Recent papers in Syariah
Studies relating to the weaknesses of the civil procedures in particular on the process of fasakh litigation are still relevant for review and debate. This is due to the fact that there have been complaints and reports lodged by the... more
Islam and codification of its family law in countries such as Morocco and Tunisia have taken on a somewhat of a different character depending on the specific setting in which it took place. Even though Islamic thought and in general... more
Sirri marriage is an alternative to the impasse of society whose desire to marry has peaked and filled the inner space, but is unable to carry on marriage because of obstacles and economy. Sirri marriage is a marriage that is carried out... more
Pendahuluan Seperti diketahui, sejumlah pemerintahan daerah di Sumatra Barat banyak dipandang sebagai daerah yang banyak menerapkan Peraturan Daerah (Perda) berlandaskan syariat Islam. salah satu diantara daerah tersebut adalah Kabupaten... more
In a culturally diverse country like Malaysia, halal logo plays an important role for Muslims to differentiate between halal and haram under the purview of Shariah principles. Product labeling provides a variety of choices to the... more
Women's right under Family Law pertaining to Marriage, Divorce etc
This article will specifically examine the elements related to the management of Mosque Waqf Land, Manado City, whether it has been functioning as the act or whether the law has not been able to accommodate the problems that occur in the... more
A brief comparison of punishments for homicide and bodily injury under the Kelantan Syariah Criminal Code and the Penal Code
Pemeriksaan Setempat (Descente / Plaatselijke Opneming en Onderzoek / Gerechtelijke Plaatsopneming / Check On The Spot, yaitu pemeriksaan oleh hakim karena jabatannya (Ambtshalve) yang dilakukan di luar gedung pengadilan / di luar tempat... more
The Maldivian legal system as it evolved, is one that has largely being influenced by the principles of Islam as a religion. With Islam declared to be the religion of the State in the Constitution, this is further strengthened by the fact... more
The growing market and demand for halal products have created a question of whether the legal structure is adequate to cater for the development of halal industry. Eventhough the Malaysian government has prepared a healthy business... more
This article aims to analyse if wearing a turban while riding a bike is suitable from the fiqh perspective. Wearing a turban while riding a bike opposes with two forms of Sunnah; Sunnah in Muslim dress code and Sunnah in ensuring life... more
[Review] Manajemen Risiko Bank Islam
This study discusses the issue of Muslim imitation of non-Muslims, particularly in respect of the celebrations of the multicultural society in Malaysia. Recently, arguments have emerged pertaining to the issue of Muslim practices of... more
Peraturan menteri tentang kualifikasi jabatan untuk Profesi koperasi simpan pinjam dan pembiayaan syariah atau unit simpan pinjam dan Pembiayaan Syariah ( KSPPS/USPPS) kopearsi, KKNI ini merupakan kualifikai jabatan dari SKKNI Kopearsi... more
Dewasa ini kehidupan ekonomi telah menjadi standar kehidupan individu dan kolektif suatu negara-bangsa. Keunggulan suatu negara diukur berdasarkan tingkat kemajuan ekonominya. Ukuran derajat keberhasilanmenjadi sangat materialistk. Oleh... more
The concept of the time value of money remains a matter of debate among Muslim scholars as it is perceived to provide justification for riba. The perceived opening for riba is that the exchange of time for money will end with money... more
Some people are always cover their abuse of office and hide it under the immunity clause, and thus is common in Nigeria. Their believe is that the immunity clause in 1999 Constitution of Federal Republic of Nigeria is license for them to... more
Syari'ah Khilafah Ideologi Islam IslamRahmatanLilAlamin
القضاء ركن من أركان الشريعة والقانون لأجل تحقيق المقاصد ودرء المفاسد، وقد أولى الإسلام به اهتماماً كبيرا لما فيه من إقرار وتأكيد دوره العظيم والأساسي في عمارة الأرض على الوجه الذي أراده الله تعالى للكون والإنسان والحياة. يهدف البحث بيان... more
prinsip-prinsip dasar ekonomi islam
Basically, this article focuses upon reforms of the Muslim family law in Malaysia. In order to achieve such objective, it is constructed to be consisted into three different sections, namely; first, an introduction concerning the urgent... more
Abstrak: Migrasi bukanlah suatu fenomena baharu di Sabah. Sebelum penjajahan lagi sehinggalah Sabah mencapai kemerdekaan, gelombang migrasi terus berlaku dan tidak mempunyai tanda berhenti. Terdapat banyak kajian telah dijalankan... more
Islamic microfinance has become an important part of the financial system, recognized locally and internationally, as a significant solution in addressing the problems of poverty. However, most of the financial institutions are reluctant... more
This is to the Kelantan Syariah Criminal Code II (1993) 2015 as the Criminal Procedure Code to the Penal Code.
Capaian pembelajaran yang dibebankan pada mata kuliah ini adalah, mahasiswa mampu menguasai teori-teori ushul fiqh yang dijelaskan oleh para ahli ushul dan mampu untuk menjelaskan kembali serta mengimplementasikannya di dalam masyarakat... more
The tort system that is used to regulate the medical negligence litigation points out three main requirements in finding liability. Islamic legal tradition has also outlined the concept of negligence and medical negligence. The article... more
Tulisan ini menjelaskan mengenai pembahagian harta pusaka orang Islam di Mahkamah Syariah Negeri Sabah. Beberapa aspek seperti sejarah dan perkembangan pembahagian harta orang Islam di Sabah turut dikupas melalui 4 fasa bermula sebelum... more
Issues of inefficiency and integrity at work show the increasingly demand on quality and professionalism. However, professionalism itself does not enough to produce a quality output. It must be accompanied by an Islamic personality. The... more
The study discusses views of scholars of the four main Islamic jurisprudence schools, their juristic reasoning and each school's preferred (rajih) view on the nullity of ablution as a result of skin-to-skin contact between ajnabi... more
didapat ketika kuliah umum di OJK jalan timoho yogyakarta
This article examines the development of Maliki's rules on mudarabah between the period of second and seventh century Hijri. The examination was executed by analysing five Maliki's legal texts namely al-Muwatta' of Malik (d.179),... more
The use of zakat for income generation is a mechanism where zakat wealth is distributed in a way that helps eligible recipients to generate their income, so that they could be permanently independent after a specific period of time. The... more
Profit Equalization Reserve (PER) merupakan salah satu strategi keuangan yang digunakan oleh perbankan syariah yang mana PER menangguhkan sebagian dana bagi hasil akad mudharabah (jika melebihi proyeksi) untuk diberikan saat bagi hasil... more
The majority of waqf assets available across the Muslim world today consist of immovable property such as land and buildings; all of which conform to Shariah principles. In line with the global changes and current needs, dedicated assets... more