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      Computational Fluid DynamicsEnvironmental StudiesEnvironmental DesignEnergy efficiency
System on programmable chip for the performance estimation of loom machine, which calculates the efficiency and meter count for weaved cloth automatically. Also it calculates the efficiency of loom machine. Previously the same was done... more
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      Vlsi DesignCommunicationWireless CommunicationsMass Communication
Earth pipe cooling technology is a building design approach for cooling a room in a passive process without using any customary units. It can reduce energy consumption of the buildings for hot and humid subtropical zones. This chapter... more
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      Computational Fluid DynamicsRenewable EnergyEnergy and EnvironmentEarth-Air Heat Exchanger
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      Air QualityIndigenous StudiesClimate ChangeComputational Fluid Dynamics
The tropics is characterized with high temperature but in recent time with the advent of global warming that had shot the world temperature so high ,cascaded transformers failure is imminent due to excessive heat stored in the windings... more
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      Electrical EngineeringThermal comfort & Energy efficiency in hot climates
One of the most important properties of a passively designed building is to provide thermal comfort conditions for users with decreasing energy consumption. External walls conduct heat from outdoor to indoor affecting thermal comfort.... more
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      Heat TransferThermal Performance of BuildingsDesert EnvironmentThermal comfort & Energy efficiency in hot climates
Climate change was simulated using the HADCM3 general circulation model and was downscaled using the LARS-WG downscaling model. After downscaling and uncertainty analysis, climatic parameters were generated until year 2090, assuming three... more
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      Climate ChangeClimate Change AdaptationClimate change policyClimate Change Impacts
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      Materials EngineeringMaterials ScienceArchitectureComputational Fluid Dynamics
Footwear have been evaluated mostly using commercially available products, while some researchers have used custom shoes. Hence, the understanding of the effects of various parameters of a shoe is quite limited. The footbed simulator... more
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      BiomechanicsFootwear Science/ BiomechanicsThermal comfort & Energy efficiency in hot climatesCenter of Pressure
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      Vernacular ArchitectureEnvironmental DesignVernacular Architecture of Middle EastEnergy efficiency
A legacy after the success of the Passive and Low Energy Architecture conference organised in Edinburg, Scotland in June 2017.
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      Higher EducationRenewable EnergyClimate Change AdaptationSustainable Building Design
This paper provides an overview of the results of a project that explores strategies for improving the thermal performance of the New South Wales Demountable Classroom in the diverse climates that occur across New South Wales, Australia.... more
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      ArchitectureRenewable EnergySustainable Building DesignEnergy Efficiency Buildings
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      ArchitectureDesign Research Method (Architecture)Design ResearchSustainable Building Design
The aim of this study is to get the most optimal energy efficient heating and cooling material combinations that would result to an energy saving buildings. The regulatory requirement limits of thermal characteristics of residential... more
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    • Thermal comfort & Energy efficiency in hot climates
Rational use of energy and power is a key to the economic development of human society and to achieve sustainable environment. Power and energy have been the major contributors to the global warming and researchers around the world have... more
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      Computational Fluid DynamicsEnergy and EnvironmentEarth-Air Heat ExchangerThermal comfort & Energy efficiency in hot climates
Daisy world is a simple planetary model designed to show the effects of coupled climate-vegetation dynamics. In this simple model, Daisy world is a cloudless planet with a negligible atmospheric greenhouse, its ground is grey and it is... more
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      Mathematical ModellingHydro-Environmental ModellingThermal comfort & Energy efficiency in hot climates
This paper presents the results of a thermal comfort evaluation of an underground metro station located in a composite climate zone of India (New Delhi). The evaluation comprised real-time monitoring of indoor thermal comfort during... more
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      Metro and Subway SystemsHuman Thermal ComfortThermal comfort & Energy efficiency in hot climates
Se presenta un modelo de documento expedido por el contratante, haciendo constar que -despues de un lapso de 6 meses- no se han manifestado desperfectos ("vicios ocultos) en las obras o productos terminados y entregados por el... more
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      Marine Protected AreasSustainable Building DesignEnergy Efficiency BuildingsBuilding Maintenance Management
