Plant competition
Recent papers in Plant competition
Differences in yield-density models derived from an additive experimental design were used to compare the relative competitiveness of nine early-successional boreal forest plants (aster, grass, fireweed, fern, raspberry, willow, alder,... more
English broom (Cytisus scoparius) is an aggressive invasive shrub in native sclerophyll forests of South Australia. We studied its relative growth rate (RGR) and competitive ability in soils from invaded and uninvaded woodlands, in... more
Plant competition is thought to be driven by limiting resources. We propose that plant competition is triggered initially by the red to far-red light ratio (R:FR) originating from neighbouring plants, followed by a series of complex... more
BioOne Complete ( is a full-text database of 200 subscribed and open-access titles in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences published by nonprofit societies, associations, museums, institutions, and... more
In this review, we provide an overview of the role of glucosinolates and other phytochemical compounds present in the Brassicaceae in relation to plant protection and human health. Current knowledge of the factors that influence... more
When the welfare state is under attack from neoliberal reformers, how can trade unionists and other campaigners build solidarity to defend it? Based on 45 qualitative interviews, this article compares campaigns to defend British health... more
Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbioses are formed by approximately 80% of vascular plant species in all major terrestrial biomes. In consequence an understanding of their functions is critical in any study of sustainable agricultural or... more
We present a model-based approach for competitive analysis of manufacturing plants. As part of this approach, we propose the application of Operational Competitiveness Ratings Analysis (OCRA) to measure the competitiveness of plants in... more
Few invaded ecosystems are free from habitat loss and disturbance, leading to uncertainty whether dominant invasive species are driving community change or are passengers along for the environmental ride. The ''driver'' model predicts... more
In this review, we provide an overview of the role of glucosinolates and other phytochemical compounds present in the Brassicaceae in relation to plant protection and human health. Current knowledge of the factors that influence... more
Iron and phosphorus availability is low in many soils; hence, microorganisms and plants have evolved mechanisms to acquire these nutrients by altering the chemical conditions that affect their solubility. In plants, this includes... more
Peatlands are important ecosystems in the context of biospheric feedback to climate change, due to the large storage of organic C in peatland soils. Nitrogen deposition and increased nutrient availability in soils following climate... more
The distribution and abundance of the aquatic flora of Lake Naivasha has been constrained by two ecosystem-level processes . One is the natural and unpredictable fluctuation of water levels which the lake experiences, resulting in a... more
Alterations in the structure of the vegetation and of the soil seed bank associated with primary invasions by alien species could create novel conditions that facilitate secondary invasions by other alien or weedy species. Here, we... more
A longleaf pine wiregrass ecosystem in the sandhills of north central Florida, upon which turkey oak gained dominance following a wild®re, was treated with applications of hexazinone (1.1 or 2.2 kg/ha) in May 1991. All applications... more
It is well documented that pathogens can affect the survival, reproduction, and growth of individual plants. Drawing together insights from diverse studies in ecology and agriculture, we evaluate the evidence for pathogens affecting... more
The relative roles of abiotic conditions and competition by grassland plants in restricting the distribution of certain alpine plant species to snowbed habitats (i.e. sites with particular long-lasting snow cover) is still a matter of... more
This chapter reviews the climate factors that influence crop production and agricultural water use. It discusses (a) modeling studies that use climate-change model projections to examine effects on agricultural water allocation and (b)... more
Climate change can be expected to increase the frequency of summer droughts and associated low water tables in ombrotrophic peatlands. We studied the effects of periodic water table drawdown in a mesocosm experiment. Mesocosms were... more
For sustainable forest management, it is important to know the response of timber species to the change in environment caused by logging. We performed a 2-year study on germination, survival and growth of four timber species, Cedrela... more
The aim of this work was to introduce competition effects in the model underlying the analysis of forest tree experiments. Results were compared with analysis in which effects were neglected. Trials with different levels of precision and... more
Question: 1. How do the competitive response and the importance of competition vary between species and along a flooding gradient? 2. How does the role of competition in constraining species distribution limits along the gradient vary... more
A new method to evaluate the interaction between individuals competing for light in a monospecific stand is presented. 2. Light intercepted by a leaf of a target individual is influenced by its own leaves and those of neighbours higher in... more
Increased plant population density in irrigated and fertilized maize crops enhances plant-to-plant variability since early vegetative stages, because the most suppressed individuals of the stand intercept less radiation per unit leaf area... more
Natural regeneration may be disrupted by the rise of the water table in surface layers after clearcutting forested wetlands. A study was initiated on eight forested wetlands that were successively clearcut and drained 3 years later. The... more
A number of signalling mechanisms are responsible for triggering plastic morphological and physiological responses of plants to the proximity of neighbours. Among these mechanisms, the phytochrome-mediated control of branching and... more
Шумските екосистеми се еден од најзначајните столбови на растителниот и животинскиот биодиверзитет, но нивната стабилност и одржливост често пати е загрозувана од различни биотски, антропогени или абиотски фактори. Во одредени случаи... more
Background: Allelopathy (negative, plant-plant chemical interactions) has been largely studied as an autecological process, often assuming simplistic associations between pairs of isolated species. The growth inhibition of a species in... more
Herbivory Lolium arundinaceum MAXQ endophyte Neotyphodium coenophialum Predators Soil Trophc interactions a b s t r a c t We have investigated community and ecosystem consequences of endophyte symbiosis with tall fescue over the past 13... more
This report documents impacts from manipulations of native forest soils and competing vegetation on development and ectomycorrhizal formation of outplanted western white pine and Douglas-fir in the Inland Northwest. Treatments were: 1)... more
1 We used a series of removal experiments to examine how species response to competition and climatic differences varied in three different years. We tested the interaction between removal of the dominant grass species, Festuca rubra ,... more
Forest regeneration is a spatial multifaceted process with numerous unknown variables. The individual area or the area potentially available (APA) to an individual plant embodies an idea widely used in population ecology but it has fewer... more
Goosegrass (Eleusine indica L.) is a serious weed in traffi cked areas of bermudagrass (Cynodon spp.) golf and sports turf. Th e objective of this study was to evaluate soil compaction and canopy cover as determinants of goosegrass... more
Once neglected, the role of facilitative interactions in plant communities has received considerable attention in the last two decades, and is now widely recognized. It is timely to consider the progress made by research in this field. 2.... more
Wheat genotypes susceptible to different races of a pathogen, Puccinia striiformis, were planted in pure stands and in three different 1:1 mixtures, in both the presence and absence of disease, in two sites, and over 3 years. Using... more
Key to climate change abatement strategies is the understanding of the comparative carbon mitigation implications of management of native forests oriented to different end-uses such as conservation, conventional management, or integrated... more
We model effects of interspecific plant competition, herbivory, and a plant's toxic defenses against herbivores on vegetation dynamics. The model predicts that, when a generalist herbivore feeds in the absence of plant toxins, adaptive... more
Global diversity loss has renewed the interest in the underlying mechanisms that explain species diversity and its maintenance in natural systems. This gave the impetus to significant new development in competition research. The aim of... more
Designs for greenhouse studies of interactions between plants are reviewed and recommendations for their use are provided[ 1 Papers published over a 09!year period showed the replacement series design to be the most popular\ especially in... more