Sound Recording
Recent papers in Sound Recording
Cuando celebramos 40 años de la edición de 'La Voz de los '80' (1984), comparto con Uds la sección completa de reseñas de discos de Los Prisioneros, incluida originalmente en la edición 2023 de mi libro "Exijo ser un héroe: La historia de... more
This is a contribution to a monograph on Tap Dancing. It explains the impossibility to record tap steps prior to the invention of microphones. When the sound of tap was required on a recording this had to be imitated, using woodblocks,... more
In Giacomo Puccini’s Turandot (premiered at the Teatro alla Scala in Milan on 25 April 1926), the nocturne plays a dual role: on the one hand, it serves as the diegetic frame of the plot; on the other, it symbolises the inner... more
Звуковий образ в кіномистецтві посідає рівнозначно важливе місце поряд із іншими засобами виразності кінематографу. Освідомлене створення звукового образу саундпродюсерами може виконувати наступні функції в кіно: емоційну (підсилення... more
Record collecting, be it as a social, cultural, or commercial activity, has been a significant aspect of the music industry in the 20th century. Collecting encompasses not only the assembling of a number of musical objects into one unit,... more
Introduction to my book, Korean Musical Instruments, a Practical Guide (second edition). Seoul: Minsokwon, 2015. Chapters: Korean Music, Korean Notation, Catalogue of Korean Instruments, Kayagum, Komun'go, Haegum, Changgo, P'iri, Tanso,... more
- by Keith Howard
W hy would a North American write multiple lines with a sentence in Spanish like "Lo siento mucho" (I'm sorry) in a document meant to register the vari ous artists and pieces recorded during a phonographic expedition through vari ous... more
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio Científico Internacional: Les Traces du Vodun dans les arts et cultures des sociétés post-esclavage (Traços do Vodun nas artes e culturas das sociedades pós-escravização), na École Du Patrimoine Africain-... more
This study aims to examine the aesthetic goals of producers, engineers and musicians involved in recording Turkish folk music. Several detailed sonic analyses of a range of recordings are presented as a means to clarifying these goals,... more
Rencontres "Esthétique jazz. La Scène et les images." (11e édition): "Echec & Jazz". Paris, November 21-22, 2024, Athénée Théâtre Louis-Jouvet.
‘Music is a uniting of people; that is its ultimate goal.’ Through his son Alexander (1899-1977) and grandsons Serge and Ivan the dynasty Nikolay Tcherepnin (1873-1945) founded – fin de siècle Tsarist, emigré Russian, Russo-American –... more
The appearance of the Franco-European harp in Ottoman İstanbul, more than a century after the çeng had become obsolete, coincided with the new-wave ideas of Mahmud II, who in 1828, two years after the abolishment of the Janissaries,... more
Virtual reality technologies allow new ways of creating a sense of space not only through sight but also through sound. We present SoundTrek, a game about using listening perspective for navigating through environments in VR. In... more
Program Book of the Annual Meeting 2024 of the American Musicological Society (November, 14-17 November, 2024, Chicago, IL, USA).
Reports Research Projects RAMUND: A Century of Music and Radio in Denmark. Music genres, radio genres and mediatisation The FKK-funded research project RAMUND began in 2013 and will run until 2018.The project's overall research question... more
Greek-Karamanlidika publications represent a broad area of research in the history of Ottoman music. The publications written by Ottoman Greeks, most of whom were musicians or cantors, contain a wide range of repertoire and theoretical... more
Леся Українка виявила себе не лише як видатна поетеса та культурна діячка, а й як одна з перших саундпродюсерок в Україні. Її активна участь у закупівлі обладнання, організації записів та продюсуванні фольклорних експедицій... more
This paper looks into the life and ethnographic work of Leonore Kosswig (1904–1973), who lived in Turkey as a German exile from 1937 until her death in 1973. While her husband, Curt Kosswig was invited to Istanbul University as a full... more
“Aspectos sobre a valsa no Rio de Janeiro ao longo do século XIX: de folhetins, música de salão e serestas” de Martha Tupinambá de Ulhoa investiga práticas musicais de entretenimento no Rio de Janeiro, especialmente a valsa. A obra... more
In the 1990s and into the beginning of the 21st century, Luciano Pavarotti helped popularise opera through singing the anthem for the Italia90 soccer World Cup; through concerts with the Three Tenors, and through his inter-music-genre... more
While a quick survey of popular culture reveals the continuing fascination of the U.S. public with educator/ composer/conductor Leonard Bernstein (consider, for example, articles discussing Jamie Bernstein's publication Famous Father... more
Mercredi 19 juin (9h15-15h15) et Vendredi 21 juin (9h30-13h) _ Maison de la Recherche Salle des Colloques, F0.
