Sociology of the Individual
Recent papers in Sociology of the Individual
Comment peut-on croire à l’incroyable ? Il semble déraisonnable d’adhérer aux croyances les plus extrêmes, invraisemblables ou ubuesques. Il paraît tout aussi irrationnel qu’un adepte continue à croire fervemment alors que les faits sont... more
Esta publicación es una reseña bibliográfica del libro de François Dubet ¿Por qué preferimos la desigualdad? (aunque digamos lo contrario) (2016). Allí el autor propone un modo diferente y novedoso de abordar las desigualdades a partir de... more
This text suggests relaunching critical theories in social sciences, retying the link with the perspective of emancipation. Which passes by a dialogue with political philosophy. One of the important sites of reactivation for sociological... more
Le patriotisme au défi de la seconde modernité Le patriotisme, ne pouvant être contraint en démocratie, est nécessairement question d’individu. Or, peut-il se manifester autrement que par excès ou par défaut, sans tomber dans la... more
A társadalom felfedezése vagy a szabadság vége, vagy a szabadság újjászületése." Polányi Károly Kedvcsináló Fordulat utóbbi évekbeli koncepciója felvállalta, hogy tematikus számokat jelentet meg. Ebbe a koncepcióba illik a jelenlegi kötet... more
This text takes an approach that the author proposes to call "methodological relationism", as distinct from methodological individualism such as holism. Such an approach considers social relations as primary realities and individuals and... more
En este artículo se examinan los tres grandes ciclos históricos de los tres polos del sistema general de regulación social: la Polis (el concepto de lo público), el individuo (el concepto de lo privado), y la nación (el concepto de... more
Dossiê temático organizado por Giovanni Boaes, Sheila Borges de Oliveira e por mim, publicado na Revista de Ciências Sociais Política & Trabalho, vinculada ao Programa de Pós-graduação em Sociologia da UFPB.
Danilo Martuccelli est chargé de recherche au CNRS-CLERSE-IFRESI. Il vient de publier Forgé par l’épreuve. L’individu dans la France contemporaine aux éditions Armand Colin. Ces propos furent recueillis par Grégoire Lits à l’occasion de... more
Le présent mémoire entend présenter une analyse critique des mutations contemporaines de la subjectivité, qui s’inscrit dans le cadre général de la sociologie dialectique développée par Michel Freitag. En prenant appui sur sa théorie du... more
(English below) El presente artículo responde a la necesidad de medir los hábitos del sujeto durante el período de confinamiento por el Covid-19 en relación al alcance de las videollamadas en las relaciones interpersonales no... more
An emphasis on socially orientated approaches to studying the Palaeolithic has become commonplace in current research. As a result, a “bottom up” approach to interpreting the material record has developed, which emphasises the individual... more
This article presents a synthetic view of the sociological approach to the question of individuality. Firtsly, proceeding from the traditional debate between methodological individualism and methodological holism, it proposes an... more
There is hardly anything that is as central to anyone’s life as “personality”, which is unique and distinctive for every individual. But what is it that we call “personality”? And why are there so many different definitions? These... more
Conférence organisée par la Chaire francophone du Département Travail social et de politiques sociales, Université de Fribourg (Suisse), 9 janvier 2003
Communication au colloque international "Le politique vu avec Foucault. Quelle est la fécondité des outils de Michel Foucault pour analyser le politique ?" (7 et 8 janvier 2005), Atelier 4 : "Théories", 7 janvier 2005, Paris
Monograf, üçüncü sayısında edebiyat ve birey ilişkisini yazar, metin, eleştiri boyutlarıyla tartışmayı amaçlıyor. Edebiyat metinlerini bireyselliğin inşa süreçleriyle birlikte düşünerek bireysel olan ile kurgusal olan arasındaki bağlantı... more
Time has now come to build a coherent new paradigm. This would be one in which society's different actors together mold paths of human development that are sensitive to all the cultural issues and fully recognize them as such. UNESCO, Our... more
This paper proposes an approach to the enactment of feelings in a rural African society, the Moose of Burkina Faso. By exploring the nature of both collective and individual feelings , it is also conceived as a contribution to the... more
The aim is to design a questionnaire to assess a participants extraversion personality trait. The questionnaire includes 20 likert type 5 point question's from the Big five IPIP scale. 15 additional question's were designed and added... more
Sur les ambivalences sociologiques de l'individualisme contemporain, à partir d'un livre de Jean-Claude Kaufmann, "Ego. Pour une sociologie de l'individu" (Paris, Nathan, 2001)
The aim of this study is to investigate how Greeks as individuals experience the ways society is changing and to understand the lived experiences of the Greek economic crisis, as an example of the global economic crisis. This study... more