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Trademark law is quintessentially a response to all-too-human cognitive failures: We have limited time, limited attention spans, limited memory and an ability for pattern recognition that on the one hand is highly evolved, but also prone... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceIntellectual PropertyTRIPS AgreementTrademark Law
Apresentação - na confraria do vinho Fornace - sobre indicações geográficas, abordando especialmente as indicações de procedência e as denominações de origem relacionadas aos vinhos. A base normativa é o TRIPs e a Lei 9279.
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      Intellectual PropertyWine EconomicsIntellectual Property LawIntellectual Property Rights
Intellectual property concepts embodied in international treaties and national laws date back to the eighteenth century. Many fundamental concepts (originality in copyright law; confusion in trademark law; novelty or inventiveness in... more
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      Internet LawTraditional KnowledgeInternational Intellectual Property LawTRIPS Agreement
The trend of continued rejection of compulsory licence applications in India goes against the local generic drug manufacturers and public health safeguards incorporated in the Indian patent law. It raises serious questions about the... more
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      PatentsTechnology transferPublic HealthPatent law and patent policy
For too long IPRs have been regarded as food for the rich countries and poison for poor countries .... [I]t is not as simple as that. Poor countries may find them useful provided they are accommodated to suit local palates.'
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      Intellectual PropertyInternational TradeEconomic DevelopmentIntellectual Property Rights
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      Intellectual PropertyGeographical IndicationsInternational Intellectual Property LawTRIPS Agreement
Plain packaging of cigarettes as a way of reducing tobacco consumption and its related health costs and effects raises a number of international trade law issues. The plain packaging measures adopted in Australia impose strict format... more
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      International Intellectual Property LawTRIPS AgreementPlain Packaging
El libro Innovación y capacidades en la industria farmacéutica: una perspectiva desde Colombia desarrolla un interrogante que el autor se plantea desde el inicio de su obra: “¿En qué medida los ADPIC y su implementación en los países... more
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brevettuale e fenomeno dell'evergreening L'importanza dell'industria farmaceutica risiede non solo nelle sue implicazioni economiche e occupazionali ma anche nel fondamentale contributo al miglioramento della salute degli esseri umani. È... more
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    • TRIPS Agreement
Traditional knowledge (TK) is the intellectual inventiveness, innovations, and practices of indigenous populations and local communities over generations of living through cultural emanation. The very existence of this knowledge is under... more
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      BioengineeringIntellectual PropertyBiotechnologyIntellectual Property Law
This Article considers whether the Geneva Act (2015) of the 1958 Lisbon Agreement achieved a reconciliation between the common-law approach to protecting certain GIs as trademarks and the (currently) mostly European approach of using a... more
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      Geographical IndicationsTRIPS AgreementIntellectual Property Law, Geographical Indications
The paper analyzes the pros and cons of the GI regime of Bangladesh to assess its feasibility to protect both the cultural legacy and real producers of geographically indicative goods of Bangladesh in an ever expanding local and global... more
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      Intellectual PropertyBangladeshGeographical IndicationsTRIPS Agreement
This Article considers, first, available economic, social, and cultural analyses of the impact of intellectual property protection in developing countries. Economics provides a useful set of analytical tools and are directly relevant, in... more
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      International Intellectual Property LawTRIPS Agreementimpact of Trips Agreement on national sovereignty: the case of Patents on developing countries
The purport of this paper is premised on the extent to which Negative pledge clause can be activated against third-parties. That is, to what extent can this covenant be enforced against a subsequent creditor who took interests in the... more
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      Climate Change AdaptationPERSONAL DATA PROTECTIONTechnology transfer to developing countriesData Privacy
This chapter presents a general view of intellectual property rights, the judicial enforcement thereof (trial, incl. injunctions), unfair competition, as well as the contract of licensing. It does so in an international perspective,... more
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      Intellectual PropertyTrade SecretsTopographiesCopyright Law
The Protection of Geographical Names as Certification Marks in common law jurisdictions such as the United Kingdom and the United States is examined in light of the UK Spansih Champagne and other "Drinks" cases and similar cases in the... more
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      Geographical IndicationsTRIPS AgreementInternational & Local Intellectual Property Laws Copyright Law & Regulations & Trademarks
The first target of today’s global commercial and military espionage, trade secrets, are the only form of intellectual property protection to be based on the necessity of nondisclosure and secrecy rather than on the paradigm of publicity... more
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      South KoreaEast AsiaAustraliaPublic International Law
The paper discusses upon the implication of TRIPs agreement relating to life forms in USA, EPO, India and Japan. It also sets the grounds on which patent are granted across these jurisdictions on life forms and the reasons for not... more
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      Intellectual PropertyBiotechnologyPatentsIntellectual Property Law
The development and advancement of economy in today’s world focuses on information-based technology. Therefore, an intellectual property right has played a major role as a protection of considerable interest of developed nations. As a... more
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      Developing CountriesIntellectual Property LawUnited StatesTRIPS Agreement
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      Developing CountriesBiopiracyBioprospectingTRIPS Agreement
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has revealed a glaring truth—that countries stand on unequal grounds in terms of access to vaccines and treatment, largely owing to the unequal distribution of manufacturing capacities... more
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      Intellectual PropertyVaccinesPatentsTRIPS Agreement
The TRIPS agreement offered members the opportunity to exclude from patentability, inventions for which the commercial exploitation under a patent regime might cause serious prejudice to the public order or morality, including the... more
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      Intellectual PropertyProperty LawSustainable DevelopmentSocial Development in developing countries
International intellectual property (IP) protection is characterized by the growing importance of bi- and plurilateral free trade agreements (hereafter: FTAs). These FTAs represent a number of challenges for the international IP regime.... more
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      Neo-republicanismTechnology and IP Law, Legal TheoryIP LawTRIPS Agreement
A waiver would not be a global answer to the pandemic but would be a step in the right direction. It would remove the legal barriers that prevent cross-border cooperation in generic manufacturing of Covid-19 medical products as well as... more
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      Access to essential medicinesTRIPS AgreementVaccine productionWaiver
What role can Geographical Indications (GIs) play in the protection of traditional innovation?
