Eye (2009), 1–6
& 2009 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved 0950-222X/09 $32.00
PA Keane and SR Sadda
Since its first description more than 40 years ago,
fluorescein angiography had a crucial role in the
diagnosis and management of chorioretinal
vascular disorders such as neovascular agerelated macular degeneration. Although
fluorescein angiography permits visualization of
the retinal microcirculation in exquisite detail,
visualization of the choroidal circulation is more
limited. Moreover, fluorescein angiography
provides only minimal information regarding
the functional consequences of vascular disease
and allows, at best, only semi-quantitative
assessment of retinal thickness. In recent years,
the development of other chorioretinal imaging
modalities, such as indocyanine green
angiography, fundus autofluorescence, and
optical coherence tomography (OCT), has
addressed many of these issues. In particular,
OCT has become an integral tool for
vitreoretinal specialists as it allows highresolution cross-sectional images of the
neurosensory retina to be obtained in a
non-invasive manner. The latest generation of
commercial OCT technologyFspectral domain
OCTFoffers high-speed scanning that allows
complete coverage of the macular area,
generation of three-dimensional
retinal reconstructions, and precise image
registration for inter-visit comparisons. The
high speed of spectral domain OCT also
facilitates B-scan averaging, which reduces
speckle noise artefact and allows unparalleled
visualization of the outer retina and choroid. In
the near future, further advances in OCT
technology (eg Doppler OCT) are likely to
dramatically enhance the diagnosis and
management of patients with chorioretinal
vascular disease.
Eye advance online publication, 11 December 2009;
In 1961, Novotny and Alvis1 produced the
first fluorescein angiograms providing images
of the chorioretinal vascular system. Since
that time, chorioretinal imagingFprincipally
stereoscopic photography and fluorescein
angiographyFhad a crucial role in the
management of patients with chorioretinal
vascular diseases such as neovascular agerelated macular degeneration (AMD). More
recently, the development of a new imaging
modality, optical coherence tomography
(OCT), has addressed many of the limitations of
these traditional imaging techniques, and
reinforced the central role of imaging in the
management of these patients. In this
article, we describe the principal chorioretinal
imaging techniques in use today, as well as a
number of new technologies currently in
development that may transform the
management of chorioretinal vascular
Keywords: fluorescein angiography;
indocyanine green angiography; fundus
autofluorescence; optical coherence tomography
Fluorescein angiography
Fluorescein angiography possesses a number of
features that have made it central to the
management of chorioretinal vascular disease.2
In particular, it permits visualization of the
retinal microcirculation in exquisite detail,
allowing identification of vascular
abnormalities and areas of retinal nonperfusion. It also enables visualization of many
pathologic changes affecting the choroidal
vasculature (Figure 1). Through the assessment
of vascular leakage, fluorescein angiography
also provides important functional information
(ie the integrity of the blood–retinal barrier).
These features have allowed fluorescein
angiography to show its worth in a wide
variety of clinical settings, as well as in the
context of important randomized clinical
trials (eg the Early Treatment of Diabetic
Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) for diabetic
vascular disease
Doheny Image Reading
Center, Doheny Eye
Institute, Keck School of
Medicine of the University
of Southern California, Los
Angeles, CA, USA
Correspondence: SR Sadda,
Doheny Image Reading
Doheny Eye Institute, DEI
1450 San Pablo Street,
Los Angeles,
CA 90033,
Tel: þ 1 323 442 6503;
Fax: +1 323 442 6460;
[email protected]
Received: 13 October 2009
Accepted in revised form:
17 November 2009
Presented at the 39th
Association Symposium
Chorioretinal vascular imaging
PA Keane and SR Sadda
Figure 1 Fluorescein angiogram showing evidence of late
stippled hyperfluorescence consistent with fibrovascular pigment epithelium detachment.
Figure 2 Indocyanine green angiography showing evidence of
peripapillary choroidal neovascularization.
