Tarim Basin
Recent papers in Tarim Basin
***** As of January, 2024 this database has been moved to an ArcGIS Storymap and no longer being updated as a text file. For the most recent version, please see: Tattooed Human Mummies [ArcGIS story map]... more
""The common understanding of early Chinese diplomacy largely is informed by the term 'tributary system:' during the Han period, foreign entities mainly engaged with the Chinese empire in order to secure economic profit. This view is... more
Polities and nomads: the emergence of the Silk Road exchange in the Tarim Basin region during late prehistory (2000–400 BCE), in: Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, vol. 80, n.2, 2017, pp. 339-363.
The Tarim Basin lies in the modern province of Xinjiang, within the borders of the People’s Republic of China. However, while it may lie within these borders, the Tarim Basin has always been a hotly contested battleground: in-between... more
The interpretation of the Niya Prakrit grapheme <ḱ> is an unsolved problem of the Kharoṣṭhī script. This article will argue that, at least in most cases, it represents Bactrian <þκ> /šk/. After a brief note on the palaeography of the... more
The Mughal Emperor Zahīruddīn Muhammad Baber (Born: 14 February 1483 CE, Period of Reign 20 April 1526 CE – 26 December 1530 CE): writes in his Memoirs, Tuzk e Babari:- " In the hill country to the north-east (of Cabul) lies Kafferistan,... more
The oasis of Khotan represents a fascinating crossroad of cultures and artistic influences mixed in a unique environment. Paintings, which are visually eloquent, yet very elusive with their mysterious symbolism, have fascinated scholars... more
Numerous Bronze Age cemeteries in the oases surrounding the Tä klamakan Desert of the Tarim
This paper belongs to Mr. Polat Kaya. I share this file / article with the permission of the researcher / author Mr. Polat Kaya. You can also find this article here. https://www.polatkaya.net/TuranianPapers.html
This hypothesis needs to be tested by archaeometallurgical and historical linguistic studies from an extended area from Ancient Far East to Ancient Near East. This is also an imperative in the context of a new start for Vedic and IE... more
The present scholarly consensus is that the Chinese Han dynasty military force (second century B.C.E.–second century C.E.), when it reached the city-oases of the southern and northern Taklamakan Desert (in the modern Xinjiang region of... more
and sharing with colleagues.
Extant Romano-Coptic nalbinding from the Nile Valley and surrounding regions provides one of the most statistically significant populations of such material, consisting of over 100 specimens. The technical variant used in approximately... more
""Prestigegüter entlang der Seidenstraße? first and foremost aims to assess exquisite objects of art – Chinese silks in various weaving patterns, Chinese lacquer objects, Chinese bronze mirrors and Persian (Sassanian) glassware – and... more
Numerous Bronze Age cemeteries in the oases surrounding the Täklamakan Desert of the Tarim Basin in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, western China, have yielded both mummified and skeletal human remains. A dearth of local... more
Numerous Bronze Age cemeteries in the oases surrounding the Tä klamakan Desert of the Tarim
once remarked with reference to the concessions to Parliament made by Charles I. " If," he said, " these had been related nakedly, without any detail of the circumstances which generally led to them, they would not have been believed."... more
Семененко А.А. Взаимосвязи культуры таримских мумий бронзового века, цивилизации Зрелой Хараппы, Ригведы (РВ) и Атхарваведы Шаунакии (АВШ) Доклад на расширенном заседании научного круглого стола "Проблемы археологии и истории Ближнего... more
In this chapter, through descriptions of the Xiaohe cemetery, related Silk Road archaeological sites, and the mummies discovered therein, we have reviewed the present situation of research on the Bronze Age cultures left by ancient... more
Семененко А.А. Таримский след исхода индоевропейцев из Индии // Власть и общество: механизмы взаимодействия и противоречия: Материалы Восьмой региональной научной конференции (г. Воронеж, 3 февраля 2014 г.) / Под общ. ред. В.Н.Глазьева. —... more
As the world's second largest sand sea and one of the most important dust sources to the global aerosol system, the formation of the Taklimakan Desert marks a major environmental event in central Asia during the Cenozoic. Determining... more
Excessive withdrawal of water for farmland irrigation, and water losses from water reservoirs and channels, have caused water deficit problems along the Tarim River in Northwestern China. Especially, the lower reaches have been severely... more
Toponyms and hydronyms encode important information about human perceptions of the environment in a specific context. This article discusses the Loptuq, a group of Turkic-speakers, who until the 1950s lived as fishers-foragers at the... more
Ulaştırma Bakanlığı Altyapı Yatırımları Genel Müdürlüğü CİMER üzerinden iletilen dilekçelere cevap vermeye başladı. Söz konusu cevapta,“İstanbul Boğazındaki keskin dönüşler, sert akıntılar, şehir içi deniz trafiği olmasından dolayı Boğaz... more
Cumhuriyet döneminde köylüye yönelik çıkan dergiler yayın politikalrı hakıında bilgi vermektedir
Numerous Bronze Age cemeteries in the oases surrounding the Tä klamakan Desert of the Tarim