Papers by José Luis Panea
Libro de actas del III Congreso Internacional Arte y Políticas de identidad, 2023
Visual Review, 2024
This paper provides an audiovisual textual analysis of two Eurovision Song Contest performances: ... more This paper provides an audiovisual textual analysis of two Eurovision Song Contest performances: the Polish and Czech entries for the 2014 and 2023 editions, respectively. Within their musical and stage presentations, both artists stimulate a discourse on Slavic female identity from divergent viewpoints. The performances align with two pivotal historical moments in the Slavic region, coinciding with the expansionist and identity policies of the Kremlin. This study examines the representation of gender and ethnicity concepts, exemplified by the Slavic women performers, within the audiovisual framework of media events.
This paper aims to spread the activities related to the R&D Research project EShID: Estéticas híb... more This paper aims to spread the activities related to the R&D Research project EShID: Estéticas híbridas de la imagen en movimiento. Videoarte español y dinámicas identitarias en el mapa global, directed by Dr. Ana Martínez-Collado, professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts, in Cuenca, University of Castilla
BRAC Barcelona Research Art Creation, 2021
Eu-topias: revista de interculturalidad, comunicación y estudios europeos, 2022
petition that combines the two by means of the identity construction of the concept of a nation w... more petition that combines the two by means of the identity construction of the concept of a nation within the framework of entertainment culture. Date le massicce proteste per la presunta frode elettorale di Aleksandr Lukashenko nel 2020, il dibattito sulla democrazia in Bielorussia ha suscitato grande interesse internazionale. L'Unione Europea ha sanzionato le elezioni, il governo ha revocato l'accredito alla stampa estera e le manifestazioni hanno raggiunto grande risonanza mediatica. Inoltre, le celebrità del campo della cultura, come nel caso di alcuni rappresentanti del paese in Eurovisione, vengono mostrate come volti visibili della rivoluzione. Allo stesso modo, ogni anno la partecipazione bielorussa al Festival è stata controversa a causa delle preselezioni per eleggere il loro rappresentante e della politicizzazione delle loro candidature. Il Paese, infatti, è stato espulso nel 2021 dal concorso dalla European Broadcasting Union. Contrapporremo così due dimensioni, quella politica e quella culturale, in una competizione che unisce entrambe attraverso la costruzione identitaria del concetto di nazione nell'ambito della cultura dello spettacolo.
Revista de Humanidades, 2021
En tanto concurso de naciones representadas por canciones, el Festival de Eurovisión establece co... more En tanto concurso de naciones representadas por canciones, el Festival de Eurovisión establece contaminaciones continuadas entre ambos términos que exponen las complejidades de la producción de identidad cultural a través del espectáculo. Debido a su longevidad y audiencia internacional, analizaremos el certamen desde un marco interdisciplinar que transita la Estética, los Estudios Culturales, la Antropología y la Etnomusicología para poner en valor el diseño del concurso en tanto mecanismo identitario, centrándonos en uno de los países participantes, Portugal. Su poco exitosa pero larga trayectoria (50 años de participaciones, desde 1964) y su aclamada victoria en 2017 ilustran la historia del país a través de sus canciones en una narrativa que expone las máximas teleológicas y mesiánicas de nuestro neoliberalismo espectacular como la perseverancia, el resultado o la recompensa final. Concluiremos así con un análisis de la consecuente celebración del Festival en Lisboa en 2018 desentrañando sus dimensiones estéticas, culturales y mediáticas.
Asparkía. Investigació feminista, 2021
La cama, como metáfora del cuerpo, presencia los momentos más íntimos del ser humano y es protago... more La cama, como metáfora del cuerpo, presencia los momentos más íntimos del ser humano y es protagonista en sus fases vitales, del nacimiento a la muerte. Al pertenecer al ámbito doméstico, cuando este mueble es tratado en el arte no puede desligarse de una perspectiva de género subyacente, pues tradicionalmente dicho ámbito ha sido reconocido como femenino. Es la esfera del trabajo rutinario despreciado cuya relativa autonomía resulta necesario visibilizar en sintonía con la labor deconstructiva de los movimientos feministas hoy. Por ello, desde la Estética y la Teoría de las Artes abordaremos esta problemática dibujando una genealogía que ponga en valor nuestro enser como escenario de resistencia –un espacio de opresión pero a la vez una oportunidad creativa– a partir de artistas que se han dirigido de forma crítica la cama. Situaremos las muestras más destacadas al respecto y relacionaremos las piezas de las artistas que han empleado el lecho para expresar dicha urgencia.
