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„Turystyka społeczna” w ostatnich latach stała się za sprawą Unii Europejskiej (Śledzińska 2010) jednym z bardziej popularnych i wywołujących żywe reakcje słów-kluczy branży turystycznej. Może to budzić pewne zdziwienie – wszak bez... more
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      Tourism StudiesSocial TourismTourism
Turystyka społeczna Po latach zaniechania, turystyka słabszych ekonomicznie grup społecznych ponownie stała się w ostatnim czasie ponownie przedmiotem zainteresowania środowiska naukowego. Cieszyć musi przy tym fakt, że podjęto zarówno... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism ManagementSocial TourismTourism
En la presente conferencia queremos cuestionar algunos de los elementos que generan esta ceguera escotomática alrededor del turismo. Y para eso vamos a exponer y analizar algunas de las distorsiones que genera. Todo el mundo conoce uno o... more
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      Social TourismCritical Tourism StudiesTurismo residencialCritical tourism and hospitality
Although provision of holidays for families in need has been mainstreamed within the social care policies of many countries in the rest of Europe, ‘social tourism’ has yet to be adopted in the United Kingdom. This article reports on a... more
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      Tourism StudiesSocial TourismTourismHolidays
El presente libro pretende echar luz sobre diferentes elementos que contribuyen al análisis científico y pedagógico de la política turística y del turismo social en América Latina, dos categorías escasamente abordadas por los cientistas... more
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      Latin American StudiesArgentinaTourism Policy And PlanningSocial Tourism
Reflexão sobre a real existência do turismo social na atual conjuntura socioeconômica brasileira, a partir de uma adequada compreensão de seu significado teórico e prático, baseada em levantamento bibliográfico das definições e das... more
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    • Social Tourism
This article examines the growth of Community-Based Tourism within the broader discipline of tourism. New topics in the field have emerged such as responsible tourism, pro-poor tourism, sports tourism and moral impacts of tourism. This... more
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      Tourism StudiesAnthropology of TourismTourism MarketingTourism Management
Adopted in April 1999 and acknowledged by United Nations in 2001, the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism serves as a framework for the tourism stakeholders to minimize the negative impact and maximize the benefits of tourism (UNWTO,... more
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      Tourism ManagementTourism Planning and PolicySubjective Well-BeingSustainable Development
widzenia autorów i wybrane, zgodne z ich naukowymi zainteresowaniami, aspekty tego zjawiska. Z pewnością nie jest to pełny obraz turystyki społecznej w naszym kraju, a tym bardziej jego dogłębna, wielopłaszczyznowa analiza. Do tego... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingTourism Planning and PolicySocial Tourism
Publikacja jest wynikiem realizacji w latach 2006-07 projektu pt. „Opracowanie i wprowadzenie nowych metod szkoleniowych w sektorze turystycznym – Turystyka dla wszystkich przy udziale specjalistów przeszkolonych w diadach” w ramach... more
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      Tourism StudiesDisability StudiesSocial TourismTourism
Che cos'è un museo? Quali sono i suoi obiettivi? Quale è il senso del museo ed in che modo comunica? La storia evolutiva dei musei è estremamente complessa, ma può essere tracciata seguendo, in parallelo, i mutamenti sociali che ne hanno... more
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      Cultural StudiesArt HistoryTourism MarketingMuseum Studies
Análisis del Turismo Social en España. Trabajo de Fin de Grado. Grado en Turismo, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. 2014.
