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Combustion of coal for production of electricity in the United States often requires the removal of SO 2 produced in the flue gas in order to meet clean air regulations. Some scrubbing technologies lead to the production of large amounts... more
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      Economic analysisUnited StatesCrop ProductionSoybean
2005). The "AQUASCOPE" simplified model for predicting 89,90 Sr, 131 I and 134,137 Cs in surface waters after a largescale radioactive fallout. Health Physics, 89, 628-644.
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      HealthSoil ChemistryFishesSurface Water
This paper considers features underlying conservation-effective agricultural systems' impacts, because they can explain present successes, suggest guidelines for future initiatives, and indicate criteria for judging their... more
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      ProfitabilityConservation AgricultureSoil QualityConventional tillage
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      Sustainable DevelopmentConservation AgricultureSoil QualitySoil Degradation
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      Greenhouse Gas EmissionsSoil Quality
The maintenance of soil health and productivity is a central aim of sustainable agriculture. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are soil biota fundamental for soil fertility and plant nutrition, which may be used in the evaluation of the... more
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      Sustainable agricultureSymbiosisPlant NutritionEnvironmental Sciences
Phuleli Canal (Sindh) Pakistan is the main source of irrigation water for lower Sindh. However, its quality has been deteriorated by the addition of industrial effluents and city wastes discharged directly or indirectly into canal when it... more
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      Heavy Metal PollutionSoil Quality
In Bangladesh, almost 53% of the coastal areas are severely affected by salinity which is the major cause for unfavorable environment and hydrological conditions. This unfavorable condition in turn restricts the usual and normal crop... more
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      Environmental ScienceSoil ScienceSustainable Water Resources ManagementEnvironmental Sustainability
Ensuring acceptance of dedicated biomass feedstocks by landowners, agricultural communities, environmental and public interest groups, requires that the environmental benefits, concerns, and risks associated with their production be... more
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      Carbon SequestrationEnvironmental SustainabilityEnvironmental RiskCrop Production
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      SoilSeed germinationMultidisciplinaryCities
Cropping systems in Western Australia (WA) are strongly dominated by cereals (wheat, barley and oaten hay) and are inextricably linked to soil quality and moisture supply. So a major research challenge is to devise cropping systems that... more
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      Soil QualityCrop Rotation
Soil amendments affect soil chemistry and allow revegetation of soils contaminated by trace elements.
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Soil microbial biomass plays important roles in nutrient cycling, plant-pathogen suppression, decomposition of residues and degradation of pollutants; therefore, it is often regarded as a good indicator of soil quality. We reviewed more... more
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      Microbial diversityBiological SciencesOrganic FarmingEnvironmental Sciences
Soil organic matter (SOM) is known to play a major role in soil fertility due to its influence on physical, chemical and biological properties of soil; and it is closely related to particle size distribution. The ratio of SOM (g kg À1 )... more
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      Soil ScienceBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesWater use efficiency
To evaluate the degradation of soil quality and find ways to maintain soil fertility on the Loess Plateau of China, the effects of cultivation time on total organic carbon (TOC), light fraction of organic carbon (LFOC), and microbial... more
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      Biological SciencesPhosphorusEnvironmental SciencesSoil Erosion
Bio-oil and bio-char were produced from corn cobs and corn stover (stalks, leaves and husks) by fast pyrolysis using a pilot scale fluidized bed reactor. Yields of 60% (mass/mass) bio-oil (high heating values are w20 MJ kg À1 , and... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceTechnologyProduction
Conventional agriculture has had major environmental impacts, in particular with respect to soil degradation. Soil structure, fertility, microbial and faunal biodiversity have declined, and root diseases are common unless genetic... more
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      MicrobiologyMycologyBacteriologyOrganic agriculture
BIJLAGE I. BEKNOPT OVERZICHT VAN DE MODELLEN STOFSTROMEN EN STONE 55 Overzicht van de stikstofcyclus in het model STONE 55 Overzicht van het model Stofstromenmodel 56 BIJLAGE II. OPTIES VOOR HET KWANTIFICEREN VAN STIKSTOFPLAFONDS 59... more
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      NitrogenSoil Quality
As key 'ecosystem engineers', earthworms improve mineralization of organic matter, plant growth, soil quality, and are an important component of many terrestrial food webs. Under appropriate conditions, they are therefore likely to... more
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      Plant BiologyFood webNew ZealandPlant growth
Cserháti Sándort -a növénytermesztéstan tanárát, a tudós szakírót, a belterjes (intenzív) gazdálkodás szószólóját, az első Országos Kísérleti Állomás ve ze tő jét -mindenkor a legkiválóbbak között tartották számon. Tudományos mű helyében,... more
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    • Soil Quality
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      Climate ChangeMultidisciplinaryGlobal WarmingClimate Modelling
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      Biological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesSoil Quality
New Zealand is committed to developing sustainable forest management practices as evidenced through Government involvement in international forestry agreements such as the Montreal Process, and the forestry sector's adoption of forest... more
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      Forest Ecology And ManagementForest EcologySustainable forest managementBiological Sciences
Raw sewage is widely used on agricultural soils in urban areas of developing countries to meet water shortages. Although it is a good source of plant nutrients, such sewage also increases the heavy metal load to soils, which may impact... more
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      IrrigationPlant BiologyDeveloping CountryCopper
In the last centuries, the need for tillage was to provide suitable soil conditions for plant growth (crop-focusing tillage). During the last decades, traditional goals of soil tillage have really been improved considering environmental... more
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      Risk assessmentWater ManagementSeasonalityPlant growth