Espacio, Tiempo y Forma. Serie VII: Historia del Arte, 2020
El reposo al que la enfermedad conduce para mitigar el dolor encuentra –cultural e históricamente... more El reposo al que la enfermedad conduce para mitigar el dolor encuentra –cultural e históricamente– como escenario paradigmático el lecho, la cama. Este mueble, en tanto metáfora corporal, suele ser testigo de acontecimientos como el nacimiento, la enfermedad, la sexualidad y el erotismo o la muerte. En el arte, ha devenido tropo frecuente al exponer dichas cuestiones, conduciendo a una re-experimentación creativa del espacio doméstico. Analizaremos una genealogía de artistas que aportan otra mirada a este enser por el que el cuerpo pasa, y que, debido a la experiencia de la enfermedad y el trauma, se resignifica, llevando al autor a replantar su propio habitar e incluso su práctica artística. Partiremos de la Estética y la Historia del Arte para localizar las principales exposiciones sobre el tema y pondremos en relación a los artistas que han tratado la cama como repositorio de dicho padecer.
The repose to which the disease leads to mitigate the pain, finds –culturally and historically– as a paradigmatic scenario the bed. This piece of furniture, as a body metaphor, is usually witness of events such as birth, disease, sexuality and eroticism or death. In art, the bed has become a frequent trope especially to expose the illness as a moment of forced rest in which it is possible to creatively re-experience the domestic. We propose a genealogy of artists who bring another look to this belonging that, due to the experience of pain, trauma or disease, is re-signified, leading the author to reconsider his own habitat. We will start from Aesthetics and History of Art to analyse the main exhibitions on the subject and we will put in relation the artists who have treated the bed as a repository of said suffering.
Ámbitos. Revista de estudios de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, 2020
En tanto fenómeno transcultural, el Festival de Eurovisión viene siendo objeto de interés académi... more En tanto fenómeno transcultural, el Festival de Eurovisión viene siendo objeto de interés académico recientemente en referencia a los aspectos identitarios (étnicos, nacionales y de género) que expone a través del espectáculo. Sin embargo, tratándose del espacio no deportivo más longevo de la televisión con audiencias millonarias y despliegues técnicos sin parangón, sus dimensiones estéticas-como el diseño escenográfico-apenas han sido analizadas. Desgranaremos entonces qué imaginarios han promovido las distintas sedes del Festival a través de sus escenografías en las ciudades que lo han acogido a partir de los recursos audiovisuales e innovaciones técnicas del momento. Imaginarios que calibrarán problemáticamente la imposición de un determinado marco simbólico por parte del país anfitrión a cada actuación participante, sobre todo durante su primera etapa. De hecho, al ser celebrado el concurso anualmente y contar con 63 años de historia, acotaremos el campo de estudio a un primer periodo, desde su debut en 1956 a 1993, coincidiendo con la firma de los Tratados de Roma y Maastricht. Estos acontecimientos engarzan además con la idea de intercambio y cooperación transnacional que Eurovisión en un inicio propugnó, derivando, a finales de los noventa, en la mediática superproducción meta-europea que conocemos hoy.
The Eurovision Song Contest is gaining ground as a subject of academic research because of the identity aspects (such as ethnic, national and gender questions) it showcases as a transcultural phenomenon. Due to it is the longest-running non-sports show on television, with a millionaire audience and a huge logistical and technical display, we will analyse its aesthetic dimensions, specifically the scenography design, keeping in mind the little bibliography found specifically about these issues. Hence, we will describe which imaginaries the different venues of the Song Contest have promoted through their scenography in its host cities based on audiovisual recourses and technical innovations of the moment. These imaginaries will constantly debate the imposition of a certain symbolic framework by the hosts and a neutral accommodation for each candidate participating on it. Being celebrated annually and having 63 years of history, the field of study will remain limited to a first period, from its debut in 1956 to mid-nineties, coinciding with the signing of European Treaties such as the Rome and Maastricht ones. Treaties linked to the idea of transnational exchange and cooperation Eurovision advocates resulting, in the late nineties, in the meta-European blockbuster media event well known today.
