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Ce chapitre est inclut dans un ouvrage de méthodologie de l'analyse linéaire des textes. Il propose un exemple d'étude avec la Farce de Maître Pathelin, pièce de théâtre du Moyen Âge. Dans cette scène, Maître Pathelin montre à sa femme... more
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      Theatre StudiesArgumentationTextbook AnalysisTheatre, Dramaturgy, Medieval Literature
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      Medieval Theatre and PerformanceMinstrelsy StudiesMontecassino AbbeyLetteratura italiana dalle origini a tutto il sec. XVI
La manipolazione e/o la riproduzione (totale o parziale) e/o la diffusione telematica di quest'opera sono consentite a singoli o comunque a soggetti non costituiti come imprese di carattere editoriale, cinematografi co o radio-televisivo.
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval Theater and PerformanceMedieval Theatre and RepresentationItalian Medieval and Renaissance Theatre and Spectacle
This paper highlights the recent discovery of two ancient Brescian texts, conserved in the same manuscript already examined by Gianfranco Contini in 1935 (Archivio Storico di Brescia, fondo Ospedale, Bonelli, busta 99). Both texts, a... more
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      Manuscript StudiesItalian philologyMedieval Italian LiteratureMedieval Theatre and Performance
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      MusicLiturgical StudiesDance StudiesLiturgy
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      Liturgical StudiesMedieval StudiesPuppetryMedieval Theater and Performance
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      Medieval Latin LiteratureLate AntiquityTheatre, Dramaturgy, Medieval Literature
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval Church HistoryMedieval Theater and PerformanceMedieval Theatre and Performance
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      MusicologyMedieval MusicTheatre, Dramaturgy, Medieval Literature
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      Theatre StudiesMedieval Latin LiteratureMedieval philologyTheatre, Dramaturgy, Medieval Literature
Sakralna i svjetovna drama u srednjem vijeku
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      Medieval DramaMoralityTheatre, Dramaturgy, Medieval LiteratureMedieval Liturgical Drama
Tra condanne e la definizione di una nuova estetica teatrale. 2 di Vincenzo Ruggiero Perrino 3. Forme performative e drammaturgiche tra il V e il IX secolo È con Giovanni Crisostomo, autore tra l'altro dell'omelia Contra ludos et theatra,... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval Theatre and PerformanceMedieval Theatre and RepresentationItalian Medieval and Renaissance Theatre and Spectacle
Dans nos représentations habituelles, la conversation est généralement affaire de deux personnes échangeant un message, comme dans le célèbre schéma de la communication de Jakobson.
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      Medieval French LiteratureTheatre, Dramaturgy, Medieval LiteratureJean BodelAdam De La Halle
La "Passione 2 di Revello" è nota come l'unico dramma sacro rappresentato in Piemonte, in epoca medievale, di cui si sia conservato il testo. Il solo manoscritto di riferimento, databile alla seconda metà del Quattrocento, è conservato a... more
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      Medieval Theater and PerformanceTheatre, Dramaturgy, Medieval LiteratureThe Medieval Passion of Christ
Realizzazione editoriale a cura di ARUN MALTESE ([email protected]) È vietata la riproduzione, anche parziale, non autorizzata, con qualsiasi mezzo effettuata, compresa la fotocopia, anche a uso interno e didattico. L'illecito... more
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      Romance philologyMedieval DramaTheatre, Dramaturgy, Medieval LiteratureRomance Languages and Literatures
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      English ReformationMedieval CornwallTheatre, Dramaturgy, Medieval Literature
F. Mosetti Casaretto, Assenza della scena: assenza del teatro?; G. Chiarini, Il «Centro Warburg Italia» e il teatro medievale; L. Graverini, La scena raccontata: teatro e narrativa antica; P. Odorico, La théâtralité à Byzance; F. Mosetti... more
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      Romance philologyMedieval Latin LiteratureMedieval Theatre and PerformanceTheatre, Dramaturgy, Medieval Literature
The essay examines how medieval play spectatorship crossed the thresholds between private and public devotion in four main areas: 1) the claiming of public space for private devotion; 2) the acceptance of standing and other alternative... more
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      History of ReligionMedieval German LiteratureMedieval DramaGerman Literature and Culture
Il libro propone una lettura parallela di due grandi questioni della storia della Chiesa alto medievale: il discorso contro gli spettacoli (II-V sec.) e la querelle tra iconoclasti e iconofili (VII-IX sec.). L’intento è comprendere se al... more
