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      ReligionMineralogyEthnoarchaeologyItalian Studies
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      ReligionMineralogyEthnoarchaeologyMaterial Culture Studies
Using models derived from our ethno-archaeological work in New Guinea, in 2003 we succeded in finding different sources of Alpine jades, after a dozen years of prospecting in the high Alps between Sesia in the north and Trebbia in the... more
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      ReligionGeologyMineralogyNeolithic & Chalcolithic Archaeology
Spectroradiometry is an analytical technique that is non-destructive, rapid, portable and cheap. As with thin-section petrography or X-rays diffraction analysis, for example, it is based on comparing specimens with re-ference material of... more
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      GeologyMineralogyNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyStone axes (Archaeology)
In August 2007, holidaymakers discovered two pairs of polished axe-heads that had been set vertically in clayey silt on the beach of Porh Fetan, at a place called Petit Rohu. They reported their find to the Regional Ar-chaeology Service of... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyStone axes (Archaeology)Jadeite Axe
The south-eastern limits of Alpine jades (Greece and Turkey) Our aim is to identify the outer limits of the circulation of Alpine jade axe- and adze-heads, in Greece and Asia Minor. While the existence of several polished axe/adze-heads... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyPrehistoric TechnologyStone axes (Archaeology)
Spectroradiometry, macroscopic approaches and the origin of Alpine jades: Viso or Beigua ? Two principal raw material source areas have been identified for the large axeheads of Alpine jades (jadeitites, omphacitites and eclogites)... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyStone axes (Archaeology)Neolithic Europe
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyStone axes (Archaeology)Jadeite Axe
Trois aires de production de haches ont été identifiées dans les Alpes suisses et dans les Pyrénées, en associant l’étude des déchets de fabrication et la prospection sur le terrain : - la première, dans les Grisons, correspond à... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyStone axes (Archaeology)Neolithic Europe
During the 5th millennium, polished jadeite axeheads circulated from the Italian Alps to Northern Europe, to Brittany, Catalonia, Sicily and even as far as Bulgaria. However, in the Alps, the source of the raw material was unknown to... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyStone axes (Archaeology)Spectroradiometry
The jadeitites of Syros (Cyclades, Greece) In 2005, M. D. Higgins proposed that the source of the polished axeheads of jadeitite that had been found in Greece may have been the island of Syros. This was based solely on macroscopic... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyNeolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyArchaeometry
The circulation of large polished axe blades during the second half of the 5th millennium B.C. is a major phenomenon of the Western european Neolithic. Three recent discoveries of axe blades made of alpine rocks are assimilated to this... more
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      Neolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyStone axes (Archaeology)SpectroradiometryLithics Nephrite Jadeitite Neolithic Prehistory
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyJadeite AxeSpectroradiometry
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      Neolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyStone axes (Archaeology)SpectroradiometryLithics Nephrite Jadeitite Neolithic Prehistory
L'analyse spectroradiométrique du bloc ébauche de Lugrin permet de déterminer une jadéitite, dont l'origine se situerait dans les Alpes internes, dans les exploitations néolithiques d'Oncino/Porco, au pied du Mont Viso (Piémont, Italie),... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyStone axes (Archaeology)Archaeology, Lithic analysis and organization of technology
Im Rahmen eines größeren Forschungsprojektes wurden 2006 die neolithischen Beile aus Jadeitit und anderen seltenen alpinen Gesteinen aus den Beständen des Berliner Museums für Vor-und Frühgeschichte spektrometrisch untersucht. Dank der... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyStone axes (Archaeology)Jadeite Axe
This chapter presents the hypothesis that there existed, in north Italy and Provence, a multipolar system involving the movement of small workaday axeheads around networks of contacts, from the two principal areas where Alpine jades... more
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      MineralogyNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyStone axes (Archaeology)DISTRIBUTION
Dans le creux de la botte italienne, à 950 km à vol d'oiseau de la zone potentielle d'origine ( , une extraordinaire hache en jadéitite a été découverte dans la région de Laterza (Pouilles, Italie), si l'on en croit les conditions... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyStone axes (Archaeology)Jadeite Axe
Mapping the spatial distribution of Mediterranean vegetation is crucial for understanding current ecosystem equilibrium and combating present phenomena, such as desertification and wildfires. Conclusive evidence on the spectral... more
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      StatisticsRemote SensingHydrologyMediterranean Studies
