Syllabus SOCI 513: Social Welfare and Social Policy

Course Description: This course discusses the development and structure of the welfare state from a comparative historical and political sociological perspective. Locating the welfare state within the broader context of the development of capitalism as a world systemic phenomenon, the course traces the scholarly discussions on the causes of the welfare state development and the functions of the welfare state. The course discusses the structural (economic or demographic) and political determinants of welfare state development, putting greater emphasis on the latter. As such, political legitimacy, electoral competition, political containment of unrest and political mobilization of popular support will be considered as critical factors shaping welfare policies. In a sense, the course is on the politics of welfare state. It will analyze the development of modern welfare states in the west and in developing countries, with a specific emphasis on so-called emerging markets. Welfare states in China, India, Brazil, Mexico, South Africa, Indonesia and Turkey will be analyzed. In addition, the course will also pose more technical questions including the policy specific characteristics of existing welfare regimes.

SYLLABUS SOCI 513: Social Welfare and Social Policy Spring 2019 Instructor: Erdem Yörük Place: SOS 143 Time: Wednesday 13:00-15:45 Office: SOS 136A Phone: x 1142 e-mail: [email protected] Office hours: Monday Wednesday, 14.00-15.00, and by appointment Course Description: This course discusses the development and structure of the welfare state from a comparative historical and political sociological perspective. Locating the welfare state within the broader context of the development of capitalism as a world systemic phenomenon, the course traces the scholarly discussions on the causes of the welfare state development and the functions of the welfare state. The course discusses the structural (economic or demographic) and political determinants of welfare state development, putting greater emphasis on the latter. As such, political legitimacy, electoral competition, political containment of unrest and political mobilization of popular support will be considered as critical factors shaping welfare policies. In a sense, the course is on the politics of welfare state. It will analyze the development of modern welfare states in the west and in developing countries, with a specific emphasis on so-called emerging markets. Welfare states in China, India, Brazil, Mexico, South Africa, Indonesia and Turkey will be analyzed. In addition, the course will also pose more technical questions including the policy specific characteristics of existing welfare regimes. Course Requirements: 1. Readings and Participation: In order to succeed in this course, you have to complete all assigned readings and actively participate in class discussion. While there will be a discussion lead for each week (see below), other seminar participants should come to class fully prepared. You will develop at least 1 question from the readings and email them to me and your classmates the night prior to class (Tuesday) by 10 pm. These questions should aim towards constructing theoretical and methodological discussions regarding the readings. 15% 2. Discussion lead: The discussion lead for each session will summarize the readings and discuss them in a relational manner. The discussant should also prepare points for discussion. The presentation should be no longer than 30 minutes. The discussion lead will also submit a short paper (3-4 pages, double spaced) that the discussion is based on. 15% 3. Short paper proposal/problem statement (1-2 pages): This is to be submitted by the seventh week of the class (March 20th). You will be expected to do a short presentation on your proposal in class. Make enough copies for circulation to class members = 10 % 4. Paper proposal: Submit a 3-4 page paper proposal (w/o bibliography) by the 11st week of class. 