Sunday School Teacher
Recent papers in Sunday School Teacher
Sunday Schools Conference in the Diocese of Gharbia, Boheira, and Fouadia, 1951 AD, 1667 AM, under the pastoral care of His Beatitude Anba Thomas. Topics: 1) "Opening Speech" by Fr Louka Eskander (Diocese Deputy), 2) "Sunday School"... more
Sekolah Minggu saat ini identik dengan kegiatan anak-anak di Gereja. Mungkin masih sedikit orang yang mengetahui bahwa pada awal berdirinya, Sekolah Minggu benar-benar terpisah dari Gereja secara kelembagaan atau organisasi. Kenapa... more
Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture passages are from the New International sitting in church but have never had the privilege of Version hearing teaching from the Word of God.
Adapun tujuan penulisan karya ilmiah ini, adalah: Untuk menjelaskan sejauh mana kreativitas guru sekolah minggu GKII Jemaat Long Bia Kecamatan Peso Kabupaten Bulungan Kalimantan Utara dalam meningkatkan kualitas pengajaran. Berdasarkan... more
Melihat masalah yang terjadi dalam pengajaran di Sekolah Minggu sekarang ini. Di mana pengajar Sekolah Minggu cenderung mengajar satu arah, seringkali unsur kerygma dan didache tidak sampai pada anak dengan tepat. Kecenderungan dengan... more
This short research paper explores the Sunday Schools within the ROCOR Diocese in Australia, including similarities and differences between these schools.
Apart from linguistic competence broadly understood as social, system-ic, communication and pragmatic competence, attention should be paid especially to the cultural competence. In this state of mind, one can fully identify with the... more
Why does the 21st century Black church have very little, if any, impact on improving the social, political, and economic situations for persons living in urban communities? What comprehensive and practical methods can the 21st century... more
The world is full of conflicts of many kinds. The churches of the Nigerian Baptist Convention are not exempted as many of the churches are confronted with many of these conflicts. These conflicts have to be resolved. This paper identifies... more
Title translation: "A Tribute to Fr. Gawargious Mikhail (1930-2016)." I was privileged to have known Fr. Gawargious Mikhail (1930-2016) since the mid-1950s as my Sunday School teacher, youth leader, friend, role model, and mentor... more