Diferents. Revista de museus , Dec 2020
El Museo de Arte Abstracto Español, inaugurado en 1966, es el primer centro de arte contemporáneo... more El Museo de Arte Abstracto Español, inaugurado en 1966, es el primer centro de arte contemporáneo de iniciativa privada en España. Localizado en Cuenca, una pequeña capital de provincias, y fundado por artistas, supuso una descentralización del tejido cultural del momento y la reactivación del centro histórico de la ciudad al emplazarse en su principal reclamo turístico, sus famosas «casas» (de ahí el popular apelativo «Museo de las Casas Colgadas»). El proyecto concedió una importancia inusitada a la convivencia entre obra y espacio expositivo, favoreciendo una experiencia estética íntima en las distintas estancias del edificio junto a las vertiginosas vistas de la peculiar geografía de una ciudad tallada en la roca. Analizando su historia, desentrañaremos las poéticas de esta imbricación entre arquitectura, arte y paisaje, la cual ha hecho de este un Museo reconocido internacionalmente.
Doxa Comunicación, 2018
Through a sophisticated investment, both capital and symbolic, the Eurovision Song Contest genera... more Through a sophisticated investment, both capital and symbolic, the Eurovision Song Contest generates annually a unique audiovisual spectacle, debating concepts as well as community, Europeanness or cultural identity. Following the recent researches from the AngloSaxon ambit, we will research different editions of the show. Seeking out the movement-image paradoxes through the dialogue between nation and song, the participation of countries in the mar-gins of Europe and his victory –the winning country has to organize the following show the next year– has decentred the host venue and the notion of Eurovision branding. We will focus on the Israeli entries (1973-2018) in order to make an issue on how in this mega-event the nation is narrated through the song.
Arte y Políticas de Identidad, 2018
The intersections between symbolic productions, migration and nationality
will be analysed from ... more The intersections between symbolic productions, migration and nationality
will be analysed from the desire of recognition promoted by mass media
imaginaries, in this case though the audio-visual show of the Eurovision Song
Contest. Its archivist potential, explored from the image –like visual studies,
arts or scenography, as well as sociology, anthropology or ethnomusicology–
is pierced by the centrality of the ‘nation’ politic fiction, studied by Anderson,
Huntington, Brah or Sennett. Even though the contest emphasizes his musical
and cultural aspect, the continuous repetition of the name of the nation and
the presence of the flag makes this show a field inclined to the creation of
affinities and adversities called upon the Song. We will follow two synchronic
rounds, first through the tensions of the contestant countries in the gathered
voting analysis in all Eurovision history, and second, through those entries
that has been represented by singers from ‘others’ origins. This two ways
will be articulated by the different groups of nation blocks, verifying how all
this issues affects to the pacifist collaborative creation that characterizes the
Eurovision Song Contest.
La Tercera Orilla. Revista de Ciencias Sociales, Humanidades y Artes, 2017
As a contemporary art practice, video art or -as usually named- “video in the expanded field”, ha... more As a contemporary art practice, video art or -as usually named- “video in the expanded field”, has a remarkable place within the cultural production of our time. This is because of the accessibility of a media that through electronic devices allows to the user (here artists) the creation of images about their most immediate quotidian surroundings and in a momentary or quickly way (for example, resources as the auto-biography), showing territories that just a few decades ago has started to be so profusely registered, interpreted, essayed. In this paper, we will analyse the poetics of that encounters -in particular in the domestic space- not trying to visibility personal stories but catalysing possible dialogic moments with the spectator and their macro-politics connexions. We will start from the object’s ambiguity (quotidian basic tools) and their use, giving place to an absent user in the relation of word and image and through a subtle game of framing and compositions that provokes more questions than statics definitions about how we conect with the notion of “home” today.