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      Medieval Theater and PerformanceMedieval ArtTheatre, Dramaturgy, Medieval Literature
The conference will allow nearly eighty scholars from around the world to discuss, interrogate and apply the concepts of space, culture and power in a truly interdisciplinary setting. The format includes plenary lectures, parallel... more
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      Theatre StudiesDrama, Performance, History of TheatreTheatre, Dramaturgy, Medieval LiteratureTheatre and the everyday, performance politics and civic intervention, urban architecture and sites of spectacle
A cura di Caterina Mordeglia. Il rapporto tra uomo e animale è cruciale per tutte le culture. Il mondo antico ha attuato un’identificazione, per antitesi o similarità, della figura umana con quella animale, attraverso una polisemica rete... more
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      Cultural HistoryMedieval PhilosophyArt HistoryMedieval Literature
The article gives an overview of the writing processes of theatre performances in medieval France. At the crossroads of all processes is the original (the Book, le Livre, les originaux) containing the full text, and from which all kind of... more
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      Orality-Literacy StudiesMedieval Theater and PerformanceCommedia dell'arteCodicology of medieval manuscripts
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      Medieval Theatre and PerformanceMontecassino AbbeyTheatre, Dramaturgy, Medieval LiteratureMedieval Liturgical Drama
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval French LiteratureRomance philologyMedieval Drama
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval StudiesMedieval English LiteratureMedieval Drama
In the 16th century, the social and political upheavals brought about by the Reformation also resonated on the French scene. This article analyses three ‘polemical’ morality plays as influential vectors of «threat communication» in the... more
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      Medieval French LiteratureLaughterReformationTheatre, Dramaturgy, Medieval Literature
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      Medieval DramaTheatre, Dramaturgy, Medieval Literature
Concerns the role of "figura" in late medieval theater as a marker of a transcendent gaze on the part of the spectator and the topography of medieval mansion staging as spatial mnemonic.
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      German LiteratureMedieval LiteratureTheatre HistoryHistory of Religion
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      Theatre StudiesMedieval LiteratureRomance philologyCathars
The Polish and Dutch morality plays ("Rozmowa Mistrza Polikarpa ze Śmiercią" and "Elckerlijc") share a similar subject of death and the question either one can bribe death and ensure ones longer life that way.
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      Death & Dying (Thanatology)Medieval DramaOld Polish literatureMedieval plays
This essay explores the interventions of the exegetical proclamator and related figures in late-medieval theatric representations of Christ’s passion. The „proclaimer“ directed audience attention both towards and away from the physical... more
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      Medieval German LiteratureMedieval StudiesMedieval DramaMedieval Theater and Performance
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      Theatre StudiesMedieval LiteratureTheatre HistoryRomance philology
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      Cultural StudiesMedieval ScienceTheatre, Dramaturgy, Medieval Literature Film expérimental (30') de Xavier Leroux (réalisateur, concepteur et metteur en scène), Olivier Halévy et Darwin Smith (co-concepteurs ), la Passion de Valenciennes 1547 3D propose un extrait de... more
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      Medieval FilmMedieval Theatre and PerformanceMedieval Theatre and RepresentationTheatre, Dramaturgy, Medieval Literature
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      Medieval LiteratureCritical Edition (Medieval History)Theatre, Dramaturgy, Medieval Literature
In der Roswitha-Stadt Bad Gandersheim findet vom 16. bis 18. März 2016 eine internationale wissenschaftliche Tagung statt, auf der die mediävistische Spielforschung neu perspektiviert werden soll. Ambivalenzen bilden ein Leitparadigma der... more
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      Early Modern Drama: Text and PerformanceMedieval Theater and PerformanceEarly Modern theatre studiesEarly Modern Drama
From the Fool to the Wildman, from the irate Reformer to the festive Masqueraders, this collection of articles offers a variety of topics, approaches, and agendas in the study of early modern European theatre. With samplings from... more
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      Theatre StudiesTheatre HistoryLiteratureTheatre
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval StudiesMedieval Theater and PerformanceMedieval Theatre and Performance