Halal Laws
Recent papers in Halal Laws
The project of this bachelor thesis was carried out at the certification body Halal Quality Control (HQC) Germany, a leading Halal certification body for products and services. The author of this thesis is himself a Halal auditor at HQC... more
ABSTRAK Kebersihan dan keselamatan makanan di kantin adalah antara perkara yang perlu diberi perhatian di sekolah selain dari aspek pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Ia melibatkan 10,208 buah sekolah dan hampir 5 juta orang pelajar sekolah di... more
The objective of this paper is to analyse the Halal standards among OIC Country specifically on preparation of food standard. One of the reasons why the Halal industry cannot grow faster, despite rising demands for Halal products... more
Dalam interaksi masyarakat pelbagai kaum dan agama, terdapat pelbagai isu sensitif yang timbul, khususnya pasca Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14. Situasi politik yang tidak stabil ditambah lagi dengan serangan virus COVID-19 menyebabkan keadaan... more
Halal adalah satu tema yang sangat luas dibincangkan pada masa kini. Kupasannya meliputi aspek makanan dan bukan makanan. Begitu juga, halal dibincangkan berkaitan aspek perundangan, transaksi kewangan dan perkembangan sains teknologi.... more
The objective of this article is to examine the consumer protection of Halal product in Malaysia and its application. The (USIM) industry is a highly potential market of the future that has not been fully explored. This is supported by... more
The halal industry is a highly potential market of the future that has not been fully explored. This is supported by the growing number of world's Muslim community estimated to increase to 1.8 billion by 2011 with current halal market... more
In Islamic teachings, the terms Halal-Thayyib are often used together in unison. Thayyib brings in the ontology of goodness into the discourse of religious permissibility (Halal). Nevertheless, Thayyib is often being removed from the... more
Through recourse to material from academic scholarship and various online media resources, which I interpret through a queer theoretical framework, I postulate that the adamant insistence on specific performances of masculinity and... more
... are directly related to wider unresolved ethnic conflicts over issues such as 'language, youth, education, rural ... She has totally neglected the 'Indonesian... more
CRITICISM of HALAL CERTIFICATES and PROSPECTIVE PRIVATE LAW DISPUTES ARISING THEREFROM Assoc. Prof. Özlem Tüzüner (PhD) Abstract Halal certification, with its two-sided benefits, affects not only the buyer or consumer but also the seller... more
Halal adalah satu tema yang sangat luas dibincangkan pada masa kini. Kupasannya meliputi aspek makanan dan bukan makanan. Begitu juga, halal dibincangkan berkaitan aspek perundangan, transaksi kewangan dan perkembangan sains teknologi.... more