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This course surveys the development of theater architectures, stage spaces and technologies from the ancient world through the 21 st century. The course satisfies the interdisciplinary college option. The survey will be contextualized in... more
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      Theatre HistoryDigital MediaGestureMultimedia
In 1598 the Duke of Mantua had Battista Guarini's "Pastor fido" performed magnificently to celebrate the passage of the bride of Philip III of Spain. The choice of this pastoral tragicomedy for such a political occasion was remarkable,... more
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      Renaissance StudiesItalian RenaissanceDrama, Performance, History of TheatreItalian Medieval and Renaissance Theatre and Spectacle
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismRenaissanceScenography
Commedia dell'Arte Scenarios gathers together a collection of scenarios from some of the most important Commedia dell'Arte manuscripts, many of which have never been published in English before. Each script is accompanied by an editorial... more
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      ImprovisationTheatre StudiesDramatic Literature16th Century Dramatic Literature
Machiavelli's "Machiavellian" comedy. Italian text, with English introduction, commentary, notes and glossary by Eric Haywood. Ideal for readers unfamiliar with Machiavelli's time, language and ideas.
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance dramaMachiavelliNiccolò Machiavelli
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      ReligionAestheticsVisual StudiesArt History
This book deals with significant mid-­‐fifteenth century controversies, within and without religious circles, over the revival of
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      Renaissance StudiesReligious StudiesMedieval PreachingRenaissance theatre
Il saggio indaga sul probabile esordio di Iacopo Sannazaro quale organizzatore di feste ed autore di farse per i reali aragonesi. Il ms. x.B.67 della Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli contiene la Vita di Costanza d’Avalos di Giovan Tommaso... more
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      Renaissance HumanismItalian philologyItalian Renaissance literatureThe Kingdom of Naples
Memoria di CHIARA LOMBARDI * presentata dal Socio Nazionale FRANCO MARENCO nell'adunanza del 15 novembre 2011
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      Early Modern EuropeEnglish early modern TheatreItalian Medieval and Renaissance Theatre and Spectacle
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      Textual CriticismItalian philologyHistory of Italian LanguageItalian Medieval and Renaissance Theatre and Spectacle
La manipolazione e/o la riproduzione (totale o parziale) e/o la diffusione telematica di quest'opera sono consentite a singoli o comunque a soggetti non costituiti come imprese di carattere editoriale, cinematografi co o radio-televisivo.
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval Theater and PerformanceMedieval Theatre and RepresentationItalian Medieval and Renaissance Theatre and Spectacle
This paper highlights the recent discovery of two ancient Brescian texts, conserved in the same manuscript already examined by Gianfranco Contini in 1935 (Archivio Storico di Brescia, fondo Ospedale, Bonelli, busta 99). Both texts, a... more
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      Manuscript StudiesItalian philologyMedieval Italian LiteratureMedieval Theatre and Performance
in: La Terra delle meraviglie. Teatro e musica tra Ville e Delizie, a c. di Associazione De Humanitate Sanctae Annae, Ferrara, Faust Edizioni 2019 Premessa o avvertenza (di mero buon senso, al limite della tautologia col rischio della... more
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    • Italian Medieval and Renaissance Theatre and Spectacle
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    • Italian Medieval and Renaissance Theatre and Spectacle
Durante l'ottobre 1943, nella ritrovata quiete della masseria Cugno di Volpe, la tenuta di famiglia sulla Murgia andriese -nei pressi di Castel del Monte -dove si era ritirato a studiare, Vincenzo De Bartholomaeis, ! ormai in pensione da... more
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    • Italian Medieval and Renaissance Theatre and Spectacle
