Mass Tort Litigation
Recent papers in Mass Tort Litigation
الخلاصة خلا التشريع المقارن وقصر الفقه عن إيجاد تعريف للمنتوجات المتشابهة وكذلك المسؤوليّة المدنيّة الجماعيّة الناجمة عن أضرارها، وبشكل عام يمكننا تعريف المنتوجات المتشابهة بأنها: (المحاصيل المعدة للاستخدام والاستهلاك والمتشابهة من حيث... more
How do activist plaintiffs experience the process of human rights litigation under the Alien Tort Statute (ATS)? Answering this question is key to understanding the impact on transnational legal mobilization of Kiobel v. Royal Dutch... more
Sara Golru, in ‘The Challenge of Proving Toxic Tort Causation: Genetic Markers as the Solution?’, presents a comparative analysis of the role of genetic marker evidence in toxic tort cases throughout Australia and the United States. Sara... more
O artigo explora a experiência norte-americana com os bellwether trials. Os bellwether trials consistem em uma técnica de julgamento por amostragem desenvolvida com o objetivo oferecer uma alternativa às class actions na resolução... more
Esta tese reflete o que vivi enquanto aluna da Faculdade de Direito do Largo de São Francisco, bem como a minha experiência de estágio na área do contencioso cível, e, em especial, no Departamento Jurídico XI de Agosto. Dedico esse estudo... more
As modern research demonstrates the implausibility of the Somatic Mutation Theory in cancer causation, judges in Daubert jurisdictions will undoubtedly be called upon to decide whether SMT-based expert testimony still has a place in the... more
Resumen: El presente trabajo consiste en un análisis de las acciones de grupo para la tutela de consumidores y usuarios contenidas en el Código Procesal Civil hondureño, vigente desde 2006, y las posibilidades que esta figura jurídica... more
Statutes of limitations provide manufacturers and their insurers with certainty regarding potential product liabilities and relieve the courts and defendants of the burden and prejudice of stale claims. But what happens when your client... more
mass torts - depleted uranium - damages - military - Ministry of Defense - liability
This discussion of causal uncertainty in tort liability adopts a comparative approach in order to highlight the important normative, epistemological and procedural implications of the various proposed solutions. Occupying a middle ground... more
keywords: danni di massa - danni ai lavoratori - responsabilità della pubblica amministrazione [damages - military - Ministry of Defense - liability]
the essay concerns legal aspects regarding damages suffered by the military due to depleted uranium exposure