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The HEIs in the Philippines are mandated to create meaningful research papers that lead to a pathway to relevant community extension programs thru CMO 52, s.2016. Engaging with the community by conducting a needs assessment would be the... more
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      PovertyLivelihoodSocial Interventioncommunity extension
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      Social MovementsRhetoricRhetorical AnalysisRhetorical Invention
. La lógica estratégica en la intervención social y educativa. En Rosa, G. y Riberas, G. (coord.) Inteligencia profesional: ética, emociones y técnica en la acción socioeducativa. pág. 1
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      Social InterventionSolution Focused Brief Therapy
This article draws from a specific sporting intervention carried out by Dinamiks and Inncredu professionals during 2017-2018 season at Paidea School, a Special Education School setting in Barcelona, Catalonia. The intervention was... more
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      Autism Spectrum DisordersSocial InteractionPhysical ActivitySpecial Educational Needs
Dance is proven to offer a myriad of physical, psychological, and social benefits. However, because dance has been frequently perceived as a feminine practice, there is a prevailing prejudice towards boys who dance, making it hard for... more
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      Social MarketingStereotypes and PrejudiceGender EqualityGender and Sport
Este trabajo busca identificar aprendizajes a nivel de procesos de construcción de iniciativas programáticas de cuidados, y en relación con principios orientadores y aspectos metodológicos de prestación para las políticas e intervenciones... more
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      Social PoliciesSocial InterventionCarework
El presente artículo estudia el rol de la intervención social en el sistema escolar chileno a la luz de la reforma educativa en curso. Considerando los efectos negativos que la orientación hacia el mercado y la competencia han provocado... more
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      EducationSocial WorkChileSocial Work Education
Dance is proven to offer a myriad of physical, psychological, and social benefits. However, because dance has been frequently perceived as a feminine practice, there is a prevailing prejudice towards boys who dance, making it hard for... more
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      Social MarketingStereotypes and PrejudiceGender EqualityGender and Sport
Cultural Agents Reloaded: The Legacy of Antanas Mockus systematically reflects on the practices and legacy of one exceptional cultural agent, Antanas Mockus, twice Mayor of Bogotá, Colombia. His accomplishments bear witness to the... more
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      Cultural StudiesPerformance StudiesPerformance ArtSocial Norms
Buku ini disusun berdasarkan hasil kegiatan KKN-PpMM di Desa Kalongsawah selama 32 hari. Ada 11 orang mahasiswa yang terlibat di kelompok ini, yang berasal dari 7 Fakultas yang berbeda. Kami namai kelompok ini dengan SECURAH, dengan nomor... more
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      SociologyRural SociologyAnthropologySocial Work
Cultism has become an instrument of social destabilization in the present day Nigeria society. It was known to be at its peak in tertiary institutions before. Nowadays, it has expanded its territories to secondary schools, primary schools... more
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      Social InterventionParental Intervention
Penelitian action research ini, diawali dengan identifikasi masalah awal melalui wawancara dan observasi (prelimanary research). Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan melakukan pengukuran awal (pretest) (1) tingkat penyesuaian diri para santriwati... more
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    • Social Intervention
RESUMEN El concepto de intervención socioeducativa ha sido muy discutido en el campo de la educación. Sin embargo, y a pesar de su versatilidad y homonimia, es uno de los más utilizados tanto en el ámbito de la educación escolar como en... more
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      PedagogySocial PedagogyEducaciónPedagogía
Thesis Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Social Sciences in Health
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      Discourse AnalysisSocial PolicyChild Sexual AbuseSocial Intervention
Resumen Reconociendo el carácter valioso de la intervención social interdisciplinar y, al mismo tiempo, los posibles obstáculos para llevarla a cabo en Chile, este trabajo se propone aportar a la discusión conceptual y empírica en torno... more
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    • Social Intervention
The local planning instrument in the Local Action Program framework is a government program of FOSIS. We show the experience and case of the Neighbourhood Council of the Juan Pablo II Population in the city of Arica Instrumento de... more
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      Development anthropologySocial InterventionSocial Change, Community Economic Development, Public Management, Policy Analysis and Evaluation Research, Project/program Management, Strategic ManagementNorthern Chile