Limitations of fluorescein angiography
vasculopathy), central serous chorioretinopathy, and
chorioretinal inflammatory disorders.7
Despite these advantages, fluorescein angiography has a
number of limitations. First, it is an invasive procedure
with complications that range from minor (nausea and
vomiting) to serious (anaphylaxis). Second, its ability to
visualize the choroidal circulation is limited, with
considerable loss of vascular detail over time because of
progressive dye leakage. Third, even with the use of
stereoscopic images, it has a limited axial resolution that
allowsFat bestFsemi-quantitative measurement of
retinal thickness that is subject to considerable
variability.4 Finally, fluorescein angiography provides
only limited information regarding the structural and
functional consequences of vascular disease. Fortunately,
in recent years, advances in other chorioretinal imaging
modalities have addressed many of these deficiencies.
Indocyanine green angiography
Indocyanine green angiography, first described in 1972,
allows enhanced visualization of the choroidal
circulationFunlike fluorescein, indocyanine green is
almost completely bound to protein and tends not to leak
through the fenestrated capillaries of the choriocapillaris
obscuring the larger choroidal vessels (Figure 2).5 Despite
this, initial usage was limited by the poor fluorescence
efficiency of indocyanine green, and the limited ability to
produce high-resolution images on infrared film. Since
the 1990s, however, the development of high-speed,
high-resolution digital imaging systems has resolved
many of these issues.6 Although still not commonly
performed in clinical practice, indocyanine green
angiography has improved our understanding of
disorders such as neovascular AMD (especially retinal
angiomatous proliferation and polypoidal choroidal
Fundus autofluorescence
Autofluorescence is an intrinsic property of many
structures within the eye (eg retinal pigment
epithelium (RPE)), such that transient emission of light
occurs when these structures are illuminated by an
exogenous source.8 Autofluorescence of the RPE is
related to the intracellular accumulation of lipofuscin, a
byproduct of incomplete photoreceptor outer segment
degradation. Lipofuscin accumulation is a hallmark of
normal aging in many cells, but may also be a common
downstream pathogenic mechanism in a number of
retinal degenerative diseases. As a result, fundus
autofluorescence (FAF) imaging has generated
considerable interest in recent years for patients with
both inherited and acquired retinal degenerations
(Figure 3). In fact, FAF imaging has recently been
approved by the US Food and Drug Administration
as a primary end point in clinical trials of nonneovascular AMD (geographic atrophy).9
The role of FAF imaging in chorioretinal vascular
disease is less well established. In neovascular AMD, for
example, the continuity of the FAF signal over the lesion
may provide prognostic information.10 In patients with
this disorder, FAF may be relatively normal
(‘continuous’) early on, a finding that correlates with
better visual acuity, and presumably represents
continued RPE viability. However, with longer-standing
disease, decreased FAF is often seen, a finding that
correlates with decreased visual acuity, and presumably
represents photoreceptor loss and RPE atrophy. FAF
imaging may also be of diagnostic use in less commonly
Chorioretinal vascular imaging
PA Keane and SR Sadda
Figure 3 Fundus autofluorescence image obtained with a
confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopeFgeographic atrophy
may be clearly seen as a central area of hypoautofluorescence.
seen retinal vascular disorders such as type 2 idiopathic
juxtafoveal telangiectasia, in which central depletion of
macular pigment results in a characteristic loss of normal
foveal hypofluorescence.11
Optical coherence tomography
OCT, first described in 1991, allows high-resolution
cross-sectional images of the neurosensory retina to be
obtained in a non-invasive manner.12 As a result, retinal
imaging with OCT has quickly become an integral tool
for the management of chorioretinal vascular disorders.
Time domain OCT
OCT works by measuring the properties of light waves
reflected from tissue (analogous to ultrasonography).13 In
the original OCT systems, movement of a reference
mirror allowed acquisition of depth information over
timeF‘time domain’ OCT. The release of the first
commercial time domain OCT systems, in 1996 (OCT1)
and 2000 (OCT2), quickly established the clinical benefits
of OCTFin particular for the depiction of the
vitreomacular interface. However, it was the release of
the third generation of time domain OCT devices in 2002
that heralded the widespread adoption of OCT by retinal
specialists. OCT3 (Stratus OCT, Carl Zeiss Meditec,
Dublin, CA, USA) offered faster scanning speed (400 Ascans per second) and higher resolution (8–10 microns
axially)Ffeatures that provided significant advantages
for the management of chorioretinal vascular diseases.