Though shorthand manuscripts burst from the seams of North American archives, surprisingly little work has been done on the stenographic culture of early America. After shorthand permeated the intellectual, cultural, and religious world... more
No cautious, creative person starts a project nowadays without a back-up is wise to maintain a living archive of all work. [1] Acousmatic composition begins with source material that is processed and reflected upon. Given a... more
This paper explores the historical use of the term āvāz in Iranian music during the 19th century and early 20th century. It examines various sources including musical treatises, diaries, early musical scores, record labels, and published... more
This study examines the effectiveness of various research methods in business education, aiming to enhance teaching and learning outcomes. A mixed-methods approach was employed, combining surveys, interviews, and focus groups to gather... more
Transcriptions, CD, Vocabulary, Bibliography, Indexes
In this essay, I will discuss and investigate whether we can fully comprehend and grasp the sounds of the past in today's day and age. Many incredible benefits of modern life can be argued to enable us to.
Der Essay folgt den Klängen von Landschaften der Elektrizitätsproduktion und versucht Zugänge zu skizzieren, wie diese auditiv-künstlerisch erforscht werden können. Dazu bezieht er sich auf Feldforschungen in operierenden und verhinderten... more
El último día de Pompeya, que se estrenó en 1825 en Nápoles, es una ópera que no sólo da muestras de lo mejor del bel canto italiano, sino que también en su momento logró tener un gran impacto en las exploraciones arqueológicas y en el... more
El trabajo profundiza en cómo la vía criolla se manifiesta en el Códice Zuola a través de tres supuestos sustentados en: un Memento mori con un Suri, la transcripción castellana de un poema mudado a lenguas andina, la desaprensión... more
This article discusses how everyday speech was mediated in early modern England: how speech was registered and remediated through various cultural techniques making it recognizable as a distinct linguistic medium and how these processes... more
rechushedshej-epohi-sobranie-viktora-duvakina.html (accessed January 9, 2024). Duvakin was motivated to preserve hundreds of Soviet voices in response to a sudden change in his professional life: in the spring of 1966, he was fired from... more
Análisis de la obra "Saltando Matones" de Wilson Díaz y Juan Mejía (1996). Publicado en el libro Saltando Matones. Tangrama, 2020
MusiClef was one of the "brave new tasks" at MediaEval 2013 with a multimodal approach that combined music, video and textual information in order to evaluate systems that recommend a music soundtrack given the video of a commercial and... more
MusiClef was one of the "brave new tasks" at MediaEval 2013 with a multimodal approach that combined music, video and textual information in order to evaluate systems that recommend a music soundtrack given the video of a commercial and... more
© by Edition Margaux "sehr lange gerade am Eindruck immer noch größerer Simplizität gearbeitet" 28 hat. Selbst Volksliedhaftes, das pure Eingebung zu sein scheint, ist, wie sich zeigen lässt, stets bis ins Letzte durchgearbeitet, 29... more
It was a slow start but the phonograph record gradually became a stage unto itself for a dancing figure, and the most popular of all were Ragtime Dancers from the World of Minstrelsy. "Rastus" was activated in Boston in 1914 and gave rise... more
This chapter explores the work of multimedia artist Julian House how it has travelled across different contexts. House, who belongs to the British creative agency Intro, and co-runs the esteemed independent music label Ghost Box, started... more
Comunicación en el Congreso Internacional "Ciutats sonores. Música, so, soroll en entorns urbans (1500-1800)" organizado por la Universidad Internacional de Valencia en colaboración con el IMS, AVAMUS, la Universitat de València y el... more