Subcultural Studies
Recent papers in Subcultural Studies
The history of the radio from a socio-political perspective Since Nikola Tesla discovered radio waves in the late 1800s, radio has vastly influenced the world, how we get our news, how we communicate and how we entertain ourselves 1 .... more
"Madonna is perhaps one of the most consistently transgressive and self-transforming artists of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. The recent release of two critically acclaimed and best-selling albums and a sold-out world tour have... more
"Psychic Vampires"
By Louis Proud for Paranormal Magazine (UK) - Issue 52 - Pages 60-65 - October 2010
By Louis Proud for Paranormal Magazine (UK) - Issue 52 - Pages 60-65 - October 2010
When reviewing the research of scenes and subcultures it becomes apparent, that economic aspects remain largely unresearched or exploratory (E.G. Hesmondhalgh, 1998; Lange & Bürkner, 2010). So far the economy of those formations has been... more
"Psychic Vampirism"
By Eleanor Goodman for Bizarre Magazine - Pages 88-91 - October 2008
By Eleanor Goodman for Bizarre Magazine - Pages 88-91 - October 2008
Yaoi/BL Fandom Survey (only takes 10 mins to complete): This talk will explore the implications of the Prohibited... more
This article discusses the development of the goth subculture in Poland since 1999 in relation both to the technological advancements that gained popularity at the time as well as certain theories from the field of subcultural studies,... more
Emo online: networks of sociality/networks of exclusion Rosemary Overell is currently in the second year of her PhD research. Her thesis concerns masculinities and transnationality in grindcore music scenes in Melbourne and Osaka.
Chapter about the collaboration between fashion brands and artists, including Takashi Murakami for Louis Vuitton and BAST for Marc Jacobs.
"The process of cultural globalisation does not always imply cultural homogenisation. Rather, it can be seen as a process of cultural ‘glocalisation’ and hybridisation where cultures continuously interact with and interpret each other... more
My thesis investigates complex issues implied by and connected with the Japanese movement known generally as Gothic & Lolita (G&L), focussing specifically on the Lolita fashion-based subculture and psychological motivations behind it. It... more
This paper discusses the history of the acronym A.C.A.B. in the Italian language. It examines the mechanisms that have brought the acronym from the streets to literature and the role of the Skinhead and football Ultras sub-cultures in the... more
"The Modern-Day Subculture Of Real Vampires"
By Brad Steiger for FATE Magazine - Issue No. 728 - Pages 30-38 - October 2015
By Brad Steiger for FATE Magazine - Issue No. 728 - Pages 30-38 - October 2015
The article focuses on the football Ultras and their involvement in the stadium as a social situation and contextual environment from a linguistic point of view. The focus of the article is on the Fiorentina Ultras - Ultras Viola - as it... more
"Extreme music, such as death metal and grindcore, blasted onto the popular music scene in the 1980s. Since then, a new musical and subcultural dynamic has emerged between Australia and Japan in which extreme musicians from both places... more
Whilst the Gothic and Lolita subcultural movement arose in Japan, it represents a transmigration and collaboration of ideas between Japanese and Euro-American cultures, especially pertaining to the Gothic. It, therefore, initially shifted... more
Th e MEDITERRANEAN LANGUAGE REVIEW is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed forum for the investigation of language and culture in the Mediterranean, South-Eastern Europe and the Black Sea region. Th e editors of this periodical welcome... more
"Are Vampires Real?"