20 % (April 17th) 5. Research paper: Submit a 20 page final paper. Term papers are due May 26th. 40 % 1 Ethical guidelines: Check Sociology Department Guidelines on Academic Honesty. Readings list 1. Introduction (February 6th) 2. History of the Welfare State (February 13rd) Pierson, Chris. 1998. “Origins and Development of the Welfare State 1880-1975” in Pierson, Beyond the Welfare State? The New Political Economy of Welfare, pp. 100-135 Kaufmann, Frank-Xaver and Frank Nullmeier. 2010. Post-War Welfare State Development. in The Oxford Handbook of the Welfare State. Edited by Francis G. Castles et al. Oxford University Press Kuhnle, Stein and Anne Sander. 2010. “The Emergence of the Western Welfare State.” in The Oxford Handbook of the Welfare State. Edited by Francis G. Castles et al. Oxford University Press Goldberg, Gertrude S., and Marguerite G. Rosenthal. 2002. “Introduction: Three Stages of Welfare Capitalism” in Diminishing Welfare: A Cross-National Study of Social Provision. Westport, Connecticut - London: Auburn House. (pp 1-32) 3. Theories of the Welfare State (February 20th) Offe, Claus. 1984. Contradictions of the Welfare State. Hutchinson & Co. (Publishers) Ltd (Chapters 3,4,5 and 6) pp. 88-161 Quadagno, Jill. 1987. Theories of the Welfare State. Annual Review of Sociology, Vol. 13 (1987), pp. 109-128 Myles, John and Jill Quadagno. 2002. Political Theories of the Welfare State. Social Service Review Vol. 76, No. 1, 75th Anniversary Issue, pp. 34-57 O'Connor, J. 1973. The Fiscal Crisis of the State. New York: St. Martin's (Chapter 6: Social Expenses of Production: Warfare-Welfare State) Yörük, Erdem and Kuhnle, Stein, The Politics of Welfare in Emerging Markets, (forthcoming in Governance) 4. Welfare as Political Containment (February 27th) Piven, Frances Fox, and Richard A Cloward. 1971. Regulating the Poor: The Functions of Public Welfare. New York: Pantheon Books. (Chapters 1 and 12) Isaac, Larry, and William R. Kelly. 1981. “Racial Insurgency, the State, and Welfare Expansion: Local and National Level Evidence from the Postwar United States.” American Journal of Sociology 86 (6): 1348–86. Fording, Richard C. 1997. “The Conditional Effect of Violence as a Political Tactic: Mass Insurgency, Welfare Generosity, and Electoral Context in the American States.” American Journal of Political Science 41 (1): 1–29. doi:10.2307/2111707. Piven, Frances Fox, and Richard A Cloward, “The Structuring of Protest” in Poor People’s Movement, 1979, Vintage Books Çemen, Rahmi and Yörük, Erdem, “The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Grease: The Role of Violent Civil Unrest in Global Social Assistance” (under review at World Politics) 2 5. Welfare and Social Movements (March 6th) Mooney, Gerry, Jason Annetts, Alex Law, and Wallace McNeish. 2009. “Exploring the Interrelationships Between Social Welfare and Social Movements: Why This Matters for Social Policy.” Social Policy Association Annual Conference: ‘Learning from the Past?’ Edinburgh: June 29 -July 1 2009 Amenta E, Caren N, Olasky SJ. 2005. “Age for leisure? Political mediation and the impact of the pension movement on US old-age policy”. Am. Sociol. Rev. 70:516–38 Marco G. Giugni, “Was It Worth the Effort? The Outcomes and Consequences of Social Movements”, American Sociological Review, 1998. 98:371–93 Paul Burstein, “Social Movements and Public Policy”, in How social movements matter, eds, Marco Giugni, Doug McAdam, and Charles Filly, University of Minnesota, 1999. Amenta, E., Caren, N., Chiarello, E., & Su, Y. (2010). The Political Consequences of Social Movements. Annual Review of Sociology, 36(1), 287–307. Meyer, David, “Social Movements and Public Policy: Eggs, Chicken, and Theory”, UC Irvine CSD Working Papers, 2003 6. Welfare, Protest and Conflict Burgoon, Brian. 