Syriac manuscripts
Recent papers in Syriac manuscripts
Khristiansky Vostok 9/15 (2021) 77–94
Along the lines of a reappraisal of the so-called Byzantine “Dark Ages,” this contribution addresses the question of the re-emergence of classical culture in Byzantium in the 9th century and how Syriac sources can throw some light on the... more
This blog was prepared for Holy Week 2020. In it, I describe illustrations relating to various stages of the Passion of Christ found within the British Library's holdings of Syriac manuscripts. I explore some of the variations in style... more
L’invenzione del dialogo raccoglie una serie di testi letterari cristiani in lingua siriaca, di un genere in cui questa letteratura si distinse ed eccelse: l’innografia e la poesia piegate a esporre temi e motivi teologici, esegetici e... more
* * * now available online * * * The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage (GEDSH) is the first major encyclopedia-type reference work devoted exclusively to Syriac... more
Book review: Erica C. D. Hunter and Mark Dickens, eds., Syrische Handschriften. Teil 2: Texte der Berliner Turfansammlung/Syriac Texts from the Berlin Turfan Collection, Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland 5.2
Johnson, Scott Fitzgerald. 2021. “Syriac Hymnography before Ephrem.” In Hymns, Homilies, and Hermeneutics in Byzantium, edited by Sarah Gador-Whyte and Andrew Mellas, 193–215. Leiden: Brill.
For Jacob of Serugh’s large text corpus hardly any early text or primary witnesses have survived. Most of them are copies from centuries later, with the most ancient ones dating to the seventh century AD. The discovery of a... more
For the past two centuries, scholars have debated the origin of Arabic script, the youngest of the Semitic scripts. While one camp pointed to Nabatean as the sure ancestor, another favored Syriac instead. By examining each ancestor... more
From Jahiliyya to Islam Colloquium 1, Jerusalem, June 1980, (I)
Questo lavoro sul Vangelo dell'infanzia arabo della Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana di Firenze cod. Orientali 387 è nato come proseguimento della collana di volumi denominata "Folia picta", nella quale sono stati pubblicati il Tetravangelo... more
Syriac Christianity developed in the first centuries CE in the Middle East, where it continued to flourish throughout Late Antiquity and the Medieval period, while also spreading widely, as far as India and China. Today, Syriac Christians... more
An interview with the Dominical Archbishop of Mosul and Aqra, Fr Najeeb Michaeel, who was responsible for salvaging a trove of manuscripts from ISIS.
The Syriac Version of Ezra-Nehemiah seems to be based on an original Hebrew text that is partly different from the one transmitted in the Masoretic tradition. This study seeks explain how the Syriac translator understood the Hebrew text.... more
Syriac and the Qurʾān - Encyclopaedia of the Qur'ān - 2018 **Syriac was an Aramaic dialect spoken by Christians in and around Arabia during the time of the Qurʾān’s appearance. It or… **Article Table of Contents The place of Syriac... more
A peculiar feature of some early manuscripts of John has rarely been interpreted. At the climax of Mary Magdalene’s recognition scene, her name changes from Maria to Mariam. The immediate narrative context includes Mary’s double... more
Published in James E. Walters (ed.), Eastern Christianity: A Reader (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2021), 123-128. Timothy I was an influential Catholicos of the Church of the East for more than forty years (780–823). Around sixty letters... more
Le corpus traditionnel d’hymnes syriaques monodiques modales de l’office divin constitue le noyau générateur de la liturgie de l’Église maronite. Ces hymnes s’inscrivent dans la continuité du syncrétisme qu’a réalisé Saint Ephrem de... more
Introduction (for some reason, omitted from the publication!): As late as the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Bitlis was home to a large and vibrant Christian community. Most documentation from that time records these as... more
“The Classical Syriac Language,” in Daniel King (ed.), The Syriac World (New York: Routledge, 2019). 222-242. The Syriac language is a vital component of the broader Syriac cultural heritage. In this contribution, I locate Syriac... more
“Well-documented and long-needed book on the multidimensional identity of the Arameans. It makes complex and confusing matters simple and clear.” Prof. Dr. Werner Arnold, University of Heidelberg... more
The Syriologist Arthur Vööbus began his academic studies at the theological faculty of the University of Tartu in 1928. He defended his doctoral dissertation in 1943 and in the following year left Estonia before Soviet occupation. From... more
Johnson, Scott Fitzgerald. 2018. “The Languages of Christianity on the Silk Roads and the Transmission of Mediterranean Culture into Central Asia.” In Empires and Exchanges in Eurasian Late Antiquity: Rome, China, Iran, and the Steppe,... more
The objective of the present article is to give a brief, introductory description of some Neo-Aramaic manuscripts belonging to a private collection authored and compiled by Khivron ‘Azīzī (Urmia) that has remained completely unknown to... more
Les homélies no. 1-44 de Jacques de Sarug (Ve-VIe siècle)
This work contains the Syriac to English answers for Robinson's Paradigms and Exercises in Syriac Grammar. It is intended for self-learners and other interested persons.
This article aims to revisit the impact of relations between Rome and the Maronite Church on his religious identity in the 16th century. The starting point is the manuscript kept in Florence (BNCF) of the Missale Chaldaïcum, one of the... more
Название «4-я книга Эзры» 1 , или «Апокалипсис Эзры», носит в научной литературе основная часть (главы 3-14) второканонической библейской 3-й книги Ездры 2 . Согласно мнению современных исследователей, первоначально 4-я книга Эзры была... more
"Vetus Syra: Historicity and Reception Model of the Gospels" - PhD Thesis Author: Etienne Méténier, Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies, Théologie, Université Saint-Esprit de Kaslik Supervisor: Ayoub Chahwan Cet ouvrage est issu d'une thèse de... more
Works concerning astrology and divination comprise one of the least studied Syriac literary genres. The most common of these is that simply titled Spar-Sammané (Book of Medicines). It is a work which arouses strong feelings of mystery in... more