Speckle noise
Recent papers in Speckle noise
A theory is presented which relates the minimum detectable contrast level for an object in the presence of noise to the statistics of the speckle. Consideration is given to smoothing of the noise by multiple looks and by area.... more
This paper focuses on the problem of contour extraction in medical images and shows that this segmentation task can be viewed as a tracking problem. The influence of the speckle noise and of the high nonlinearities is overcome by Monte... more
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images are strongly corrupted by the speckle noise due to random electromagnetic waves interference. The speckle noise reduces the quality of images and makes their interpretation and analysis really... more
We present and experimentally verify an averaging method to reduce signi®cantly the speckle noise in the pattern of Young's fringes in speckle photography. With a rigid-body in-plane surface motion and a common photographic ®lm, we... more
Ultrasound imaging is the most commonly used imaging system for disease diagnosis. Speckle noise is an inherent property of medical ultrasound imaging. Since speckle may hinder the detection of image details it is typically regarded as... more
Speckle is a granular noise that inherently exists in all types of coherent imaging systems. The presence of speckle in an image reduces the resolution of the image and the detectability of the target. Many speckle reduction algorithms... more
Recently, the use of linear features for processing remote-sensing images has shown its importance in applications. Unfortunately, traditional linear feature detection methods rely heavily on the image's local information which makes them... more
In the modern age, High-resolution radar images can be achieved by employing SAR technique. It is well known that SAR can provide several times better image resolution than conventional radars. The exploration for efficient image... more
A critical issue in image restoration is the problem of Gaussian noise removal while keeping the integrity of relevant image information. Clinical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data is normally corrupted by Rician noise from the... more
In diagnosis of medical images, operations such as feature extraction and object recognition plays the key role.. These operations will become difficult if the images are corrupted with noises. Several types of noise were introduced in... more
In this paper, a filtering technique based upon two-dimensional continuous wavelet transform (2D-CWT) is used to eliminate the low frequency components of fringe patterns. The filtered fringe patterns are subsequently demodulated using a... more
Hough transform is a general technique for identifying the locations and orientations of certain types of features in a digital image and used to isolate features of a particular shape within an image. Because it requires that the desired... more
Abstrak— Gambar ultrasound (USG) sering lebih dipilih daripada bentuk pencitraan lainnya karena bersifat non invasif, portable dan biaya yang murah. Namun, kelemahan utama gambar USG medis adalah buruknya kualitas gambar, yang sering kali... more
Automatic target detection methods for synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images are sensitive to image resolution, size of the target to be detected, clutter complexity, and speckle noise level. A robust automatic target detection method... more
Ultrasound images and SAR i.e. synthetic aperture radar images are usually corrupted because of speckle noise also called as granular noise. It is quite a tedious task to remove such noise and analyze those corrupted images. Till now many... more
A comprehensive EM300 multibeam echo-sounder dataset acquired from Cook Strait, New Zealand, is used to develop a regional-scale objective characterisation of the seafloor. Sediment samples and highresolution seismic data are used for... more
2012 International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies 978-0-7695-4692-6/12 $26.00
A transform-domain fringe pattern denoising technique is presented. The Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) is applied in a sliding window manner to get an overcomplete image expansion, and then the transform coefficients are thresholded to... more
Real-time accomplishment of a phase-shifting profilometry through simultaneous projection and recording of fringe patterns requires a reliable phase retrieval procedure. In the present work we consider a fourwavelength multi-camera system... more
Understanding the spatial variability of tropical forest structure and its impact on the radar estimation of aboveground biomass (AGB) is important to assess the scale and accuracy of mapping AGB with future low frequency radar missions.... more
Due to spatial and temporal variability an effective monitoring system for water resources must consider the use of remote sensing to provide information. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is useful due to timely data acquisition and... more
Image denoising is an important problem in image processing since noise may interfere with visual or automatic interpretation. This paper presents a new approach for image denoising in the case of a known uncorrelated noise model. The... more
Ultrasound imaging systems provide the clinician with non-invasive, low cost, and real-time images that can help them in diagnosis, planning and therapy. However, although the human eye is able to derive the meaningful information from... more