2006. “On Welfare and Terror Social Welfare Policies and PoliticalEconomic Roots of Terrorism.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 50 (2): 176–203. doi:10.1177/0022002705284829. Yörük, Erdem. 2012. “Welfare Provision as Political Containment: The Politics of Social Assistance and the Kurdish Conflict in Turkey.” Politics & Society 40 (4): 517–47. doi:10.1177/0032329212461130. Piven, Frances Fox, and Lorraine C. Minnite. 2016. ‘Poor People’s Politics’. In The Oxford Handbook of the Social Science of Poverty, eds. David Brady and Linda M. Burton. Oxford University Press. Rossella Ciccia and César Guzmán-Concha (2018), “Protest and the Politics of Unemployment Insurance: Reforming Welfare States in Times of Austerity”, in Social Welfare Responses in a Neoliberal Era Policies, Practices, and Social Problems, ed. Mia Arp Fallov and Cory Blad, Brill Publications. Barbara Zarate Tenorio, “Social Spending Responses to Organized Labor and Mass Protests in Latin America, 1970-2007”, Comparative Political Studies, Vol 47, Issue 14, 2014 Dasgupta, Aditya, Kishore Gawande, and Devesh Kapur. 2017. “(When) Do Antipoverty Programs Reduce Violence? India’s Rural Employment Guarantee and Maoist Conflict”, International Organization, Summer 2017, pp. 605–632. 7. Welfare and Electoral/Elite Competition (March 13rd) Allan, James P., and Lyle Scruggs. 2004. “Political Partisanship and Welfare State Reform in Advanced Industrial Societies.” American Journal of Political Science 48 (3): 496– 512. doi:10.1111/j.0092-5853.2004.00083.x. 3 Barrilleaux, Charles, Thomas Holbrook, and Laura Langer. 2002. “Electoral Competition, Legislative Balance, and American State Welfare Policy.” American Journal of Political Science 46 (2): 415–27. doi:10.2307/3088385. Häusermann, Silja, Georg Picot and Dominik Geering (2012). “Rethinking Party Politics and the Welfare State. Recent Advances in the Literature“, British Journal of Political Science. Hicks, Alexander M. and Duane H. Swank. 1992. Politics, Institutions, and Welfare Spending in Industrialized Democracies, 1960–82. American Political Science Review, Volume 86, Issue 3, pp. 658-674 Kitschelt, H. 2001. “Partisan Competition and Welfare State Retrenchment” in P. Pierson (ed.).The New Politics of the Welfare State. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Selim Erdem Aytaç, “Distributive Politics in a Multiparty System: The Conditional Cash Transfer Program in Turkey”, Comparative Political Studies XX(X) 1–27, 2013 8. Neoliberalism, retrenchment debate and the new welfare state of social assistance and social care (March 27th) Piven, Frances Fox, and Lorraine C. Minnite. 2015. “Crisis, Convulsion and the Welfare State.” In Social Policy in Times of Austerity: Towards a New International Political, edited by Kevin Farnsworth and Zoe Irving, 143–70: Policy Press. Pierson, Paul. 1996. The New Politics of the Welfare State. World Politics Vol. 48, No. 2, pp. 143-179 Peter Starke, “The Politics of Welfare State Retrenchment: A Literature Review”, Social Policy & Administration, 40, 1, 2006. Green-Pedersen, C. 2004 “The dependent variable problem within the study of welfare state retrenchment: defining the problem and looking for solutions,” Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis. Korpi, W. and Palme, J. (2003), New politics and class politics in the context of austerity and globalization: welfare state regress in 18 countries, 1975-95, American Political Science Review Gough, Ian. 1999. “Social Assistance Regimes: A Cluster Analysis.” Journal of European Social Policy 11 (2): 165–70. doi:10.1177/095892870101100205. Sugiyama, Natasha Borges. 2011. “The Diffusion of Conditional Cash Transfer Programs in the Americas.” Global Social Policy 11 (2-3): 250–78. doi:10.1177/1468018111421295. Barrientos, Armando and David Hulme. 2009. “Social Protection for the Poor and Poorest in Developing Countries: Reflections on a Quiet Revolution”. Oxford Development Studies, Volume 37, Issue 4, 2009 Daly, Mary, and Jane Lewis. 