An integration of geophysical surveys, ground hyperspectral data, aerial photographs and high resolution satellite imagery for supporting archaeological investigations at the multi-component Vészt} o-Mágor Tell, located in the... more
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      ArchaeologyGeochemistryGeophysicsRemote Sensing
This article describes research recently carried out on an axehead of Alpine rock found at Marsh Farm, Breamore, and curated by the Wiltshire Heritage Museum. Investigation by one of us has clarified its findspot location, while... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyStone axes (Archaeology)Trade and Exchange, Archaeometry, Commerce and Market Exchange, Conflict, warfare, and relief
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      ReligionNeolithic ArchaeologyStone axes (Archaeology)Neolithic
This paper presents the analysis of spectroradiometric and petrographic data from lithological units of the Sierra de San Miguelito Volcanic Complex (SSMVC), located in the central region of the State of San Luis Potosí, Mexico. The CVSSM... more
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      GeologyRemote SensingSpectral analysisPetrography
Fra i numerosi reperti in pietra verde delle collezioni ottocentesche del Museo di Archeologia Ligure, viene individuato un abbozzo di anellone in giadeitite proveniente da Bobbio, che è analizzato alla luce dei dati esistenti su tali... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologySpectroradiometryLithics Nephrite Jadeitite Neolithic Prehistory
It has long been recognised that, in Neolithic and Chalcolithic Europe, there existed a kind of ‘mirror image’ between Carnac and the Gulf of Morbihan in the west and Varna in the east. Around the middle of the Vfth millennium BC, these... more
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      MineralogyTypologyNeolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic Archaeology
The objectives of this study are to evaluate vegetation indices sensitivity to discriminate between two different cultivars; and to determine the effects of site elevation and developmental stages on cultivar discrimination. The... more
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    • Spectroradiometry
Assessment of the DENR Cinchona Reforestation project located in Bukidnon, Mindanao Philippines was conducted using satellite remote sensing techniques, employing 1995 SPOT data. Field spectroradiometric samplings were also conducted to... more
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      MalariaSpectroradiometryQuinineRemote Sensing and GIS applications in Forestry
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      Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)Remote Sensing (Archaeology)Archaeological ProspectionArchaeological Geophysics
Mapping the spatial distribution of Mediterranean vegetation is crucial for understanding current ecosystem equilibrium and combating present phenomena, such as desertification and wildfires. Conclusive evidence on the spectral... more
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      StatisticsRemote SensingMediterranean StudiesSpectroradiometry
An integration of geophysical surveys, ground hyperspectral data, aerial photographs and high resolution satellite imagery for supporting archaeological investigations at the multi-component Vészt} o-Mágor Tell, located in the... more
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Developing a Fossil and Limestone Index Using the UV and Red Ranges of the Spectrum. Archaeology has been quickly adapting to include remote sensing to their array of analysis techniques and within these new technologies spectroradiometry... more
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      Remote sensing and GIS applications in Landscape ResearchSpectroradiometry
JADE2 European inventory of Alpine jades long polished blades 31-12-2017

Corrections & complements in 2017
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyStone axes (Archaeology)Neolithic Europe
Mines (abandoned, still-active) are one of the most challenging environmental problems faced by government, communities and mining industry worldwide. Mineral spectroradiometry, both from airborne or spaceborne sensors and ground... more
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      Human GeographyGeologyAcid Mine DrainageHazardous Waste
The objectives of this study are to evaluate vegetation indices sensitivity to discriminate between two different cultivars; and to determine the effects of site elevation and developmental stages on cultivar discrimination. The... more
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Mapping the spatial distribution of Mediterranean vegetation is crucial for understanding current ecosystem equilibrium and combating present phenomena, such as desertification and wildfires. Conclusive evidence on the spectral... more
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      StatisticsRemote SensingMediterranean StudiesDesertification
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyStone axes (Archaeology)Neolithic Europe
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      Neolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyStone axes (Archaeology)Jadeite AxeSpectroradiometry
Field spectroradiometry of land surface objects supports remote sensing analysis, facilitates the discrimination of vegetation species, and enhances the mapping efficiency. Especially in the Mediterranean, spectral discrimination of... more
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      Plant BiologySpectroradiometry