Scattering Theory
Recent papers in Scattering Theory
A mobile communications system depends on the propagation loss due to the environment between the transmitter and the mobile receiver located at the street level. A theoretical model is proposed to include the effects of trees as well as... more
We consider a hydrogen atom in the background spacetimes generated by an infinitely thin cosmic string and by a point-like global monopole. In both cases, we find the solutions of the corresponding Dirac equations and we determine the... more
— Theoretical modeling plays a significant role as forward and inverse problem in active and passive microwave remote sensing. Understanding the validity and limitations of the models is essential for model refinements and, perhaps more... more
The present paper describes an algorithm for rapid solution of boundary value problems for the Helmholtz equation in two dimensions based on iteratively solving integral equations of scattering theory. CPU time requirements of previously... more
We present a possible way of computing resonance poles and modes in scattering theory. Numerical examples are given for the scattering of electromagnetic waves by finite-size photonic crystals.
Ultrasonic spectrometry was applied to the particle size analysis of disperse systems. The investigations were made for acoustic conditions called the long-wavelength regime (LWR). In the LWR the acoustic behaviour is governed by... more
Οι σημειώσεις αφορούν μάθημα προχωρημένης Κβαντικής Μηχανικής. Η ανάπτυξη της θεωρίας ακολουθεί μια ομαδο-θεωρητική κατεύθυνση. Αφού αναλυθούν οι αναπαραστάσεις της ομάδας Poincare, διατυπώνεται η εξίσωση του Dirac και φανερώνονται οι... more
Русскоязычный препринт книги "Scattering matrix approach to non-stationary quantum transport". Список литературы не полный. Возможны опечатки в тексте.
The term 'laser cooling' is applied to the use of optical means to cool the motional energies of either atoms and molecules, or micromirrors. In the literature, these two strands are kept largely separate; both, however suffer from severe... more
The history of discovery of bosonic string theory is well documented. This theory evolved as an attempt to find a multidimensional analogue of Euler's beta function. Such an analogue had in fact been known in mathematics literature at... more
This paper treats in detail the life and work of Otto Blumenthal, one of the most tragic figures of the 188 emigré mathematicians from Germany and the Nazi-occupied continent. Blumenthal, the first doctoral student of David Hilbert, was... more
We expose the Schrödinger quantum mechanics with traditional applications to Hydrogen atom: the calculation of the Hydrogen atom spectrum via Schrödinger, Pauli and Dirac equations, the Heisenberg representation, the selection rules, the... more
Backscattered signal of coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy can be an extremely useful tool for remote identification of airborne particles, provided the signal is sufficiently large. We formulate a semiclassical theory of nonlinear... more
Ultrasonic measurements of acoustic wavefields scattered by single spheres placed in a homogenous background medium ͑water͒ are presented. The dimensions of the spheres are comparable to the wavelength and the wavelength and represent... more
This paper investigates the reconstruction of elastic Green's function from the cross-correlation of waves excited by random noise in the context of scattering theory. Using a general operator equation,-the resolvent formula-, Green's... more
Conservation laws, heirarchies, scattering theory and Bäcklund transformations are known to be the building blocks of integrable partial differential equations. We identify these as facets of a theory of Poisson group actions, and apply... more
We present a model for spectral theory of families of selfadjoint operators, and their corresponding unitary one-parameter groups (acting in Hilbert space.) The models allow for a scale of complexity, indexed by the natural numbers N. For... more
Photo: width 7.5cm height 11cm 4 Dmitrii L. Maslov 7.3. Conductance of a wire attached to reservoirs 7.3.1. Inhomogeneous Luttinger-liquid model 7.3.2. Elastic-string analogy 7.3.3. Kubo formula for a wire attached to reservoirs 7.3.4.... more
Accurately modeling the behavior of a beam of positrons incident upon a solid is of crucial importance for depth-profiling and data analysis in slow positron experiments. We describe a suite of Fortran programs to perform a Monte Carlo... more