2000. “The concept of social care and the analysis of contemporary welfare states.” British Journal of Sociology 51 (2): 281–98 9. Welfare regimes (April 3rd) Esping-Andersen, Gosta. 1990. The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. 10. Spring Break (April 10th) 4 Optional reading to enjoy during the spring break: Edwin Amenta and Alexander Hicks, “Research Methods”, in The Oxford Handbook of the Welfare State. Edited by Francis G. Castles et al. Oxford University Press 11. Three Worlds of Welfare Literature 1 (A.K.A. Welfare Modelling Business) (April 17th) Powell, Martin, and Armando Barrientos. 2011. “An Audit of the Welfare Modelling Business.” Social Policy & Administration 45 (1): 69–84. doi:10.1111/j.14679515.2010.00754.x. Scruggs, Lyle A., and James P. Allan. 2008. “Social Stratification and Welfare Regimes for the Twenty-First Century: Revisiting The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism.” World Politics 60 (4): 642–64. doi:10.1353/wp.0.0020. Danforth, Benjamin. 2014. “Worlds of Welfare in Time: A Historical Reassessment of the Three-World Typology.” Journal of European Social Policy 24 (2): 164–82. doi:10.1177/0958928713517919. Emmenegger, Patrick, Jon Kvist, Paul Marx, and Klaus Petersen. 2015. “Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism: The Making of a Classic.” Journal of European Social Policy 25 (1): 3–13. doi:10.1177/0958928714556966. Yörük, Erdem, Öker, İbrahim, Yıldırım, Kerem and Yakut-Çakar, Burcu, (2019) “The Variable Selection Problem in the Three Worlds of Welfare Literature”, Social Indicators Research. Powell, Martin, and Armando Barrientos. 2004. “Welfare Regimes and the Welfare Mix.” European Journal of Political Research 43 (1): 83–105. doi:10.1111/j.14756765.2004.00146.x. Arts, W. and Gelissen, J. (2010) ‘Models of the welfare state’, in F. G. Castles, S. Leibfried and J. Lewis (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Welfare State, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 569–83. Scruggs, L. (2007) ‘Welfare state generosity across space and time’, in N. Siegal and J. Clasen (eds.), Welfare Reform in Advanced Societies: The Dependent Variable Problem in Comparative Welfare State Analysis, London: Edward Elgar, pp. 133– 65. Claire Bambra, “Defamilisation and welfare state regimes: a cluster analysis”, International Journal of Social Welfare, 2007 12. Welfare Regimes in the Global South (April 24th) Ferrera, Maurizio. 1996. “The ‘Southern Model’ of Welfare in Social Europe.” Journal of European Social Policy 6 (1): 17–37. doi:10.1177/095892879600600102. Wood, Geof, and Ian Gough. 2006. “A Comparative Welfare Regime Approach to Global Social Policy.” World Development 34 (10): 1696–1712. doi:10.1016/j.worlddev.2006.02.001. Franzoni, J. M. (2008) ‘Welfare regimes in Latin America: capturing constellations of markets, families, and policies’, Latin American Politics and Society, 50, 2, 67–100. 5 Hudson, J. and Kühner, S. (2012) ‘Analyzing the productive and protective dimensions of welfare: looking beyond the OECD’, Social Policy and Administration, 46, 1, 35-60. Abu Sharkh, M. and Gough, I. (2010) ‘Global welfare regimes: a cluster analysis’, Global Social Policy, 10, 1, 27–58. Stephan Haggard and Robert R., “The Political Economy of Welfare Reform,” in Development, Democracy and Welfare States 13. Turkey, South Africa and Post-communist welfare states (April 30th) Buğra, Ayşe, and Çağlar Keyder. 2006. “The Turkish Welfare Regime in Transformation.” Journal of European Social Policy 16 (3): 211–28. doi:10.1177/o. Seekings, Jeremy. 2015. Policy, Politics and Poverty in South Africa. Palgrave Macmillan, UK (Chapters 6 and 10) Yörük, Erdem, and Hişyar Özsoy. 