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      Tourism StudiesSocial SciencesSocial TourismTourism
Lampedusa, un’isola di circa 22 chilometri quadrati all’estremo sud del nostro Paese, spesso definita frontiera d’Europa in terra d’Africa. Luogo che per decenni è stato meta di viaggiatori, alcuni in cerca di una prospettiva di vita nel... more
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      MigrationSocial TourismIslands
The following study presents the proposal of a Local Tourist Production System LTPS that will contribute to the "sightseeing" creation in the municipality of Tezontepec de Aldama, in Hidalgo State to promote tourism within the locality.... more
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      Social SciencesSocial TourismCluster
"No capítulo 13, “Turismo social e mediações: problematizando um projeto de extensão da Universidade Federal Fluminense”, Bernardo Lazary Cheibub discute o turismo como uma manifestação do lazer, com destaque para o turismo social. Para... more
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      Mobility/MobilitiesMediationLeisure StudiesSocial Tourism
INTRODUCTION It is well-known that the Federal Government of the United States played and is still playing a considerable part in the heritagization of its territories and tourism development; therefore, this process was essentially... more
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      Social GeographyNative American StudiesAnthropologyTourism Studies
Turizm endüstrisi için özel bir pazar olarak nitelendirilen engelli turizmi, turistik ülkelere sağladığı ekonomik katkıların yanı sıra sosyal yönü ile de güçlü bir turizm türüdür. Engelli bireylerin toplumun diğer bireyleri gibi turizm... more
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      Social TourismEngellilerErişilebilirlikPESTEL Analysis
El informe busca contribuir a los diferentes debates que atraviesan el turismo social a partir de una perspectiva latinoamericana. Para ello en un primer momento se identifican las principales concepciones que se han desarrollado en torno... more
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      Latin American StudiesSocial TourismTourismTurismo
Bu çalışmanın temel konusunu sosyal turizm ve engelli turizmi oluşturmaktadır. Dünyada engelli bireylerin sosyal turizme katılımının teşvik edilmesi hususunda uygulamaların ele alınacağı çalışmada, ayrıca Türkiye için bazı... more
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      Disability StudiesSocial TourismDisabilityDisabled Tourism
Community-based tourism (CBT) offers both opportunities and challenges in the quest for holistic community development. The evolution and development of CBT projects can follow different trajectories. This conceptual paper’s main... more
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      Tourism StudiesAnthropology of TourismTourism MarketingTourism Management
Desde la década pasada ha empezado a extenderse en varios destinos turísticos, sobre todo urbanos, una crítica contra la saturación turística liderada –en muchos casos– por colectivos sociales. A partir de la segunda mitad del siglo... more
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      AnthropologyTourism StudiesAnthropology of TourismTourism Marketing
El Programa Federal de Turismo fue creado por el Gobierno Nacional en vísperas de la crisis argentina del año 2001, con el objetivo de contribuir a la estabilidad económica del sector hotelero que manifestaba una marcada disminución de su... more
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      Tourism Planning and PolicyArgentinaSocial TourismPolítica Turística
To cite this article: Oliver Mtapuri & Andrea Giampiccoli (2013) Interrogating the role of the state and nonstate actors in community-based tourism ventures: toward a model for spreading the benefits to the wider community, South African... more
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      Tourism StudiesAnthropology of TourismTourism MarketingTourism Management
Community-based tourism (CBT) is a model of community development which places the community at the centre of that development. It attempts to harness the effort of communities through their empowerment for the benefit of the community.... more
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      Tourism StudiesAnthropology of TourismTourism MarketingTourism Management
This thesis is not a goal-oriented work that aims to confirm the author’s idea about a topic of Japanese studies or anthropology. It’s intended as a journey of discovery which, touching in a more or less detailed way different topics of... more
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      Japanese StudiesAnthropologyMulticulturalismAnthropology of Tourism
El turismo social se originó a mediados del siglo XX a partir del reconocimiento de las vacaciones como derecho humano. Esta modalidad turística surgió para coadyuvar a que ciertos colectivos vulnerables pudieran hacer efectivo su derecho... more
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      Social TourismTurismo Social
Desde sus inicios, hace cerca de un siglo, el turismo social se ha posicionado como un enfoque alternativo, que pone en evidencia otras formas de producir y consumir turismo, que no tienen el lucro entre sus objetivos centrales sino que... more
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      Social TourismTurismo Social
Segundo o Ministério do Turismo “Turismo Social é a forma de conduzir e praticar a atividade turística promovendo a igualdade de oportunidades, a equidade, a solidariedade e o exercício da cidadania na perspectiva da inclusão”. Notamos... more
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      Tourism StudiesSocial TourismTourismSustentabilidade
En el contexto de las presidencias peronistas (1945-1955), la denominada "Región de los Lagos" y la "Suiza Argentina" que había sido promovida por la gestión de la Dirección de Parques Nacionales bajo la presidencia de Exequiel Bustillo... more
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      National ParksHistory of National ParksSocial TourismPatagonia
This dissertation aims to identify potential working opportunities for the graduated professionals in Tourism who intend to accomplish activities related with Social Sciences. The human focus specially given to this paper is due to the... more
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      Tourism Planning and PolicyTourism EducationSocial TourismTourism Professionals