The paper discusses the role and evolution of Carnival as a major public spectacle in 17th-and 18th-century Malta. What originally consisted of a short period of bounty, preceding the rigours of the Christian Lent, was transformed-through... more
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      Entertainment HistoryEarly Modern Popular CultureCarnivalHistory of Malta
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      Liturgical StudiesMedieval StudiesPuppetryMedieval Theater and Performance
This paper intends to provide an initial draft and a methodological framework for further investigations about the use of the statues of the crucified and dead Christ during the representations of the Passion from the XIV to the XV... more
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      Medieval DramaMedieval Sculpture (XIII-XVth Century)Italian Medieval and Renaissance Theatre and SpectacleMedieval Wooden Sculpture
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      Italian Renaissance ArtEarly Modern ItalyItalian Renaissance literatureItalian Renaissance Architectural History
Una piazza aperta, dalla forma ellittica, su cui si affacciano il campanile e il palazzo pubblico, le case e i portici. E' questo il logo del progetto culturale. Dall'agorà dei Greci alla piazza del Comune, la piazza ha sempre... more
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      Religion and TheatreConfraternite laicheItalian Medieval and Renaissance Theatre and Spectacle
The volume contains the critical edition, with philological, codicological and linguistic commentaries about the manuscript L.II.17 conserved at the Queriniana Library of Brescia, that contains the ‘Regola’ and the ‘Officio della... more
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      Medieval Theater and PerformanceItalian philologyCodicology of medieval manuscriptsStoria Della Lingua Italiana
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      Comparative LiteratureItalian StudiesIntertextualityThe Classical Tradition
Chapters from "Man Tovà -- L'interculturalità in scena": "Leone De' Sommi", "Leone De' Sommi dal Talmud al teatro", "La trilogia ebraica", "I Salmi", "Tzachut bedichuta de qiddushin", "L'anima del teatro", "I testi desommiani per la... more
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      Theatre StudiesTheatre HistoryBook of PsalmsTheatre
Nella Napoli dei Re d’Aragona (1442–1504) le presenze della poesia orale nei luoghi dell’intrattenimento umanistico e del teatro aragonese giocano un ruolo determinante nel cerimoniale cortigiano e nelle strategie di politica culturale... more
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      Renaissance FestivalsOral PoetryItalian Medieval and Renaissance Theatre and SpectacleNapoli Aragonese
Nel 1980, aprendo il convegno intitolato Le laudi drammatiche umbre delle origini, Federico Doglio descriveva il più antico repertorio dei disciplinati come «una nuova drammaturgia, tanto fortemente radicata nel suo contesto originario,... more
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      Confraternities and Luoghi PiiMedieval Theatre and PerformanceConfraternite laicheItalian Medieval and Renaissance Theatre and Spectacle
This is the full text and map book (image document separate from and attached to the end of the text) of my undergraduate Bachelor's thesis completed and defended in May 2010. I received high honors and the Alumni Award in the History of... more
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      Critical TheoryEngineeringChristianityIntellectual History
Nessuna parte di questo volume può essere riprodotta o trasmessa in qualsiasi forma o con qualsiasi mezzo elettronico, meccanico o altro senza l'autorizzazione scritta dei proprietari dei diritti e dell'editore. L'editore è a disposizione... more
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      Italian StudiesRenaissance StudiesRenaissanceItalian Literature
The essay reexamines an early Cinquecento Florentine comedy in verses. Anepigraphic in the manuscripts, the comedy circulated since the first printed edition, at the end of the XVIII century, under the title “Commedia in versi”. At first... more
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      MachiavelliNiccolò MachiavelliFilologia Italiana Letteratura Italiana del RinascimentoItalian Medieval and Renaissance Theatre and Spectacle
Seminario a cura di Monica Centanni e Piermario Vescovo.
Intervengono: Maria Bergamo, Giovanni Careri, Matteo Casini, Silvia De Min, Stefania Gerevini, Maurizio Ghelardi, Alberto Metlica, Stefano Tomassini, Giulia Zanon.