This paper introduces a new multiscale speckle reduction method based on the extraction of wavelet interscale dependencies to visually enhance the medical ultrasound images and improve clinical diagnosis. The logarithm of the image is... more
The use of synthetic images is needed for testing the performance of image processing methods in order to establish a ground truth to test performance metrics. However, these synthetic images do not represent real applications. The aim of... more
In this paper, the feasibility of using optical methods to detect impact damage in thin laminates is investigated and discussed. Specimens impacted with different energy levels were analysed by a holographic procedure and by an electronic... more
In this paper we present an anisotropic filter for speckle reduction in ultrasound images and an adaptation of the geodesic active contours technique for the segmentation of breast tumors. The anisotropic diffusion we propose is based on... more
In this paper, we present a Stationary Wavelet Transform (SWT) based method for the purpose of despeckling the Synthetic Aperture radar (SAR) images by applying a maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) condition to estimate the noise free... more
Underwater forward-looking imaging sonar (FLS) is widely used on stationary and moving platforms to overcome underwater visibility problems. The SONAR images are perturbed by a multiplicative noise called speckle, due to the coherent... more
Echocardiography provides a powerful and versatile tool for assessing cardiac morphology and function. However, cardiac ultrasound suffers from speckle as well as static and dynamic noise. Over t he last three decades, a number of studies... more
As one of major tankers routes in Indonesia, Malacca Strait is potentially prone to oil spill pollution. SAR image data is used to detect oil slick on sea surface, because of its capability for large scale of sea monitoring, and to solve... more
The paper presents a versatile wavelet domain despeckling technique to visually enhance the medical ultrasound (US) images for improving the clinical diagnosis. The method uses the two-sided generalized Nakagami distribution (GND) for... more
This paper considers the fundamental mechanism by which speckle noise is generated in Laser Vibrometry before describing a new numerical simulation for prediction of speckle noise level in a real measurement. Factors within the simulation... more
Soil moisture retrieval from SAR images is always affected by speckle noise and uncertainties associated to soil parameters, which impact negatively on the accuracy of soil moisture estimates. In this paper a soil moisture Bayesian... more
The presence of speckle noise in the reconstruction process of digital hologram reduces the signal to noise ratio (SNR) in the reconstructed images. In this paper we present wavelet filtering to improve SNR in the reconstructed images.... more
In recent time, ultrasound imaging is a popular modality for various medical applications. The presence of speckle noise affects difficulties on features extraction and quantitative measurement of ultrasound images. This paper proposes a... more
Three-dimensional shape recovery from one or multiple observations is a challenging problem of computer vision. In this paper, we present a new Focus Measure for the estimation of a depth map using image focus. This depth map can... more
This paper describes a technique for fast three-dimensional reconstruction of underwater environments from multiple range views acquired by an acoustic camera. The final target of the work lies in improving the understanding of a human... more
CO 2 , CH 4 , and N 2 O are recognised as the most important greenhouse gases, the concentrations of which increase rapidly through human activities. Space-borne integrated path differential absorption lidar allows global observations at... more
The SAR images are corrupted by speckle noise. A new denoising method for this kind of images is reported in this paper. Inspired from the classical Donoho's denoising method, the procedure presented in this paper uses a new type of... more
Since its first description more than 40 years ago, fluorescein angiography had a crucial role in the diagnosis and management of chorioretinal vascular disorders such as neovascular agerelated macular degeneration. Although fluorescein... more
In this paper, we present a comprehensive analysis of selfdual and m-idempotent operators. We refer to an operator as midempotent if it converges after m iterations. We focus on an important special case of the general theory of lattice... more
Image cross-spectra obtained by combining pairs of single look SAR images are utilized in an inversion scheme for extracting the underlying ocean wave spectrum. The reasons for proposing the use of image cross-spectra instead of standard... more
A fundamental problem in optical and digital holography is the presence of speckle noise in the reconstruction process. Many approaches have been carried out in order to overcome such a problem ranging from modifying the spatial coherence... more
A novel technique for despeckling the medical ultrasound images using lossy compression is presented. The logarithm of the input image is first transformed to the multiscale wavelet domain. It is then shown that the subband coefficients... more
The wavelet shrinkage denoising approach is able to maintain local regularity of a signal while suppressing noise. However, the conventional wavelet shrinkage based methods are not time-scale adaptive to track the local time-scale... more