By Brad Steiger for Paranormal Magazine (UK) - Issue 42 - Pages 34-39 - December 2009
By Brad Steiger for Paranormal Magazine (UK) - Issue 42 - Pages 34-39 - December 2009
This thesis presents a perspective of the Berkeley 924 Gilman Street sub-cultural zeitgeist. I am an amateur ethnographer / sociologist and I was a participant at Gilman in the late 1980s and 1990s. Gilman is a volunteer-run collective.... more
This dissertation focuses on an applied theatre project, Young Voices that has attempted to develop a method, which inquires how performance forms can facilitate youth inclusion. Issues related to young people have been discussed... more
Desde su surgimiento a mediados del siglo XX el rock ha sido de especial interés para las ciencias sociales a partir el binomio de juventud y música. El presente trabajo es un estudio de caso sobre los discursos y las prácticas de los... more
Un esempio di incompatibilità tra discorso e cultura: la colonia arcadica Animosa di Venezia Rosina MARTUCCI -Università degli Studi di Salerno Le tre corone di Casacalenda: discorso e cultura nell'itinerario letterario di Pietro Corsi,... more
Kamikaze Girls (dir. Tetsuya Nakashima, 2004) is a film that both extracts and informs the Japanese fashion subculture of the Elegant Gothic Lolita (EGL, gosuloli or Loli-Goth). Based on a light novel by Novala Takemoto (2002) and... more
This thesis, completed for the award of Doctor of Philosophy in Visual and Material Culture, Ph.D., examines the development of the fashion-based Mexican Gothic and Lolita movement, and its evolution from its subcultural Japanese roots.... more
Боков Г.Е. В мире заброшенных городских пространств: новые формы идентичности некоторых молодежных неформальных субкультур. (От контркультуры к «городской разведке») // Философия и культура. — 2014. - № 9. - С.1284-1297. DOI:... more
La presente investigación busca describir e identificar la composición del graffiti en la localidad de Fontibón. A través de este objetivo, se analizan los estilos y expresiones artísticas que caracterizan el graffiti. También busca... more
Las interpretaciones espaciales de la subcultura Straight Edge se llevan a cabo principalmente en el espacio musical de la tocata, en el cual se desarrollan diversas experiencias enmarcadas en la dualidad de experiencias agradables y... more
Japan has often been considered by the rest of the world as an orderly country without much civil unrest. As evidence of that, Prime Minister Abe speech promoting Tokyo for the 2020 Olympic Games emphasized the fact that the city was... more
"The Truth About Us - Dracula Is Only A Fiction - Interview With Merticus & Maloryn From The Atlanta Vampire Alliance"
By Aleksandra Vizin for Urban Magazine (Bosnia-Herzegovina) - Pages 108-112 - May 2011
By Aleksandra Vizin for Urban Magazine (Bosnia-Herzegovina) - Pages 108-112 - May 2011
Thematic analysis of public online vampire community (OVC) fora has demonstrated that empathy is a frequent topic within the OVC and at least occasionally regarded as central to the vampiric experience. An anonymous online survey was used... more
minden apró próbálkozása ellenére az Egyesült Királyság új dühhulláma átszivárgott vasfüggönyön és egyenesen az állami vezetők kompetenciáját, elkötelezettségét és néha akár személyes életét vette célba az 1980-as években. A magyarországi... more
Link: From its inception, the subcultural movement known as Gothic and Lolita has displayed an exchange of ideas between Japan and Euro-American... more
Der Aufsatz demonstriert die Sonderrolle West-Berlins an drei Prozessen exemplarisch auf dem Feld der Popgeschichte: Erstens der Ideologisierung aufgrund der herausgehobenen Frontstellung im Kalten Krieg (vor allem im Rundfunk), zweitens... more
Mal Nazis und mal deutsches Kulturgut. Leni Riefenstahl und die Berliner Band Rammstein teilen weitaus mehr als das R und die Geburtsstadt Berlin, nämlich das Schicksal auf Grund ihrer Ästhetik immer wieder als faschistisch, totalitär und... more
Un estudio del movimiento "Grunge" que se produce a fines de los 80s a partir de la nociòn de "subcultura" de Dick Hebdige.
summer 2020 • publication #1 • counterfield THOSE WHO ARE WEARING SHOES WILL NOT REMAIN There was, or better, there always were more than two sides and there still is, by way of a continuous, non-linear dissenting movement of black... more
In the article it is illuminated the phenomenon of “balagul’schyna” inherently nonconformist youth social movement 1830–1850's in the environment of Polish gentry of Right Bank Ukraine. Balaguly can be regarded as a link between the... more
"Graffiti and urban art on the Internet: Case Study: Spain Territory is a Paper Confference was featured in Urban Creativity User Experience Online Conference. 2020. Is a visual abstract about the original essay based on a study of... more
This paper presents part of the work developed by the History and Theory of Culture Seminar Series during its first course with the idea of confirming that collaborative working dynamics are one of the best tools for researchers to create... more
Resumen Este estudio buscó identificar la estructura de socialización de una subcultura urbana con la medición de indicadores estructurales de su red social e identificación de subagrupaciones. Se empleó el instrumento Arizona Social... more