Syriac Liturgy
Recent papers in Syriac Liturgy
In all liturgical families, including the Syriac ones, the proclamation of the Word of God is an essential element of liturgical celebration. Although in the numerous communities sharing the same tradition of Antioch, Edessa and Nisibis... more
In every liturgical family, including the Syriac ones, the proclamation of the Word of God belongs to the essential elements of the celebration. Although in the many communities sharing the same tradition of Antioch, Edessa and Nisibis... more
it is the Qawmo in Syriac with Syriac transliteration and English translation
The rite of the consecration of Chalice performed by the laymen and monks according to the various Christian traditions. Its early Christian roots.
Les homélies no. 1-44 de Jacques de Sarug (Ve-VIe siècle)
In terms of influence and literary quality, St. Ephrem 1 the Syrian (d. 373) may be considered as the greatest figure in the history of Syriac literature. His survived literary heritage consists of a vast corpus of poetical texts,... more
English Translation: First Service (Gabriel Bar-Sawme) revised by Robert Kitchen; Second service (Charbel Rizk & Gunay Raheb) revised by Sebastian Brock. Arabic Translation: First Service (Antonios Gharib); Second service (Zaytoun Sawmi)... more
LIT Umschlagbild: Inschrift am Haupteingang der Kirche Notre Dame d'Ilige, Mayfouk/Libanon. Alter Sitz der maronitischen Patriarchen (Foto: Hans Hollerweger) Gedruckt mit Unterstützung von: ZECO -Zentrum zur Erforschung des Christlichen... more
On the occasion of the 80 th birthday of Sebastian P. Brock, Sankt Ignatios Theological Academy & Stockholm School of Theology, Sweden, are hosting a major conference on " The Future of Syriac Studies. " Sebastian Brock has agreed to be... more
This article was published in 1999 and summarises some of the ideas that were expanded in the later monograph The Architecture and Liturgy of the Bema in Fourth- to-Sixth-Century Syrian Churches.
This essay examines several liturgical poems in which a correspondence exists between the texts and the space in which they were performed. A key term in my investigation is ekphrasis, a rhetorical technique common in classical... more
Longtemps perçu à tort comme une marge reculée et peu créative de l’Empire byzantin, le monde syriaque n’en a pas moins incarné un rôle déterminant, au cours des derniers siècles de l’Antiquité, dans l’émergence de l’art du livre... more
Syriac Text and Arabic Translation: Roger Akhrass
English Translation: Elie Shabo, Robert Kitchen
English Translation: Elie Shabo, Robert Kitchen
Badania prehistorii islamu oraz poszukiwania źródeł religii muzułmańskiej, zarówno w tym wymiarze duchowym jak i materialnym, od wieków stanowiły pole dla bezlicznych dociekań naukowych, opieranych na dostępnych dowodach i przesłankach –... more
The present collection is part of the Syriac manuscript patrimony held in that corner of land commonly referred to as Tur ‘Abdin, a slither of land in far southeastern Turkey that creeps between Syria and Iraq. A land whose wealth of... more
Extrait du Dictionnaire de la Bible dans les littératures du monde
The Liturgy of the Holy Apostles Addai and Mari (or the Liturgy of the Apostles) occupies the most important place among the liturgies of the Church of the East (the so-called "Nestorian Church"). Romanian theology first came into contact... more
For the first time, this volume brings together biblical scholars and specialists in Syriac liturgy and patristic literature. It contains introductory essays on the Syriac versions in the liturgy, the Syriac Old Testament commentary... more
A community of particular significance in the development of Mesopotamian-Iraqi Christian life in the modern era was (and is) the Dominican Order which has had a sustained presence since the 18th century. This article serves as an... more
The relationship between God and human being was seen, already in the OT, as amorous. The image that was most preferred, with which this relationship could be described, was the spousal image. It was used metaphorically to underline, on... more
La littérature en langue syriaque, du nom que l'on donne à la forme de l'araméen en usage chez les chrétiens du Proche-Orient, est l'une des plus riches de l'Orient chrétien. Elle est celle de communautés qui ont fleuri depuis la... more
"This document contains a draft translation of Ps.-Chrysostom In Ascensionem 1 (PG 52:791-794 = CPG 4531 = RP 516) I translated this for practice in Greek. To my untrained eye this text hints at early liturgical traditions, includes a... more
Intervento tenuto all'interno del convegno «Il Levante cristiano. Giornata di studio sul Libano e Siria a partire dalla pubblicazione di due monografie della collana Studia Orientalia Christiana (Edizioni Terra Santa 2019)» tenuto a... more
Un approccio patristico-liturgico. Parte seconda Nella prima parte di questo studio abbiamo analizzato il simbolo sponsale es-presso nell'AT e nel NT, come una relazione tra Dio e il suo amante — l'uomo. Abbiamo rilevato in quale modo... more
In the liturgical literature of the Church of East (the so-called Nestorian), the Wardā collection, meant for the liturgical performance at night services on the festival days and Sundays of the whole liturgical year, holds a special... more
This paper proposes an analysis of some rites described in Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite’s De ecclesiastica hierarchia, focusing in particular on the sacraments of the Ordination and of the Enlightenment, as well as on some parts of the... more
A brief note published in Antiquity 75 (2001): 509-10
Sidney H. Griffith / Sven Grebenstein (Eds.): Christsein in der islamischen Welt. Festschrift für Martin Tamcke zum 60. Geburtstag. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2015, 345–357.
Sakrament namaszczenia chorych jest jaskrawym wyrazem troski Kościoła o najsłabszych członków jego wspólnoty. Chociaż modlitwa za nich obecna jest w całym dziedzictwie liturgicznym wspólnot chrześcijańskich, to jednak szczególne miejsce... more
“Moses Bar Kepha: Commentary on Myron, tr. & ed. by Baby Varghese, New Jersey: Gorgias Press, 2014” The Syriac Orthodox Patriarchal Journal 57, Damascus (20), p. 185.
Posługa liturgiczna kapłana jest ściśle związana z rzeczywistością, która przez wierzących rozumiana jest jako „święta”. Taki stan rzeczy zakłada, że sprawujący najświętsze tajem- nice kapłan powinien być doskonałym przykładem dla swoich... more
In the liturgical literature of the Church of East (the so-called Nestorian), the Wardā collection, meant for the liturgical performance at night services on the festival days and Sundays of the whole liturgical year, holds a special... more