Taiwan Archaeology
Recent papers in Taiwan Archaeology
The comparative studies on the mining remains of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in the aspects of production techniques and archaeological cultures can reveal the interrelationships among... more
- by Haichao Li
For understanding a trade network of Asian wide area in the historical period, grazed ceramic shards found in archaeological sites can clearly explain its detail condition. Among the trade ceramics from every site, kind of container is... more
Archaeological excavations at Guishan in the southern end of Taiwan have recovered more than a hundred glass beads dating to mid-1st millennium CE. This research investigates the exchange of glass beads between Guishan, eastern Taiwan and... more
Jicha is a Bronze Age settlement located next to the upper Mekong River in the Hengduan Mountains of Yunnan, southwest China. Recent excavations have revealed details of successive occupation and copperbase industrial activity. The site's... more
The earliest farming communities in Taiwan practiced a distinctive bio-cultural marker of identity, in the form of deliberate anterior teeth extraction. This distinguishing body transformation can be traced back to 4800 years BP in Taiwan... more
Osud ostrova Formosa/Taiwan vždy osciloval mezi eurasijskou pevninou a oceánským životem Austronésie. Byl strategickou křižovatkou dálného východu a obětí opakovaných kolonizací. I dnes obyvatelé ostrova stále hledají svou identitu,... more
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魯凱族好茶舊社在1991年經內政部公告為「二級古蹟」,是目前唯一被指定為國定古蹟的聚落,與舊筏灣、高燕、射鹿、老七佳等排灣族舊社同為臺灣重要的石板屋聚落建築,也因其珍貴的文化資產價值,在2016年時被聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)推動世界文化資產保存的單位「世界建築文物保護基金會(World MonumentsFund,WMF)」列入「世界文物守護」(World Monuments... more
From a global perspective , two alternatives to archaeology exist , historically oriented or anthropologically oriented. What kind of relationship archaeology should have with history and anthropology , has been debated for long. Instead... more
非由知名建築師設計、不強調原創性的「普通建築」長期乏人問津,但在近 30 年的城市史、建築史研究中成為新的焦點與研究趨勢。筆者觀察到臺灣在 1970 年代前後出現大批外觀看似大同小異的市政建築,乃以此為題,視建築為社會變遷的物質容器和表徵、分析其意欲透過空間形式傳達的象徵意義。本研究借鑒建築類型學和紮根理論的歸納、命名/譯碼、整合性分析方法,透過實地考察結合網路地圖應用,系統性地自遍佈全臺灣的 2116 座市政建築中篩選出 1009... more
Dairy product can be process into ready to drink or ready to serve. Dairy product that needs to be dissolved first usually powdered by drying. The drying method could be done using the vacuum Drying Method. This study used a 3x3 factorial... more
Dussubieux (ed.). 2021. Ancient glass of South Asia. Archaeology, ethnography and global connections. Singapore: Springer; 978-981-16-3655-4 hardback £119.99. Our understanding of ancient glass in the Old World has predominantly centred... more
XPLANATIONS FOR THE cultural diversity found both ethnographically and archaeologically on Taiwan have been one of the key issues for anthropologists studying the island for the last 70 years (Chang 1969; Triestman 1972). Linguistically,... more
Glass beads and beadmaking waste have been excavated at the Iron Age site of Jiuxianglan (ca. third century BC-eighth century AD) in southeastern Taiwan. It was suggested that this site may be a production and exchange centre of glass... more
運用花蓮平原(明義、北埔與慈濟)三處鑽井岩芯,富含植物微小化石(ca 20um)的生物地層研究,能鑑別13~7千年前(簡記為13~7 kyr BP)、穩定沉積環境中孢粉組成的氣候意義。生物層序觀點能提取以孢子、花粉的訊號意義,搭配北半球碳素資料庫IntCal20所提供的嶄新定年校正與貝葉斯機率模型解析。首先發現於明義井(MY 19~88m)的深度內,泥質地層完整保存古孢粉的連續分布。明義井亦可區辨出最顯著的地史事件,就是「全新世突涼暴雨事件(MY 50~55m, cal.... more
筆者修習卑南族織布技藝的契機始於2013 年,當時筆者想為自己織一件族服。 本文是筆者這五年修習道路上,所紀錄的資料加以彙整而成。 首先對卑南族做一個概括性的介紹,其次就拜師及謝師的禮儀介紹,第三部分則 是記述傳統卑南織布技藝的傳說故事、禁忌、工具、織造技法、傳習及織紋的解讀。 第四是針對中研院民族所博物館卑南族的傳統織品服飾典藏品,進行織品資料之綜合 整理分析,以建立卑南族織品研究傳習知識基礎,最後則是就卑南族傳統織布傳承、 保護和開發提出建議。... more
- by Ming-Chi Yu