Clinical applications of time domain OCT
Macular oedema is a common cause of vision loss in
patients with retinal vascular disease.14 The greater axial
resolution of Stratus OCT (particularly when compared
to stereoscopic fundus photography) has allowed
improved characterization of the structural changes that
occur in macular oedema. In diabetic macular oedema,
for example, distinct patterns of morphologic change
may be seen on OCT: diffuse retinal thickening, cystoid
macular oedema, serous retinal detachment, and
vitreomacular traction (retinal vascular diseases are also
commonly accompanied by epiretinal membrane
formation) (Figure 4).15–17 In addition to these qualitative
assessments, measurements of retinal thickness provided
by time domain OCT have become important criteria for
determining eligibility for clinical trials, as well as being
adopted as anatomic end points in these trials.18
In recent years, driven by the seminal findings of the
PrONTO study for neovascular AMD, OCT has also been
rapidly adopted for the management of patients with
choroidal vascular disease.19,20 In the PrONTO study, OCTderived criteria were used both for determination of
eligibility, and for re-treatment decisions (eg presence of
subretinal fluid), in patients receiving intravitreal
ranibizumab. In 2007, the following OCT-derived
guidelines, for the treatment of neovascular AMD, were
suggested by Brown and Regillo: (1) initial monthly
treatment, until no intraretinal, subretinal, or sub-RPE
fluid; (2) consideration of fluorescein angiography if visual
acuity changes do not correlate with anatomic
improvements; (3) re-treatment based on qualitative
inspection of all six high-resolution Stratus OCT scans with
re-treatment for any recurrence of intraretinal, subretinal,
or sub-RPE fluid.21 These guidelines or variations, thereof,
have been quickly adopted by retina specialists
worldwide, greatly increasing the utilization of OCT in the
management of patients with choroidal vascular disease.
Limitations of time domain OCT
Although it is clear that OCT successfully addresses
many of the limitations of fluorescein angiography, the
use of OCT in choroidal vascular diseases has also
highlighted many of the limitations of time domain OCT.
OCT-derived retinal thickness values are obtained by
automated detection (segmentation) of the inner and
outer retinal boundaries. Unfortunately, however, this
automated detection frequently fails in patients with
retinal disease, particularly in patients with choroidal
vascular disease.22 Moreover, even if boundary detection
is correct, many specific disease components are not
quantified by OCT (eg subretinal fluid, pigment
epithelium detachments). To ensure the accuracy of
retinal thickness measurements, and to allow
quantification of other morphologic parameters, manual
segmentation of OCT images is often performed in
dedicated image reading centres.23–25
Chorioretinal vascular imaging
PA Keane and SR Sadda
segmentation errors that occur may often be propagated
across large areas. Fortunately, these limitations have
been largely overcome in recent years with the latest
generation of commercial OCT technologyF‘spectral
domain’ OCT.
Spectral domain OCT
Figure 4 Patterns of structural change on optical coherence
tomography (OCT) in patients with diabetic macular oedema.
OCT B-scans show sponge-like retinal thickening (a), cystoid
macular oedema (b), serous retinal detachment (c), and
vitreomacular traction with peaking of the retinal surface (d).