El Primer Peronismo (1943-1955) cristalizó el turismo social en la agenda pública argentina como medida distributiva, tendiente a disminuir la inequidad en el acceso al ocio. Como un caso inédito en América, el Estado se convirtió en el... more
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      Tourism Policy And PlanningSocial Tourism
This article is conceptual based on a perusal of academic journal articles and books on matters related to Community-based Tourism (CBT). It contends that CBT is a very important tool for local economic development, community development,... more
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      Tourism StudiesAnthropology of TourismTourism MarketingTourism Management
After the Second World War the islands of Brijuni were not only turned into President Tito's residence and second home, but also a high-level security zone. The mainland, especially Fažana as the nearest port, had a number of... more
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      YugoslaviaHistory of TourismCroatian HistorySocial Tourism
Resumen El turismo, entendido como práctica social, se enmarca en el campo de análisis de las Ciencias Sociales. En este contexto, la investigación analiza la participación turística de los argentinos, desde una perspectiva... more
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      Tourism Planning and PolicyArgentinaSocial Tourism
Artykuł jest próbą wskazania głównych problemów związanych z definiowaniem, badaniem i określeniem możliwości rozwoju turystyki społecznej. W ciągu ostatnich lat widać wyraźną ewolucję poglądów związanych z definiowaniem tej formy... more
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      Tourism StudiesSocial TourismTourism
RESUMEN Los adversos efectos socioeconómicos, psicológicos y ambientales del turismo convencional, o de masas, provocaron la aparición de nuevas formas de turismo como el turismo comunitario. Esta forma de turismo presenta características... more
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      Tourism StudiesAnthropology of TourismTourism MarketingTourism Management
De ani buni, cetățeni români, totodată cetățeni ai UE, lucrează în Germania pe posturi ce necesită studii superioare, dar și ca muncitori caliicați sau în curs de calicare, lucrători pe cont propriu și muncitori sezonieri, beneeciind... more
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      Social TourismGermanyLabour migration
Social tourism initiatives tend to facilitate access to tourism for groups who would otherwise be financially unable to participate in holidays. The tourism products offered in social tourism vary between individual and group holidays,... more
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      Tourism StudiesSociology of TourismTourism Planning and PolicySocial Tourism
This paper tries to clarify the concept of social tourism by definition, features, forms of manifestation and materialization, as the concept of social tourism was not very clear for many people, being confused with mass tourism, popular... more
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      Tourism StudiesResearchSocial TourismTourism
Kosmaczewska J.: "Turystyka socjalna jako narzędzie minimalizowania negatywnych skutków sezonowości w regionach turystycznych"[w: Potencjał turystyczny -zagadnienia ekonomiczne, (red.) Panasiuk A., Ekonomiczne Problemy Usług nr 53,... more
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      Social TourismTourism Seasonality
An extension project has provided tourism experiences for university students/employees of the Fluminense Federal University who have some limitations. This article is the result of an investigation into how the tours offered by the... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism Planning and PolicySocial RightsLeisure
Tourism offers opportunities to explore new environments and to participate in new situations, which may originate several effects on tourists. The purpose of this paper is to review the empirical literature that analyses the effects of... more
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      GeographyCorporate Social ResponsibilityFamily studiesSocial Tourism
Resumen La investigación pretende echar luz en las dinámicas contrapuestas y cooperativas que impulsa la Nueva Ley de Turismo (25.997/05) en torno al impulso del turismo social y el fortalecimiento del turismo receptivo. A partir de la... more
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      Tourism Planning and PolicySocial TourismInbound TourismPolítica Turística
Resumen. En el marco de la nueva concepción de turismo social que se expande en el contexto internacional, el Gobierno nacional argentino en pleno siglo XXI consolida una reformulación de la cuestión como política pública, la cual... more
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      Tourism Planning and PolicyArgentinaPublic Policy AnalysisSocial Tourism
Social tourism initiatives tend to facilitate access to tourism for groups who would otherwise be financially unable to participate in holidays. The tourism products offered in social tourism vary between individual and group holidays,... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism Planning and PolicySocial TourismTourism Impacts
En el presente capítulo se pretende pensar acerca de los efectos y alcances de la sanción y puesta en práctica de Ley Nacional de Turismo (N°25.997/05) respecto a las políticas del turismo social implementadas por el Estado Nacional desde... more
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      Tourism Planning and PolicySocial TourismPolítica TurísticaTurismo Social
Whereas social tourism does not have a precise definition on the record, onwards its implementation, what exactly signifies or what it encompasses, and whether it requires defining has been a controversial issue. Aside from many opinions... more
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      Social TourismTourismEconomic and Social Impacts of Tourism
Marketing is important for the survival of any business. Based on a review of the literature, this article observes that marketing is both a challenge and an opportunity for the development of Community-based Tourism (CBT) ventures.... more
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      Tourism StudiesAnthropology of TourismTourism MarketingTourism Management
Notwithstanding tourism in South Africa being declared a priority sector alongside mining and agriculture, the South African government's concern with the sustainability of the domestic tourism market stems from a significant lack of... more
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      Tourism StudiesSocial SciencesCultural HeritageCultural Tourism