Praxis Sociológica, nº 22, 2017, pp. 203-220. Link: <>, 2017
El objetivo del presente artículo es poner en cuestión, desde un prisma múltiple e interdisciplin... more El objetivo del presente artículo es poner en cuestión, desde un prisma múltiple e interdisciplinar en línea con los artículos y tesis existentes en el ámbito anglosajón (cuyas referencias aquí se han traducido), el Concurso de la Canción de Eurovisión como espectáculo y fenómeno social donde se expone y maximiza la cuestión identitaria para visibilizar, más allá de su voluntad de apariencia, las políticas-estéticas que lo habitan y generar así conocimiento sobre el mismo debido a la magnitud del despliegue mediático y representacional e impacto más allá de su retransmisión en TV. Dada la procedencia personal de las artes visuales y la investigación dentro del departamento de Estética y teoría de las Artes (UCLM), la metodología consiste en aunar conceptos generales que parten de la filosofía, la estética o la sociología para reformularlos desde la recopilación, el análisis de las fuentes y los posibles puntos de encuentro entre las distintas disciplinas. Se espera, por último, proponer al espectador herramientas útiles que catalicen la posibilidad de un análisis crítico, riguroso -y, se desearía, novedoso- de los conceptos tratados teniendo como hoja de ruta las nociones de conflicto y civilización para desarticular la aparente inocuidad o anacronismo del Concurso de la Canción.
Fedro. Revista de Estética y Teoría de las Artes, nº 17, 2017, pp. 80-111., 2017
Since his creation (1956), the Eurovision Song Contest has promoted a fiction of community throug... more Since his creation (1956), the Eurovision Song Contest has promoted a fiction of community through audio-visual media that here we’ll analyse through concepts of hospitality, containment, pronunciation and seriality. At first, the rising interest and victories from Eastern European countries of this show, allows a sort of “revenge of margins”, an own representation centring notions of periphery. Under the “Sing” formula, limited on three minutes, also in the “non-political” lyrics, and into a scenography display, it have been generated an own entity with the idiomatic question because of the discontinuous flux of translation and pronunciation. Also as an annual spectacle, his repetition invokes a programming through the Internet, witnessing geopolitical transformations in last sixties years’ Europe. Based on the existing thesis about it in Anglo-Saxon sphere, the objective here is to bet into a rereading of the non-sporting TV show most watched in the World from movement image aesthetics.
Arte y Políticas de Identidad, nº 16, 2017, pp. 161-186., 2017
Conflictive paradoxes that emerges from the Eurovision Song Contest since his creation (1956), pe... more Conflictive paradoxes that emerges from the Eurovision Song Contest since his creation (1956), performed annually, generate a sort of identity fiction recently worked from feminisms or queer theory perspectives in Anglo-Saxon sphere. This way, this essay is conceived as a bet into political-aesthetics of that apparently innocuous, anachronist, even kitsch, Song Contest because in “the act of point country performance” it generates a key representation dilemma in order to understand the cultural complexities of our time through television. Hence, the two main lines of this paper: First, putting light into the rising interest of European margin countries during last years in a Contest at the beginning only “europeistic”, with all complexities derived from race, language, diaspora. Second, the presence of abject body (androgynous, lesbian, gay, transsexual, transgender, queer…) representing and, at the same time, deconstructing nation idea as a glorious body, and with Butler, impermeable, opening a place for an identity multiplicity that makes unique this TV live show combining music, geopolitics and competition in pan-Europe but broadcasted in all over the World.
Cuestiones Universitarias. Revista del Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales y Artes, nº 5, pp. 80-92. ISSN: 2248-8375., 2015
Emociones pretende, a partir del análisis de la práctica del audiovisual como herramienta para ex... more Emociones pretende, a partir del análisis de la práctica del audiovisual como herramienta para experimentar diferentes estados de ánimo, la elaboración de un discurso o planteamiento creativo y/o de investigación entendiendo emoción aquí como germen de todo acto comunicativo y artístico. A través de dicho análisis argumentaremos cómo el vídeo por su carácter narrativo, secuencial, ha sido un medio utilizado por artistas contemporáneos para registrar, presentar, reinterpretar desde la subjetividad los distintos estados emocionales. El resultado práctico del taller fue la realización de trabajos audiovisuales y debate por parte de los alumnos de 4º curso del grado de Bellas Artes (UCLM) vinculados a la asignatura de Estudios críticos de cultura visual, cuyo texto como herramienta de trabajo es aquí presentado.