Time domain OCT systems are also limited by their
requirement for a mobile reference mirrorFa
requirement that limits their image acquisition speed.26
Consequently, typical time domain OCT scanning
protocols capture o5% of the macula in a single
image set and significant interpolation is required to
construct retinal thickness maps. As a result, time
domain OCT scanning protocols often miss small lesions
that fall between the scanned lines, and any
In spectral domain OCT systems, the use of spectral
interferometry and a mathematical function (Fourier
transformation) removes the need for a mobile reference
mirror, and allows images to be acquired 50–100 times
more quickly than in time domain systems (typically
over 20 000 A-scans per second).27–29 The high speed of
spectral domain OCT allows significantly greater
coverage of the macular area using raster scanning
protocols (eg 128 B-scans, with each B-scan consisting of
512 A-scans). The greater speed of spectral domain OCT
also reduces the frequency of eye motion artefacts and
allows the creation of three-dimensional reconstructions
of the retina. In addition, by summing the intensity
values in each A-scan, the dense scanning of spectral
domain OCT allows generation of ‘projection’ images
that appear superficially similar to fundus photographic
images. These projection images contain invariant
landmarks that can be aligned with standard fundus
photographic images, facilitating direct comparison with
these images and allowing more precise registration for
inter-visit comparisons.30
The rapid scanning of spectral domain OCT also
allows averaging of multiple B-scan images to be readily
performed, reducing speckle noise and allowing greater
visualization of fine structuresFin particular, the
structures of the outer retina and choroid.31 Although
spectral domain OCT has a higher sensitivity than time
domain OCT, spectral domain image quality changes as
the scan moves vertically on the screen. By adjusting the
spectral domain OCT device to maximize its sensitivity
at the choroid, and through the use of B-scan averaging,
extremely high-quality images may be obtained. Such
imaging allows clear visualization of outer retinal
structures such as the external limiting membrane, and
enhanced visualization of the architecture of
fibrovascular tissue in neovascular AMD (Figure 5).32–34
Current limitations and future directions
Although it represents a significant advance, spectral
domain OCT also has a number of limitations. As with
time domain OCT, the transverse resolution of spectral
domain OCT is limited by the optics of the ocular system
and, as a result, spectral domain OCT does not allow
visualization of individual cells.35 In addition, the
functional data provided by spectral domain OCT
Chorioretinal vascular imaging
PA Keane and SR Sadda
technology, it is now possible to obtain high-quality
cross-sectional images of the choroidFsuch imaging
may represent the next frontier in our understanding of
retinal disease pathogenesis. Furthermore, the
applications of OCT in chorioretinal vascular disease are
likely to grow with functional extensions of this
technology in the near future (eg Doppler OCT may lead
to a new wave of categorizing retinal vascular disorders
on the basis of blood flow). Such advances, in association
with improvements in other imaging techniques, are
likely to dramatically enhance our management of
patients with chorioretinal disease.
Conflict of interest
Dr Sadda is a co-inventor of Doheny intellectual property
related to optical coherence tomography that has been
licensed by Topcon Medical Systems, and is a member of
the scientific advisory board for Heidelberg Engineering.
The Doheny Image Reading Center also receives research
support from Carl Zeiss Meditec and Optovue Inc.
Figure 5 Evaluation of neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD) using ‘enhanced depth’ spectral domain optical
coherence tomography (Cirrus HD-OCT, Carl Zeiss Meditec,
Dublin, CA, USA)F(a) and (b).
This work is supported in part by NIH Grant EY03040
and NEI Grant R01 EY014375.
remains rudimentary at best. Furthermore, better
segmentation software is still required to facilitate precise
quantitative subanalysis of dense raster scan data sets.36
Not surprisingly, future OCT technologies will likely
address these limitations. Prototype Doppler OCT
systems allow measurement of retinal blood flow by the
assessment of light reflectivity changes in retinal blood
vessels over short time periods.37 ‘Swept-source’ OCT
systems allow significant increases in imaging
sensitivity and speed (eg 4300 000 A-scans per second),
through the use of a tunable laser,38 whereas
polarization-sensitive OCT may prove to encode much of
the information provided by FAF.39 Finally, the use of
adaptive optics in OCT devices may increase the
transverse resolution of OCT systems and provide
cellular level detail.40
In recent years, retinal imaging with OCT has become
central to the treatment of patients with chorioretinal
disorders. Using current, commercially available,
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