This study examines the experiences of Tertiary Education Subsidy (TES) beneficiaries. The TES program aims to remove financial barriers to higher education. Through a case study research design and purposive sampling, data was collected... more
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This study examines the experiences of Tertiary Education Subsidy (TES) beneficiaries. The TES program aims to remove financial barriers to higher education. Through a case study research design and purposive sampling, data was collected... more
The archaeological sites carry the ways that prehistoric people responded to their surrounding environment and develop their lifestyles. Through archaeological research, these can provide us as a reference for thinking about the... more
整合操作鍊、實踐理論的技術選擇取徑,論述社群依照所處環境、傳統或者外在接觸所提供的種種可能性做出選擇,其總和反映在器物展現、個體行為上,便形成行為或技術風格;運用操作鍊分解器物製作過程,將其中的選擇加以顯示、數據化,可進而檢視社群之選擇傾向。結合技術選擇概念及屬性分析的應用,可依此初步辨識群體之間的細微差異,乃至於嘗試辨識、討論社群邊界。 本文選擇植物園文化的三個遺址為對象,透過上述理論取徑以及分析方法,觀察被歸類為相同文化的史前人群,在... more
Two distinct population models have been put forward to explain present-day human diversity in Southeast Asia. The first model proposes long-term continuity (Regional Continuity model) while the other suggests two waves of dispersal (Two... more
The global significance of archaeology in Island Southeast Asia has been recognized as central for understanding the diversity of ancient hominins, the evolution of modern humans, and the spread of Austronesian languages and cultures. It... more
A total of 146 glass samples from Daoye, Daoye South, and Wujiancuo in southwestern Taiwan were subjected to elemental analysis using LA-ICP-MS and SEM-EDS. These samples cover a time span from the first to the eighth century CE. The... more
Located on the southeast coast of China, Fujian is an important junction for the spread and migration of agriculture and populations from mainland Asia to Taiwan and the Island Southeast Asia. Research on the emergence of agriculture and... more
The Austronesian language is spread from Madagascar in the west, Island Southeast Asia (ISEA) in the east (e.g. the Philippines and Indonesian archipelagoes) and throughout the Pacific, as far east as Easter Island. While it seems clear... more
A genetic history of China The history of human movements into and within China has been difficult to determine solely from archaeological investigations or genetic studies of contemporary peoples. Yang et al. sequenced DNA from 26... more
In this paper I suggest that the system of verbal morphology hitherto reconstructed for Proto Austronesian (PAn) did not yet exist in PAn. Instead, the PAn system more closely resembled the pre-PAn system reconstructed by Ross (1995:749,... more
年劍尖槍鎖管的漁獲量為例,其月別平均漁獲量可達380,000 公斤/ 月,平均「單位努力漁獲量」(catch per unit effort, CPUE)可達24 公斤/ 小時。冬末春初時劍尖槍鎖管的漁獲重心主要分布在彭佳嶼附近,之後逐漸往東北方移動至東經124 度暨北緯27 度附近水域;夏秋季時逐漸往西側陸棚水域和南側水域移動,到冬季時再回到彭佳嶼附近海域。根據「泛加成模式」(generalized additive model,... more
The main purpose of designating reservoir buffer zone is to prevent improper land uses for reducing sediment deposition and water quality deterioration. With integration of remote sensing and GIS techniques, the land use pattern changes... more
Astringency caused by polyphenolic compounds, such as catechins, is a major factor for the quality of tea. Tea infusions mainly comprise two non-gallate type catechins, epicatechin (EC) and epigallocatechin (EGC), as well as two gallate... more
台北市愛國東路210巷銜接愛國東路與金華街之間,緊鄰中華郵政台北金南郵局西側,道路長約147公尺,原始寬約6公尺。在台北市政府工務局新建工程處所執行之《愛國東路210巷道路新築工程》計畫中,其工程目標為重新闢建目前的愛國東路210巷,將原來的6公尺寬巷道拓寬為12.74公尺道路,並把道路向西遷移約3.5公尺。新闢道路的施工範圍內,主要挖方工程除了將舊巷道的柏油路面刨除外以外,也同時在新闢道路兩側挖掘管線溝,管線溝開挖的寬度約1.8公尺(西)及1公尺(東),深度約1.3公尺(圖... more
As a result, Affiliations 2-5 were incorrectly listed as Affiliation 1-4. The original Article has been corrected.