"Networks are mathematically directed (in practical applications also undirected) graphs and a graph is a one-dimensional abstract complex, i.e., a topological space. Network theory focuses on various topological structures and... more
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      BioinformaticsEvolutionary BiologyMathematicsOptimization (Mathematical Programming)
Sustainable urban development, especially in economically disadvantaged regions, has increasingly become a major strategic priority. New settlements and urban regeneration programs have to improve the quality of social life, promote... more
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      Renewable EnergySustainable DevelopmentEnergy Efficiency BuildingsThermal comfort & Energy efficiency in hot climates
This paper presents a numerical study on the temperature field inside a passenger’s compartment of a Proton Wira saloon car using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method. The main goal is to investigate the effects of different glazing... more
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      Computational Fluid DynamicsEnvironmental DesignFluid DynamicsEnergy efficiency
Urban parks have complex surface structure that produces an environment with specific microclimatic qualities. These qualities affect the balance of energy of the human body and are applicable to an individual's thermal perception. They... more
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      Computational Fluid DynamicsLandscape ArchitectureEnvironmental DesignEnergy efficiency
Today’s residential construction industry is capable of producing exceptionally high performing houses that far exceed compliance with local building codes. We feel that setting a target of Net-Zero Energy (NZE) is feasible in the US... more
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      Computational Fluid DynamicsBuilding Energy SimulationEnvironmental DesignSustainable Energy
Air India Building is an icon located at Nariman Point in the CBD zone. This structure was built in the late 1960’s for the Air India company and formed its headquarters until recently when the company shifted its main office to Delhi.... more
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      ArchitectureFacade DesignThermal comfort & Energy efficiency in hot climates
BITENCOURT, Fábio. Arquitetura do ambiente de Nascer: reflexões e recomendações projetuais de arquitetura e conforto ambiental. Rio de Janeiro: Rio Books, 2008, 129 p.; il. Este livro traz como proposta principal apresentar reflexões e... more
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      Patients' comfortBirthHospital ManagementIndoor environment - thermal comfort, indoor air quality health and wellbeing
Building sector is responsible for at least 40% of energy use in most countries worldwide around 33% of its energy is known to be used by HVAC systems in buildings. Tall buildings tend to have an increasing appetite for energy due to deep... more
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      Sustainable ArchitectureEnergy efficiencyNatural ventilationThermal comfort & Energy efficiency in hot climates
Este artigo descreve um programa computacional desenvolvido a partir da proposta de procedimentos para cálculo das propriedades térmicas de elementos e componentes de edificações . O trabalho teve origem com o desenvolvimento de uma... more
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      Computational Fluid DynamicsEnvironmental DesignEnergy efficiencyComputational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling and simulation
The terms “bioclimatic design” and “design for climate” became current in the literature of architectural design in the 1950s. It gained currency in academic research and architectural and building practices in the 1970s, as fundamental... more
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      Climate Change Adaptation And Mitigation StrategiesSustainable ArchitectureUrban resilienceThermal comfort & Energy efficiency in hot climates
The objective of the thesis is the development of socially, economically and environmentally viable proposals that will improve the thermal performance of the NSW Demountable Classroom and the thermal comfort of the people and communities... more
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      ClassicsBuilding Energy SimulationDesign Methodology (Architecture)Environmental Sustainability
A B S T R A C T Starting from year 1995, 50 thousand low-cost housing units were been proposed to be built In Egypt by 2020 to overcome housing problems, only 60% have been already implemented. Three prototypes are amongst the most... more
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      Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling and simulationThermal comfortThermal comfort & Energy efficiency in hot climatesNatural ventilation as a passive cooling strategy
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      ArchitectureClimate ChangeClimate Change AdaptationArchitectural History
El sistema de emisión de recibos de pago se diseñó, probó, validó y aplicó por Visión EnerGtiK S. de R . L. (VEN) MI para la ejecución del proyecto de impermeabilizar y amortiguar transferencia de calor de los techos de dos centros de... more
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      Energy Efficiency BuildingsRemote and Rural Health and WellbeingEnergy Efficiency in BuildingsRural Health
Qu'est ce que les matériaux à changement de phases (fonctionnements, applications...)
