a typical Mediterranean phenomenon that modern cities are built on top of ancient cities. Snapshots of this palimpsest are viewed sometimes during the implementation of construction projects, primarily building permits, which... more
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      Spatial AnalysisUrban PlanningArchaeological GISUrban archaeology
For part of Bergisches Land east of Cologne, Germany, the maps by Ploennies finished in 1715 AD and the accompanying text provide detailed data for testing approaches used in archaeology for determining the boundaries of agrarian... more
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      TriangulationThiessen PolygonsSite Catchment AnalysisVoronoi Diagrams
[Viking Age settlement around Kattegat and Skagerrak - An attempt of mapping] This article presents an interdisciplinary method for historical settlement studies of regions and periods with hardly any extant written records. With a... more
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      Historical GeographyPhysical GeographyHistorical DemographyResearch Methodology
La estimación del valor esperado de una función sobre áreas geográficas es un problema que data de tiempo atrás. Hasta principios del siglo XX el método más común solía ser calcular la media aritmética de las medidas obtenidas en el... more
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      Thiessen PolygonsQuadratureApproxiamtion of Quadrature rulesHidrology
La estimación del valor esperado de una función sobre áreas geográficas es un problema que data de tiempo atrás. Hasta principios del siglo XX el método más común solía ser calcular la media aritmética de las medidas obtenidas en el... more
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      Thiessen PolygonsQuadratureApproxiamtion of Quadrature rulesHidrology
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      Landscape ArchaeologySpace and PlaceEnvironmental StudiesSettlement Patterns
Fire scars are used widely to reconstruct historical fire regime parameters in forests around the world. Because fire scars provide incomplete records of past fire occurrence at discrete points in space, inferences must be made to... more
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      Fire HistoryEnvironmental MonitoringBiological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are powerful tools in the field of invasive species management. GIS can be used to create potential distribution maps for all manner of taxa, including plants, animals, and diseases. GIS also... more
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      Invasive SpeciesUnited StatesField SurveyThiessen Polygons
and sharing with colleagues.
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      HydrologyMultidisciplinaryThiessen PolygonsStationarity
The catchment, or catchment area, is the area associated with a segment of a drainage network. Surface runoff in a catchment flows into the associated network segment. Catchment area is commonly used for estimating watershed parameters,... more
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      HydrographyThiessen PolygonsCatchmentCatchment Area