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English Translation: First Service (Gabriel Bar-Sawme) revised by Robert Kitchen; Second service (Charbel Rizk & Gunay Raheb) revised by Sebastian Brock. Arabic Translation: First Service (Antonios Gharib); Second service (Zaytoun Sawmi)... more
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      Syriac StudiesSyriac LiturgyWest Syriac LiturgyHoly Chrism
Syriac Text and Arabic Translation: Roger Akhrass
English Translation: Elie Shabo, Robert Kitchen
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      Syriac StudiesSyriac LiturgyPatriarchate of AntiochWest Syriac Liturgy
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      Byzantine HistoryChurch HistoryCrusades and the Latin EastPatriarchate of Antioch
« Les sandales rituelles, lecture liturgique et patristique », dans La liturgie et l’art sacré dans le patrimoine syriaque. Quatrième symposium de liturgie, PUSEK, Kaslik 2019, p. 141-159 [arabe].
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      Syriac LiturgyWest Syriac LiturgySyriac Fathers
This paper will try to study the Syriac Liturgical Anaphora of Jacob of Edessa (d.708) from an eschatological perspective. One of the main challenges while studying the massive liturgical corpus of Syriac Anaphoras that we have over 80... more
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      Jacob of EdessaWest Syriac LiturgyWest Syriac Liturgical TheologySyriac Anaphoras
From the Introduction: The Liturgy of the Church, being the primum locus theologicus, must be the main source of any theological reflection. It is not merely an expression of the Christian faith and worship. The Liturgy provides man with... more
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      LiturgySyriac LiturgyOriental LiturgyWest Syriac Liturgy