宜蘭的丸山文化和花蓮的花岡山文化,是二、三千年前臺灣島內唯二同時使用甕棺和石板棺的史前文化,這兩種不同的葬式同時存在於宜蘭和花蓮地區這點,在當時的史前臺灣社會是相當特殊的情形。生老病死是人生大事,面對親人的死亡,生者常會以自身文化認為最好的方式來埋葬死者,其背後隱含了對死者在來世的祝福,和讓生者藉著葬儀完滿而得以釋懷,使得生者得以走出悲傷繼續生活,同時撫慰死者的靈魂。由於埋葬方式涉及到深層的文化結構,也因此,不同地區的史前人們會採取相同的埋葬方式(甕棺、石板棺)這點,透露出兩... more
Excavations at the stone sarcophagus burial site of Pangkung Paruk on Bali have yielded the largest collection of Roman gold-glass beads in early Southeast Asia found to date, together with elaborate gold ornaments and two Han Chinese... more
This short article report about the new findings of finely made dentate-stamped and lime infilled potteries from the Goa Topogaro site in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Most of them are red-slipped pottery decorated with dentate-stamped,... more
The most westerly Pacific island chain, running from Taiwan southwards through the Philippines, has long been central in debates about the origins and early migrations of Austronesian-speaking peoples from the Asian mainland into the... more
S HAM WAN (l*tlf, "deep bay" in Chinese) is situated on the southern, sparsely inhabited half of Lamma Island (Fig. 1). Evidence of preh.istoric activity on this site was first reported by William Meacham in March 1971. Although... more
For the purpose of evaluating aesthetic quality of soil and water conservation engineering constructions in mountain areas, this paper employed Scenic Beauty Estimation Method (SBE), one of psycho-physical methods, developed by Daniel and... more
The excavation of the Man Bac site (c. 3800-3500 years BP) in Ninh Binh Province, Northern Vietnam, yielded a large mortuary assemblage. A total of 31 inhumations were recovered during the 2004-2005 excavation. Multivariate comparisons... more
Glass beads and beadmaking waste have been excavated at the Iron Age site of Jiuxianglan (ca. third century BC-eighth century AD) in southeastern Taiwan. It was suggested that this site may be a production and exchange centre of glass... more
This chapter describes the many portable artefacts found during the Batanes investigations, with the exceptions of pottery (chapter 6), spindle whorls (chapter 7) and nephrite (chapter 9). The main categories discussed in this chapter are... more
臺灣史學者習慣以17世紀以後的文獻記載,去想像數萬、數千年前的史前時代為「原始、封閉、一成不變」生活樣貌;尤其容易以現今的地景去推測過去的人文生態,但卻忽視了海岸線、河川、湖泊的位置和水位,在漫長的史前時代之不同時空中,是有很大的變動的。以「今」直接論「古」,不僅容易誤判不同時空的地景差異,也容易以晚近300年的短淺文獻理解,去嚴重誤讀史前時代的人與土地之關係。... more
Several rockfalls caused damages on Highway No.2 during an intensive rainfall on August 31, 2013, in Keelung. One of the rockfalls hit a car and the event was captured by a camera. This study analyzes the mechanism of the rockfall based... more