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      Geographical IndicationsTRIPS Agreement
This study considers intellectual property rules contained in the WTO TRIPS Agreement as they might affect climate change regulatory efforts. The TRIPS Agreement rules that are most directly applicable in this context are patents;... more
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      Intellectual PropertyClimate ChangeClimate change policyTRIPS Agreement
In 2008 and 2009, customs officials in the European Union, alleging patent infringement detained and seized generic medicines in transit from India to Brazil. The two countries requested consultations through the World Trade... more
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      WTO Dispute SettlementTRIPS AgreementAccess to Medicines
It has recently been suggested that the age of human rights is over. The West, itself often not respecting human rights, is said to have abused the concept as a tool to retain control over the developing world. Human rights have remained... more
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      Intellectual PropertyHuman RightsAfricaLaw and Development
Articles 7 and 8 of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) play a central role in assuring the members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) the right to implement public health measures. The Doha... more
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      Intellectual PropertyPublic HealthWTO Dispute SettlementCigarette Packaging, Plain Cigarette Packaging
The World Trade Organization (WTO) was formed in order to establish a set of international rules and norms for conducting trade among nations. The objective of the organization is not only to strive towards a more harmonious and equitable... more
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      Development StudiesEgyptIntellectual Property LawIntellectual Property Rights
Foreign Direct Investment and Domestic Technological Capabilities as indicators
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      Multinational CorporationsIPRForeign Direct Investment ( FDI )TRIPS Agreement
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      International Intellectual Property LawTRIPS Agreementimpact of Trips Agreement on national sovereignty: the case of Patents on developing countries
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      Intellectual PropertyTranslation StudiesOpen AccessCopyright History
In 2018, a World Trade Organization (WTO) Panel ruled that plain packaging of tobacco products was consistent with Australia’s obligations under the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) and was in the... more
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      Intellectual PropertyTrademarksPublic HealthWTO Dispute Settlement
L’entrée en vigueur du premier amendement de l’accord sur les ADPIC consacre un mécanisme permettant de pallier à l’impossibilité d’exporter les médicaments issus des licences obligatoires. Ce mécanisme, que nous proposons de qualifier de... more
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      International LawPublic HealthTRIPS Agreement
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      HistorySociologySocial MovementsGeography
Having been a contracting party to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) since 1948, Sri Lanka ratified the Marrakesh Agreement establishing the World Trade Organization (WTO) in June 1994, and became one of its founding... more
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      TrademarksIntellectual Property LawInternational Intellectual Property LawTRIPS Agreement
The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), in its design and implementation procedures, does not reflect a human rights approach. There is an ever-growing community of critical voices, however,... more
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      Intellectual PropertyInternational Human Rights LawPublic International LawIntellectual Property Law
This paper exclusively deals with intellectual property rights (IPRs) landscape of the TICFA. It relies on secondary sources and raises questions what the probable consequences the TICFA might bring in the area of intellectual property... more
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      Intellectual PropertyBangladeshInternational trade lawFTA
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      Intellectual PropertyEuropean integrationEuropean LawEuropean Union
The use of sacred aboriginal art is nothing new. It is fairly common to see dream catchers hanging from rear view mirrors in cars. In Australia, sacred aboriginal designs are often found on tea towels, rugs and restaurant placemats. In... more
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      Traditional KnowledgeTRIPS Agreement• Aboriginal Law and Politics In CanadaAboriginal and Treaty Rights In Canada
The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted multiple facets of our lives and created a number of legal and ethical dilemmas. One of the greatest challenges at present is the production and distribution of the Covid-19 vaccine. Refusing to supply... more
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      Intellectual PropertyPublic Health LawCompetition LawAntitrust (Law)
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      Library ScienceGlobalizationPublic LibrariesGlobalisation and Development
The first version of the three-step test emerged at the 1967 Stockholm Conference for the Revision of the Berne Convention. With the inclusion of versions of the test in the TRIPS Agreement of April 1994, the two WIPO “Internet” treaties... more
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      International Copyright LawWTO Dispute SettlementTRIPS Agreement
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      Climate ChangeIntelectual property rightsTRIPS AgreementUNFCCC
In this article, we examine what the role of the private sector in times of crises is and whether the private sector is, and can be held to be, accountable. COVID-19 has amplified the difficulties with public-private partnerships and this... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityAccountabilityVaccinesGlobal Health
To what extent does the current international legal regime on the protection of intellectual property rights adequately address the issues associated with the protection of public health?
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      Law and EconomicsInternational economic lawTRIPsTrips Agreement: Implications and Challenges for Bangladesh
“Increasingly broad and vocal consortiums of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) are challenging the ‘moral, political and economic legitimacy’ of TRIPS, focusing on provisions of the treaty that affect public health, human rights,... more
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      Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)Intelectual PropertyPolitical ecology, NGOs, sustainable development, biodiversity, agroecology, amazonia, brazil, global change, environmental actors, protect areas, nature conservation.TRIPs
The obligation to work a patent in the patent granting country contributes to a variety of public policy goals such as technology transfer resulting in narrowing the deep North-South gap in development levels. With the advent of the TRIPS... more
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      Public Health PolicyPatentsAccess to essential medicinesPublic Health