2013. “Shifting Forms of Turkish State Paternalism Toward the Kurds: Social Assistance as ‘benevolent’ Control.” Dialectical Anthropology 37 (1): 153–58. Yörük, Erdem and Gençer, Alper Şükrü, “The Politics of Social Assistance in South Africa: How Protests and Electoral Politics Shape the Child Support Grant”, (forthcoming at Governance) Yoltar, Çağrı and Yörük, Erdem, “The Discursive Politics of Welfare: Social Policies in Turkey and The Kurdish Conflict” (forthcoming at Governance) Linda. J. Cook, “Eastern Europe and Russia”, in The Oxford Handbook of the Welfare State. Edited by Francis G. Castles et al. Oxford University Press Stephan Haggard and Robert R., “The Legacy of the Socialist Welfare State, 1990–2005,” in Development, Democracy and Welfare States Başak Akkan, “The Politics of Care in Turkey: Sacred Familialism in a Changing Political Context”, Social Politics, 2018 Volume 25 Number 1 Berna Yazici, “The Return to the Family: Welfare, State, and Politics of the Family in Turkey” Anthropological Quarterly, Vol. 85, No. 1 (Winter 2012), pp. 103-140 14. Brazil, Mexico and Latin America (May 8th) Candelaria Garay, (2016), Social Policy Expansion in Latin America, Cambridge University Press, (Chapters 1, 2 and 8) De La O, A. L. (2013). Do Conditional Cash Transfers Affect Electoral Behavior? Evidence from a Randomized Experiment in Mexico. American Journal of Political Science, 57(1), 1–14. Lomelí, Enrique Valencia. 2008. “Conditional Cash Transfers as Social Policy in Latin America: An Assessment of their Contributions and Limitations,” Annual Review of Sociology: 475-93. Zucco, Cesar. 2013. “When Payouts Pay Off: Conditional Cash Transfers and Voting Behavior in Brazil 2002–10.” American Journal of Political Science 57 (4): 810–22. doi:10.1111/ajps.12026. Yörük, Erdem, Öker, İbrahim and Şarlak, Lara, “Indigenous Unrest and the Contentious Politics of Social Assistance in Mexico” (under review at World Development) Evelyne Huber & Juan Bogliaccini, “Latin America”, in The Oxford Handbook of the Welfare State. Edited by Francis G. Castles et al. Oxford University Press 6 Stephan Haggard and Robert R., “Democracy, Economic Crisis, and Social Policy in Latin America, 1980–2005,” in Development, Democracy and Welfare States Diaz-Cayeros, Alberto, Federico Estévez, and Beatriz Magaloni. 2016. “The Political Logic of Poverty Relief: Electoral Strategies and Social Policy in Mexico.” Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Introduction) 15. India and China (May 15th) Gao, Q. (2017). Welfare, Work, and Poverty: Social Assistance in China. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. (Chapter 1 and 2) Hong, L., and K. Kongshoj. 2014. “China’s Welfare Reform: An Ambiguous Road Towards a Social Protection Floor.” Global Social Policy 14 (3): 352–68. doi:10.1177/1468018113513914. Lü, Xiaobo. 2013 Social Policy and Regime Legitimacy: The Effects of Education Reform in China. American Political Science Review 108(2): 423-437 Walker, Alan, and Chack-kie Wong. 2005. East Asian Welfare Regimes in Transition: From Confucianism to Globalisation. Bristol: Policy Press. (Chapter 1 Introduction and Chapter 3 Social Welfare in China) Thachil, Tariq. 2014. “Elite Parties and Poor Voters: Theory and Evidence from India.” American Political Science Review 108 (02): 454–77. doi:10.1017/S0003055414000069. Koyuncu, Murat, Yörük, Erdem and Gürel, Burak, Welfare as Counter-Insurgency in Contemporary India (working paper) Drèze, Jean and Reetika Khera. (2016). Recent Social Security Initiatives in India. World Development 98: 555-572. Solinger, D. J. (2015). Three Welfare Models and Current Chinese Social Assistance: Confucian Justifications, Variable Applications. The Journal of Asian Studies, 74(4), 977–999. Ito Peng & Joseph Wong, “East Asia”, in The Oxford Handbook of the Welfare State. Edited by Francis G. Castles et al. Oxford University Press Maiorano, D., Das, U., & Masiero, S. (2018). "Decentralisation, Clientelism and Social Protection Programmes: A Study of India’s MGNREGA", Oxford Development Studies 46 (4): 536-549. 7