Books by José Luis Panea
Archivo ARES. Estéticas, identidades y prácticas audiovisuales en España, 2022
El Archivo ARES. Estéticas, identidades y prácticas audiovisuales en España, desde su creación en... more El Archivo ARES. Estéticas, identidades y prácticas audiovisuales en España, desde su creación en 2016 hasta la actualidad, se propone como un espacio de reflexión en torno al videoarte español, comprometido con la idea de archivar no sólo como una necesidad de hacer memoria, sino también de activar imaginarios alternativos que visibilicen estéticas más inclusivas. Con este libro se pretende difundir las principales aportaciones realizadas durante estos años, dibujando una serie de itinerarios en relación a las temáticas nucleares sobre la identidad y situando las obras de artistas relevantes en referencia a estas cuestiones. Paralelamente, la publicación sistematiza los materiales derivados de las actividades de transferencia impulsadas desde el Archivo, como las propuestas teóricas y artísticas procedentes de los dos congresos internacionales celebrados o el Ciclo de visionado y diálogo con artistas.
Archivo ARES. Estéticas, identidades y prácticas audiovisuales en España, 2022
El Archivo ARES. Estéticas, identidades y prácticas audiovisuales en España, desde su creación en... more El Archivo ARES. Estéticas, identidades y prácticas audiovisuales en España, desde su creación en 2016 hasta la actualidad, se propone como un espacio de reflexión en torno al videoarte español, comprometido con la idea de archivar no sólo como una necesidad de hacer memoria, sino también de activar imaginarios alternativos que visibilicen estéticas más inclusivas. Con este libro se pretende difundir las principales aportaciones realizadas durante estos años, dibujando una serie de itinerarios en relación a las temáticas nucleares sobre la identidad y situando las obras de artistas relevantes en referencia a estas cuestiones. Paralelamente, la publicación sistematiza los materiales derivados de las actividades de transferencia impulsadas desde el Archivo, como las propuestas teóricas y artísticas procedentes de los dos congresos internacionales celebrados o el Ciclo de visionado y diálogo con artistas.
Papers by José Luis Panea
The repose to which the disease leads to mitigate the pain, finds –culturally and historically– as a paradigmatic scenario the bed. This piece of furniture, as a body metaphor, is usually witness of events such as birth, disease, sexuality and eroticism or death. In art, the bed has become a frequent trope especially to expose the illness as a moment of forced rest in which it is possible to creatively re-experience the domestic. We propose a genealogy of artists who bring another look to this belonging that, due to the experience of pain, trauma or disease, is re-signified, leading the author to reconsider his own habitat. We will start from Aesthetics and History of Art to analyse the main exhibitions on the subject and we will put in relation the artists who have treated the bed as a repository of said suffering.
The Eurovision Song Contest is gaining ground as a subject of academic research because of the identity aspects (such as ethnic, national and gender questions) it showcases as a transcultural phenomenon. Due to it is the longest-running non-sports show on television, with a millionaire audience and a huge logistical and technical display, we will analyse its aesthetic dimensions, specifically the scenography design, keeping in mind the little bibliography found specifically about these issues. Hence, we will describe which imaginaries the different venues of the Song Contest have promoted through their scenography in its host cities based on audiovisual recourses and technical innovations of the moment. These imaginaries will constantly debate the imposition of a certain symbolic framework by the hosts and a neutral accommodation for each candidate participating on it. Being celebrated annually and having 63 years of history, the field of study will remain limited to a first period, from its debut in 1956 to mid-nineties, coinciding with the signing of European Treaties such as the Rome and Maastricht ones. Treaties linked to the idea of transnational exchange and cooperation Eurovision advocates resulting, in the late nineties, in the meta-European blockbuster media event well known today.
