Social Policy and Social Work
Recent papers in Social Policy and Social Work
The social cooperative is the opportunity for social and professional reintegration of people threatened with social exclusion: Reintegration tool; The objectives of the social cooperative; The threefold nature of the social cooperative;... more
This paper will argue that wealth and income inequality are among the most pressing issues for contemporary social work. Despite this, social work as a discipline and profession has, in the main, been slow to respond to this growing... more
Zaštita maloletnih migranata bez pratnje u Republici Srbiji – Predlozi za njeno unapređenje zasnovani na uvidima iz prakse Apstrakt Zaštita maloletnih migranata bez pratnje ima prioritet u odnosu na druge postupke u sistemu azila i... more
The paper explores the legal context of begging in India and contextualises it with the reality of the lives of the people living in the Lal Bagh Jhuggi, Mansarovar Park. It also addresses 'how' the people from the community are sidelined... more
The article aims to provide a brief overview of the legacy of social welfare and social work within former Yugoslavia and how it was enacted and practised in Bosnia and Herzegovina (one of six states within it) as well as the key changes... more
Glavni cilj istraživanja je analiza univerzalnog osnovnog dohotka kao instrumenta socijalne politike i osnove stvarne slobode za sve ljude. Predlozi univerzalnog osnovnog dohotka analizirani su na osnovu nekoliko kriterijuma: (1) odnosa... more
Depuis les années 1990, la protection de l’enfance, dans ses modalités publiques, humanitaires et militantes, se voit mise à l’épreuve par l’intensification des flux migratoires juvéniles. À la fois étrangers et mineurs, désignés... more
Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP) is a social assistance initiative that aims to help people living in poverty and the needy change their condition. However, few studies have focused exclusively on defies and the grievance... more
This article will discuss how two theoretical frameworks can be useful in the analysis of conflict situations in social work practice. By viewing situations from the perspective of competing and differing values, social workers are able... more
As diferentes funcionalidades das políticas sociais remetem tanto a sua determinação hegemônica alterada pelas lutas sociais e pelos interesses hegemônicos presentes nos governos, como pelos limites estruturais que lastreiam as relações... more
El presente trabajo busca identificar y analizar de manera crítica la impronta del humanismo liberal burgués en la práctica de estudiantes de trabajo social. De igual forma, tiene como objetivo repensar dicha práctica a la luz de las... more
Huzurlu, bütünleşmiş ve dayanışma içinde bir toplum yapısı inşa etmek için toplumsal kurumların işlevini eksiksiz yerine getirmesi ve toplumda insanların birbirine güvenmesi gerekir. Türk toplumunun değer yargıları, norm ve örfleri ahenk... more
This article discusses the phenomena of cyberbullying especially among young people. The discussion, based on an interdisciplinary study in the fields of brain studies, child development, psychology, social policy, victimization and... more
The Covid-19 pandemic presented unique challenges to social work, and in particular welfare care of children. Many of these challenges were met with technological solutions, which were widely adopted in other domains. While the use of... more
Tesi di laurea Magistrale discussa il 14 luglio del 2017 insieme al relatore Alessandro Arienzo (Unina) e al correlatore Gianfranco Borrelli (Unina).
Homelessness is an increasing social challenge both locally and globally. Social problems associated with street homelessness and services provided to homeless people by social workers are well documented in South Africa. Little is known... more
Course Description: This course discusses the development and structure of the welfare state from a comparative historical and political sociological perspective. Locating the welfare state within the broader context of the development... more
South Africa’s official ‘developmental social welfare’ policy was originally based on the Reconstruction and Development Plan (RDP). This basis has now been irrevocably replaced by the National Development Plan (NDP): the country’s new... more
This article reports on the findings of a study which tested the feasibility of using respite care in a local authority social services department, firstly to see whether this type of provision might be incorporated into existing, more... more
This paper will argue that wealth and income inequality are among the most pressing issues for contemporary social work. Despite this, social work as a discipline and profession has, in the main, been slow to respond to this growing... more
La Revista Cuaderno de Trabajo Social, creada en el año 2006, es una publicación arbitrada por pares, de carácter semestral (junio, diciembre) en formato electrónico.
""Published by Sage this Handbook is the world's first generic major reference work to provide an authoritative guide to the theory, method, and values of social work in one volume. Drawn from an international field of excellence, the... more
"The process of making knowledge such that it is translated into practice remains central to thinking about doing social work. The actual making of worlds as it is enacted through social science knowledge production is at the forefront of... more
The paper reports on both methodological and substantive findings. It presents a method for generating simplified representations for regional urban populations, their geographical sub-populations and communities. the method generates... more
The work of Jessie Taft, along with other pioneers of social work's functional movement, has represented one of the most important developments in the history of the profession internationally. Her insight, clarity, humanity and theory... more
This paper argues that adherence to an ethical stance in is one of the defining strengths of social work and something that makes it both distinctive and progressive. Social work refuses to drop the notion that society can be a vehicle... more
Based on the event FASD at the Frontline - held at the University of Regina in April 2014 - this policy document presents four Key Findings and nine recommendations. These findings and recommendations are taken from comments and... more
Multidisciplinary teams (MDTs) are conventionally recommended in mental health care literature as an important way to offer holistic treatment provision to patients. This study aims to explore multidisciplinary teamwork in contemporary... more
This article explores a new paradigm or model for the professional social worker: The poet/practitioner. The training and practice of the poet are congruent with many aspects of social work practice. An examination of the practice of the... more
There is a significant blind spot in social work ethics and values which requires our attention. In previous articles (Webb & McBeath, 1989, 1990) it has been observed that mainstream ethics in social work, and particularly the British... more
""In this article we argue that current reform proposals coming from Robert Pinker and others are challenging the universalist premises of generic social work. Pinker et al. argue that social work should, for the sake of efficiency and... more
International Social Work covers a broad scope and range of international social work knowledge and research and contains seminal and landmark publications in social work with a particular emphasis on contemporary key publications to... more