It has been usually assumed that under very general and common conditions the outcome of a collision experiment does not depend on the properties of the projectiles' beam [1]. However, recent evidence in ionization experiments [2] points... more
Volume 240, number 1,2 PHYSICS LETTERS B 19 April 1990 SCATTERING LENGTHS FROM FLUCTUATIONS Marco GUAGNELLI, Enzo MARINARI and Giorgio PARISI Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita di Roma "Tor Vergata", Via E. Carnevale, I00173... more
The underlying aim of presented article is to determine the optimal location and sizes of the air gaps inside a multi-slot coaxial antenna with 50-ohm feed based on the S11-parameter characteristics of microwave applicator to get the best... more
We study the wave equation for the gravitational fluctuations in the Randall-Sundrum brane cosmology model. We solve the global Cauchy problem and we establish that the solutions are the sum of a slowly decaying massless wave localized... more
Scattering theory X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy Auger electron spectroscopy Electron energy loss spectroscopy Inelastic processes Ab initio calculations Monte Carlo simulations a b s t r a c t
We discuss a basic thermodynamic properties of systems with multifractal structure. This is possible by extending the notion of Gibbs-Shannon's entropy into more general framework -Rényi's information entropy. We show a connection of... more
The theory of a complex scalar Higgs field which provides a mechanism for electroweak symmetry breaking (EWSB) is outlined to provide motivation for the study of the electroweak sector through vector boson scattering (VBS). Many of the... more
Abstract. In these lectures 4 quantum physics in noncommutative spacetime is developed. It is based on the work of Doplicher et al. which allows for time-space noncommutativity. In the context of noncommutative quantum mechanics, some... more
Blackledge, Jonathan Electromagnetic Scattering Solutions for Digital Signal Processing Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä, 2009, 297 p. (nid.), 2010 (PDF) (Jyväskylä Studies in Computing ISSN 1456-5390; 108) ISBN 978-951-39-3944-1 (PDF),... more
We analyze the spectral properties and discuss the scattering theory of operators of the form H = H 0 +V> H 0 =-A+Ex. Among our results are the existence of wave operators, Ω ± (H,H 0), the nonexistence of bound states, and a... more
Scattering theory X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy Auger electron spectroscopy Electron energy loss spectroscopy Inelastic processes Ab initio calculations Monte Carlo simulations a b s t r a c t
D i s s e r t a t i o n zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades D o k t o r i n d e r N a t u r w i s s e n s c h a f t e n an der
] has presented a straightforward technique employing the Dirac formalism to calculate single- and double-slit interference patterns. He claims that no reference is made to classical optics or scattering theory and that his method... more
We study the classical limit of the stationary scattering theory for a Schro dinger operator in a compactly supported gauge field. We show that, under suitable hypotheses on the associated classical flow, the scattering amplitude has a... more
The surface photoelectron and inner shell electron spectroscopy (SURPRISES) program suite performs ab initio calculations of photoionization and non-radiative decay spectra in nanoclusters and solid state systems by using a space-energy... more
We give a comprehensive presentation of methods for calculating the Casimir force to arbitrary accuracy, for any number of objects, arbitrary shapes, susceptibility functions, and separations. The technique is applicable to objects... more
Backscattered signal of coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy can be an extremely useful tool for remote identification of airborne particles, provided the signal is sufficiently large. We formulate a semiclassical theory of nonlinear... more
As one of major tankers routes in Indonesia, Malacca Strait is potentially prone to oil spill pollution. SAR image data is used to detect oil slick on sea surface, because of its capability for large scale of sea monitoring, and to solve... more
The aim of this book is to introduce the basic elements of the scattering matrix approach to transport phenomena in dynamical quantum systems of non-interacting electrons. This approach admits a physically clear and transparent... more
A crucial element of scattering theory and the LSZ reduction formula is the assumption that the coupling vanishes at large times. This is known not to hold for the theories of the Standard Model and in general such asymptotic dynamics is... more