Dr Yvan Pailler est archéologue, spécialiste des sociétés littorales de la Protohistoire ancienne sur la façade atlantique. Il est titulaire de la chaire ArMeRIE (Archéologie Maritime et Recherche Interdisplinaire Environnementale) à l'UBO (Brest). Ses travaux portent essentiellement sur le Néolithique et les débuts de l’âge du Bronze dans l’Ouest de l’Europe. Spécialiste en technologie lithique, il participe à plusieurs programmes de recherches régionaux (PCR) et internationaux (ANR, ACR) et a dirigé de nombreuses opérations archéologiques en Bretagne (prospections, diagnostics, fouilles). Il est l’instigateur avec Y. Sparfel du programme archéologique molénais qui se pursuit avec la fouille du site de Porz ar Puns (Béniguet).
Phone: 0617481211
Address: Laboratoire LETG - Brest Géomer
Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer
Rue Dumont d'urville
Technopôle Brest Iroise
Phone: 0617481211
Address: Laboratoire LETG - Brest Géomer
Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer
Rue Dumont d'urville
Technopôle Brest Iroise
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Books by Yvan PAILLER
Since 2001, archaeological research has been conducted in the Molène Archipelago, an area that is particularly rich in remains from the Neolithic and the Bronze Age, with an exceptional concentration of megalithic monuments. Several settlements are attested by the presence of domestic refuse dumps. At the point of Beg ar Loued (Molène Island), one of those shell middens was the object of an initial sondage in 2003, and that marked the beginning of a long series of excavations. Fieldwork took a decisive turn during the second year with the recognition of the first dry stone walls, belonging to a building preserved within the sand dunes. For nearly a decade, this site has been excavated by an interdisciplinary team. The data that have been obtained from this fieldwork provide information on the chronology of the various periods of occupation of the site and help to document the 3rd – 2nd millennium BC transition, a period still largely unknown in the northern half of France. In addition to providing a relative chronology, the architec¬tural approach gives us a better understanding of the choices that governed the different construction phases of the building, which was occupied for over three centuries. The elements of material culture (pottery, lithics, metalwork) also shed light on a period essentially known in Brittany through its funerary monuments. For the first time in this region, thanks to the preservation of organic remains, it is possible to sketch the lifestyle (livestock management, agriculture, fishing, shell gathering, etc.) of the people who occupied the shores of the Iroise Sea. In order to understand better the overall trends in this insular environment, new researches have been carried out on sea level changes in tandem with the study of the palaeoenvironment, geomorphology, geology and wildlife.
Papers by Yvan PAILLER
Since 2001, archaeological research has been conducted in the Molène Archipelago, an area that is particularly rich in remains from the Neolithic and the Bronze Age, with an exceptional concentration of megalithic monuments. Several settlements are attested by the presence of domestic refuse dumps. At the point of Beg ar Loued (Molène Island), one of those shell middens was the object of an initial sondage in 2003, and that marked the beginning of a long series of excavations. Fieldwork took a decisive turn during the second year with the recognition of the first dry stone walls, belonging to a building preserved within the sand dunes. For nearly a decade, this site has been excavated by an interdisciplinary team. The data that have been obtained from this fieldwork provide information on the chronology of the various periods of occupation of the site and help to document the 3rd – 2nd millennium BC transition, a period still largely unknown in the northern half of France. In addition to providing a relative chronology, the architec¬tural approach gives us a better understanding of the choices that governed the different construction phases of the building, which was occupied for over three centuries. The elements of material culture (pottery, lithics, metalwork) also shed light on a period essentially known in Brittany through its funerary monuments. For the first time in this region, thanks to the preservation of organic remains, it is possible to sketch the lifestyle (livestock management, agriculture, fishing, shell gathering, etc.) of the people who occupied the shores of the Iroise Sea. In order to understand better the overall trends in this insular environment, new researches have been carried out on sea level changes in tandem with the study of the palaeoenvironment, geomorphology, geology and wildlife.
Sur l’île de Molène, c’est un bâtiment occupé entre 2700 et 1800 avant notre ère qui vient d’être fouillé. Pour mieux comprendre les hommes qui vécurent ici durant la Préhistoire récente et leur relation avec l’environnement, des études pluridisciplinaires sont menées, sur les variations du niveau marin, les sols, le paysage végétal et la faune.
Exhibition of the Association Tumulus inaugurated on the occasion of the Fête du Métal in Locronan (17th-19th June 2016).
C’est ce que nous allons découvrir dans ce magazine en deux parties proposé par Ronan Le Coz (1/1).
Nous reprenons notre voyage dans le temps, commencé hier, avec Ronan Le Coz et son invité (2/2).