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      Theatre StudiesRenaissance StudiesTheatreTheatre Arts
A partire dalla seconda metà del secolo XV, la nascente industria tipografica offrì ai principi e ai signori italiani un mezzo di comunicazione efficace per rendere ancor più noto il fasto dei propri festeggiamenti dinastici. Nel febbraio... more
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismIncunabulaItalian Renaissance prints
"[It] Il volume raccoglie interventi di studiosi italiani e stranieri miranti a offrire una panoramica di percorsi storiografici e di problematiche relativi alla storia del movimento confraternale, così come sono emersi nell'ambito di... more
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      Economic HistoryGender StudiesArchival StudiesTheatre History
This contribution represents the first attempt to provide a complete overview of the Renaissance works related to ancient clothing (de re vestiaria) composed between the mid-fifteenth and mid-seventeenth centuries. The structure, approach... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesClassical ArchaeologyIconography
Edizione moderna commentata della favola pastorale "Nigella", pubblicata dal veronese Giovanni Fratta nel 1582. Tra le prime testimonianze di drammaturgia pastorale, l'opera documenta lo sguardo attento e critico dell'autore, in dialogo... more
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      Pastoral PoetryItalian Medieval and Renaissance Theatre and SpectacleTeatro italiano dei secoli XV-XVI
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    • Italian Medieval and Renaissance Theatre and Spectacle
The historical and political events that affected the Duchy of Milan, after Ludovico Maria Sforza’s fall, did not favored nor the organization of frequent festivities or, above all, the invention of new theatrical experiences, essentially... more
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      Italian late medieval and Renaissance devotional art, ritual, and patronageItalian Medieval and Renaissance Theatre and Spectacle
Il lavoro guarda alla teatralità e alla festività della Napoli aragonese di fine Quattrocento, proponendo anzitutto alcune riflessioni sul protagonismo dei letterati accademici pontaniani quali animatori e ideatori delle varie forme... more
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      Italian Renaissance literatureItalian Medieval and Renaissance Theatre and SpectacleCultural History of Naples and Campania
, as part of the week-long festivities celebrating the wedding by proxy of Maria de' Medici and Henry IV of France, a new type of divertimento was staged inside the Pitti Palace in Florence. The performance was given in the apartments of... more
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      Early MusicEarly Modern HistoryEarly Modern EuropeEarly Modern Intellectual History
Tra condanne e la definizione di una nuova estetica teatrale. 2 di Vincenzo Ruggiero Perrino 3. Forme performative e drammaturgiche tra il V e il IX secolo È con Giovanni Crisostomo, autore tra l'altro dell'omelia Contra ludos et theatra,... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval Theatre and PerformanceMedieval Theatre and RepresentationItalian Medieval and Renaissance Theatre and Spectacle
Il Rinascimento è caratterizzato anche da un forte sentimento antigiudaico [...]. Mantova (città della manna buona) grazie alla politica di tolleranza dei Gonzaga nei confronti degli ebrei, produrrà un notevole processo di crescita... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationJewish StudiesDance StudiesRenaissance Studies
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      Medieval StudiesPuppetryMedieval Theater and PerformanceHistory of Religion (Medieval Studies)
It is a Friday night in Milan at the turn of the seventeenth century. The hour is nearing midnight and the streets are quiet, save for the ringing of church bells. At various points in the darkened city, in the piazze and on street... more
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      RitualCatholic ReformHistory of ArtItalian Renaissance Art
Verse translation of
Le onoranze fiorentine del 1459
with some additional notes
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      History of FlorenceRenaissance DanceItalian Medieval and Renaissance Theatre and SpectaclePius II
Zorzi, Trexler, Cruciani and the reshaping of Renaissance Theatre Studies around 1980.
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      Renaissance HistoryUrban HistoryRenaissance RomeMedieval and Renaissance Studies
Giovan Maria Cecchi (1517–1587) was the most prolific and popular of sixteenth-century Florentine dramatists. His best-known play, L'Assiuolo ( The Horned Owl), brings to the stage the amorous adventure of two students at the university... more
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      Theatre StudiesTheatre HistoryItalian LiteratureTheatre
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      Italian LiteratureConfraternities and Luoghi PiiMedieval ArtItalian Medieval and Renaissance Theatre and Spectacle
This chapter explores the complex and still obscure relationship between Italian literary academies, which often engaged in amateur theatricals, and professional actors who formed part of the new theatrical companies (commedia dell’arte)... more
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      Theatre HistoryEarly Modern theatre studiesCommedia dell'arteGiovan Battista Andreini
Conferenza a cura di: Monica Centanni e Piermario Vescovo. Intervengono: Maria Bergamo, Matteo Casini, Stefania Gerevini, Alessandro Metlica, Elisabetta Selmi, Davide Susanetti, Giulia Zanon.
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      Theatre StudiesRenaissance StudiesRenaissance ArtItalian Renaissance Art
Seminario a cura di: Monica Centanni e Piermario Vescovo. Intervengono: Maria Bergamo, Matteo Casini, Silvia De Min, Stefania Gerevini, Alessandro Metlica, Stefano Tomassini, Giulia Zanon.
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      Theatre StudiesRenaissance StudiesTheatreTheatre Arts
This collection presents eight articles by one of the most influential scholars of Florentine culture in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Originally published in French, their insights into the relationship between artistic... more
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      Theatre StudiesTheatre HistoryRenaissance HistoryEarly Modern History