will be analysed from the desire of recognition promoted by mass media
imaginaries, in this case though the audio-visual show of the Eurovision Song
Contest. Its archivist potential, explored from the image –like visual studies,
arts or scenography, as well as sociology, anthropology or ethnomusicology–
is pierced by the centrality of the ‘nation’ politic fiction, studied by Anderson,
Huntington, Brah or Sennett. Even though the contest emphasizes his musical
and cultural aspect, the continuous repetition of the name of the nation and
the presence of the flag makes this show a field inclined to the creation of
affinities and adversities called upon the Song. We will follow two synchronic
rounds, first through the tensions of the contestant countries in the gathered
voting analysis in all Eurovision history, and second, through those entries
that has been represented by singers from ‘others’ origins. This two ways
will be articulated by the different groups of nation blocks, verifying how all
this issues affects to the pacifist collaborative creation that characterizes the
Eurovision Song Contest.
Books by José Luis Panea
The repose to which the disease leads to mitigate the pain, finds –culturally and historically– as a paradigmatic scenario the bed. This piece of furniture, as a body metaphor, is usually witness of events such as birth, disease, sexuality and eroticism or death. In art, the bed has become a frequent trope especially to expose the illness as a moment of forced rest in which it is possible to creatively re-experience the domestic. We propose a genealogy of artists who bring another look to this belonging that, due to the experience of pain, trauma or disease, is re-signified, leading the author to reconsider his own habitat. We will start from Aesthetics and History of Art to analyse the main exhibitions on the subject and we will put in relation the artists who have treated the bed as a repository of said suffering.
The Eurovision Song Contest is gaining ground as a subject of academic research because of the identity aspects (such as ethnic, national and gender questions) it showcases as a transcultural phenomenon. Due to it is the longest-running non-sports show on television, with a millionaire audience and a huge logistical and technical display, we will analyse its aesthetic dimensions, specifically the scenography design, keeping in mind the little bibliography found specifically about these issues. Hence, we will describe which imaginaries the different venues of the Song Contest have promoted through their scenography in its host cities based on audiovisual recourses and technical innovations of the moment. These imaginaries will constantly debate the imposition of a certain symbolic framework by the hosts and a neutral accommodation for each candidate participating on it. Being celebrated annually and having 63 years of history, the field of study will remain limited to a first period, from its debut in 1956 to mid-nineties, coinciding with the signing of European Treaties such as the Rome and Maastricht ones. Treaties linked to the idea of transnational exchange and cooperation Eurovision advocates resulting, in the late nineties, in the meta-European blockbuster media event well known today.
will be analysed from the desire of recognition promoted by mass media
imaginaries, in this case though the audio-visual show of the Eurovision Song
Contest. Its archivist potential, explored from the image –like visual studies,
arts or scenography, as well as sociology, anthropology or ethnomusicology–
is pierced by the centrality of the ‘nation’ politic fiction, studied by Anderson,
Huntington, Brah or Sennett. Even though the contest emphasizes his musical
and cultural aspect, the continuous repetition of the name of the nation and
the presence of the flag makes this show a field inclined to the creation of
affinities and adversities called upon the Song. We will follow two synchronic
rounds, first through the tensions of the contestant countries in the gathered
voting analysis in all Eurovision history, and second, through those entries
that has been represented by singers from ‘others’ origins. This two ways
will be articulated by the different groups of nation blocks, verifying how all
this issues affects to the pacifist collaborative creation that characterizes the
Eurovision Song Contest.
celebración de congresos y encuentros específicos. Pero, ¿qué ocurre, por tanto, con las políticas-estéticas que habitan dicho certamen? Esto es, ¿podemos analizar el show televisivo más multitudinario y longevo -al haber surgido en plena Guerra Fría, 1956, e ininterrumpido hasta nuestros días- desde el campo del diseño (gráfico, identidad visual, escenografía) precisamente teniendo a nuestra disposición una gran cantidad de material (casi todas las ediciones del mismo están alojadas en la web) de archivo disponible? Esta comunicación pretende arrojar luz a esta perspectiva, escasamente abordada, por las distintas imágenes que ha ido legando Eurovisión en sus 62 años de historia, poniendo en valor la poética de la imagen (dada la procedencia personal de la investigación en artes) como constructora de mundo, por lo tanto situada, y siguiendo a Benedict Anderson, creando una suerte de “comunidad imaginada”, que refleja las paradojas de nuestro tiempo.