One of the most important goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development concerns life on land (SDG15). It seems that among the issues mentioned in SDG15, soil degradation and preservation is the matter which is least... more
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      Environmental LawEuropean and International LawNormativityGlobal Ethics
In countries around the Mediterranean basin, the degradation of soil and water resources is a serious threat for the human welfare and the natural environment as a result of the unique climate, topography, soil characteristics, and... more
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      Water qualityDesertificationEnvironmental SciencesCost effectiveness
We compared the effect of organic and conventional farming practices on soil microbial dynamics in West Java, Indonesia. A secondary forest was included to obtain natural reference values. On the organic farms, soil fertility is... more
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      Environmental ScienceBiological SciencesOrganic FarmingEnvironmental Sciences
Crop residue mulching combined with zero tillage and crop rotation, known as conservation agriculture (CA), is being promoted as an alternative system to revert soil degradation in maize-based farming in the central highlands of Mexico.... more
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      Sustainable agricultureSustainable Agriculture (Environment)Earthworm ecologyMexico
While water erosion has been the focus of past research in the Andes, former studies show that soil erosion could also be related to the methods used in cultivating the fields. The main objective of the present study was to assess (i)... more
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      GeologyGeomorphologyStatistical AnalysisNegative Affect
Відповідно до вимог системного аналізу розгляд функціонування калійної системи, з одного боку, ґрунтується на аксіомі її цілісності, з іншого, - вирішення цього завдання неможливе без детального вивчення і характеристики її елементів,... more
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      Soil SciencePotassiumSoil QualityPotassium fertilizers
... The fertilizer N equivalent credit from crop residues was suggested as 8–10 kg N ha −1 for oilseed rape in Denmark (Thomsen and Christensen, 1996), while Beckie (1997) estimated a 28 kg N ha −1 credit to crops that follow peas. ...
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      Biological SciencesSeasonalityEnvironmental SciencesNo tillage
This paper discusses the influence of N resources (fertilizer, legume, soil) on sustainable agriculture in temperate/boreal ecosystems (exemplified by the Canadian prairies), and in the humid, subhumid and semi-arid tropic (exemplified by... more
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      Analytical ChemistrySustainable agricultureSoutheast AsiaFood Quality
The development and survival or disappearance of civilizations has been based on the performance of soils to provide food, fibre, and further essential goods for humans. Amongst soil functions, the capacity to produce plant biomass... more
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      Climate ChangeSustainable agricultureDesertificationFood Security
Soils in semi-arid Mediterranean areas are generally characterized by low organic matter content and are subjected to progressive degradation and deterioration of workability. Because de-oiled two-phase olive mill waste (DW) contains an... more
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      Soil SalinityBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesNegative Affect
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      Sustainable agricultureSoil ErosionSoil moistureCrop Production
Crop-pasture rotations (CPR) are unusual around the world but have been the predominant cropping system in Uruguay since the 1960s. Uruguay has a temperate sub-humid climate, 80% of its landscape (16 Mha) is climax grasslands C 3 and C 4... more
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      Water AvailabilityEnvironmental SustainabilityBiological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
The sustainability of shifting cultivation systems and their impact on soil quality continues to be debated, and although a growing body of literature shows a limited impact on, e.g. soil carbon stocks, shifting cultivation still has a... more
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      PepperEnvironmental SciencesSoil ErosionLand Use
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We describe a practical methodology to rapidly assess the soil quality and crop health of vineyard systems using simple indicators chosen, applied and interpreted jointly by farmers and researchers. Field measurements are made on... more
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    • Soil Quality
Soil algae can perform important services for agro-ecosystems and functions as a bioindicator for soil quality. Communities of topsoil algae were studied (species composition and counts) in four different agro-ecosystems in relation to... more
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      Environmental SciencesLand UseHeavy MetalSpecies Composition
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      Soil ScienceAgronomySoilAgriculture
El INIBAP (Red Internacional para el Mejoramiento del Banano y el Plátano) y MUSALAC (Red de Investigación y Desarrollo de Plátano y Banano para ALC), con el financiamiento de FONTAGRO (Fondo Regional de Tecnología Agropecuaria) esta... more
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      Microbial EcologyBeneficial microorganismsSoil QualitySoil Microbiology
One of the major interests in soil analysis is the integrated evaluation of soil properties, which might be indicators of soil quality. Unsupervised methods of multivariate statistics are powerful tools for this integrated assessment and... more
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      Multivariate StatisticsPrincipal Component AnalysisIntegrated assessmentSoil Analysis
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      Technology transferNutrient ManagementNitrogenSoil Quality
The unsaturated soil hydraulic functions involving the soil-water retention curve (SWRC) and the hydraulic conductivity provide useful integrated indices of soil quality. Existing and newly devised methods were used to formulate... more
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      Unsaturated soilBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesSoil Quality
... labile P sources (Bolan, 1991 and Hernández et al., 2000), but other studies demonstrated that mycorrhizal plants obtained P from normally unavailable sources of Pi and Po (Bolan et al., 1987, Jayachandran et al., 1989, Jayachandran... more
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      Sustainable agriculturePhosphorusEnvironmental SciencesArbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
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      Exotic SpeciesPlant BiologyLand UseSoil Quality
Soil quality management helps to maintain biological productivity; air and water quality; and human habitation and health. As improper land management can deteriorate soil function, the evaluation of soil quality for different land use is... more
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    • Soil Quality
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      Air QualityAnimal ProductionForest fireHuman Nutrition