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      Thermal EngineeringMaterials ScienceEnergy efficiencyThermal comfort & Energy efficiency in hot climates
The use of a latent heat storage system using phase change materials (PCMs) is an effective way of storing thermal energy and has the advantages of high-energy storage density and the isothermal nature of the storage process. In this... more
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      Green energy technologyRefrigeration and Air-ConditioningThermal comfort & Energy efficiency in hot climatesMechancal Engineering
The combined cycle gas turbine integrates the Brayton cycle as topping cycle and the steam turbine Rankine cycle as bottoming cycle in order to achieve higher thermal efficiency and proper utilization of energy by minimizing the energy... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringComputational Fluid DynamicsFluid MechanicsEnergy Efficiency Buildings
This paper evaluates using shading devices with naturally ventilated walls in hotel buildings in Greater Cairo as a passive technique to lower cooling loads in cooling seasons. CFD simulations were done using DesignBuilder to compare... more
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      Double Skin FacadesGreen HotelsShading devicesThermal comfort & Energy efficiency in hot climates
Studio di tesi in Architettura Magistrale con oggetto la riqualifica energetica di edifici di edilizia economica popolare degli anni '80-'90, con sistemi di controllo climatico tradizionali propri del bacino del Mediterraneo. Analisi CFD... more
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      ArchitectureEnergy efficiencySocial HousingSustainable Building Renovation
Recently wind resource assessment studies have become an important research tool to identify the possible wind farm locations. In this thesis work technical analysis was carried out to determine the wind resource potential of two... more
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      Power SystemsThermal comfort & Energy efficiency in hot climatesEnergy Efficiency
Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) was identified and defined some 30 years ago and has been investigated since then, yet recently designed and constructed buildings seem to disregard both the phenomenon and the significant body of work that... more
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      EnergyArchitectural DesignIndoor environmental qualityThermal comfort
In commercial buildings in Lahore, artificial cooling systems are needed to attain the required comfort level due to high heat gain inside. Energy efficient window design is the only solution which can limit this cooling demand. This... more
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      Renewable energy resourcesSustainable ArchitectureThermal comfort & Energy efficiency in hot climates
Se presenta la problemática actual del uso de la energía de cara al agotamiento de las fuentes fósiles, el abastecimiento y la contaminación atmosférica de gases tóxicos, de efecto invernadero y destructores de la capa de ozono. Se... more
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      Computational Fluid DynamicsEnvironmental DesignEnergy efficiencyComputational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling and simulation
Filling stations are retail outlets where automobiles are refuelled, lubricated and serviced aside other retail activities, hence it creates few environmental issues. The aim of this study is to assess the degree of application of... more
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      Construction MaterialsEnvironmental SustainabilityArchitectural DesignUser Studies
The main purpose of the building envelope is to protect us from the surrounding climate; the building envelope is not only a shelter but also an active component in the system of the building, which can also defined as an environmental... more
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      Mechanical Behavior Of MaterialsBiomimicryShading devicesThermal comfort & Energy efficiency in hot climates
Studies have shown that using naturally ventilated double skin facades could enhance energy performance of buildings through heat dissipation. Also, using shading devices could lower down energy consumption by blocking undesired solar... more
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      ArchitectureEnvironmental StudiesIndoor Air QualityEnvironmental Sustainability
Dans les climats chauds et secs, l'excès des gains solaires peut entraîner une consommation énergétique élevée avec des conditions intérieures désagréables. Le contrôle solaire est un paramètre important, à considérer dans la conception... more
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      PhotovoltaicsEnergy efficiencyKinetic Design FacadeDynamic Systems and Control
En un artículo reciente, 1 subrayaba el lugar privilegiado que Reyner Banham otorgó a la Argentina en el fenómeno de las megaestructuras, en particular, al proyecto de la Ciudad Universitaria de Tucumán (1950) -"allí donde la cuestión... more
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      Megastructures (Architectural History)Thermal comfort & Energy efficiency in hot climates
Daily average solar radiation on south wall: 111.3 W/m 2 Daily average solar radiation on east wall: 158.2 W/m 2 Daily average solar radiation on north wall: 101.1 W/m 2 Daily average solar radiation on west wall: 155.2 W/m 2 Daily... more
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      Civil EngineeringArchitectureHeat TransferThermal comfort & Energy efficiency in hot climates
Recently, the United Arab Emirates has been faced with a rapidly growing economy and has become intensively resource dependent. Consequently, it has topped a list of countries with the largest ecological footprint. At the same time there... more
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      HousingAffordable HousingSustainable ArchitectureBiomimicry
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the design of courtyards for the microclimatic enhancement of outdoor spaces. However, there is still little knowledge regarding the thermal performance characteristics of courtyards,... more
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      Urban PlanningEnergyBuilt EnvironmentEnvironmental Sustainability
Building ventilation is necessary in providing acceptable indoor air quality (IAQ). It is a process of supplying fresh air and removing or diluting indoor pollution concentration. With an increasing awareness of energy saving lately,... more
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      Computational Fluid DynamicsEnvironmental DesignEnergy efficiencyComputational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling and simulation