La biblioteca pública del siglo XXI se concibe como un centro social de y para la comunidad, centrada en la planificación y desarrollo de programas de intervención socioeducativa vinculados con la alfabetización, la participación y la... more
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      Reading Habits/AttitudesPublic LibrariesSocial Intervention
Jumlah kasus HIV (Human Immune-deficiency Virus) & AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) di Indonesia cenderung mengalami peningkatan dari tahun ke tahun. Prevalensi HIV penduduk berusia 15-49 tahun pada tahun 2008 sebesar 0.22%... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologySocial PsychologyHealth Psychology
Rapport de recherche sur les entrevues avec des intervenants travaillant auprès de personnes itinérantes
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      HomelessnessSocial InterventionPeripheral RegionsQuébec
Rapport de recherche final sur l'itinérance au Saguenay-Lac Saint-Jean (Québec)
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      HomelessnessCanadaSocial InterventionPeripheral Regions
La consolidación del capitalismo post-fordista lleva al debilitamiento de los lazos comunitarios, a la vez que tecnifica y burocratiza la intervención social, dificultando el mantenimiento del espacio común sobre el que se asienta la... more
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      Social InterventionCommunity participation and engagement
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      Social WorkSocial InterventionTravail Social, Questions De SociétéPolitiques sociales
Cada vez es más frecuente oír hablar de Buenas Prácticas (BP). La metodología que se aplica a la detección, selección y difusión de buenas prácticas, se encuentra estrechamente vinculada con los procedimientos de gestión de la calidad en... more
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      Social WorkBest PracticesSocial InterventionBuenas prácticas
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      Social WorkSocial PolicyCommunity DevelopmentSocial Intervention
L’autonégligence des aînés est un problème social peu documenté au Québec. Cet article vise à mieux saisir les défis de l’intervention, ainsi que des pistes possibles d’intervention pour les intervenants sociaux qui oeuvrent auprès d’une... more
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      Older AdultsElderlyOlder peopleSocial Intervention
This paper addresses the practice of social work in indigenous communities as well as creating and transmitting social work knowledge in research centres and higher education institutions. It focuses on how social intervention has been... more
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    • Social Intervention
Rapport de recherche sur les personnes en situation d'itinérance au Saguenay-Lac Saint-Jean (Québec)
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      HomelessnessSocial InterventionPeripheral RegionsQuébec
This handbook is one of the important results of the efforts and activities undertaken in the MOVE project. The overall objective of the MOVE project was to strengthen organisations’ capacities to design and carry out health-en- hancing... more
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      Social SciencesPedagogySocial InterventionSport Science
his handbook is written with project man- agers from sports organisations and other stakeholders who focus on sport and physi- cal activity in mind, as they can play an im- portant role in closing the gap. the first step is to embrace the... more
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      Social SciencesPedagogySocial InterventionSport Science
The contemporary social intervention is carried out in contexts characterized by an increasing complexity. Many people take part in this process, one of them, several professionals, who with their own knowledge produce a specialized... more
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      EpistemologyDialogueSocial Intervention
Dance is proven to offer a myriad of physical, psychological, and social benefits. However, because dance has been frequently perceived as a feminine practice, there is a prevailing prejudice towards boys who dance, making it hard for... more
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      Social MarketingStereotypes and PrejudiceGender EqualityGender and Sport
—In targeted processes for change and social transformation, the specification of the different concepts and participation levels is an important intellectual and epistemic challenge. This approach reflects the participation in the Social... more
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      SociologySocial MovementsSocial SciencesCommunity Engagement & Participation
Serpell, R. (1996/97) (appeared in 1998). Social intervention and psychological theory (Lessons from some recent studies in Zambia). African Social Research, 37/38,  40-60.
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      Applied PsychologyAfrican StudiesZambiaPsychology, Applied Psychology, Sport and Exercise Psychology, Psychology, Motivation, Professional Practice in Applied Psychology, Social Sciences and other related fields
Dance is proven to offer a myriad of physical, psychological, and social benefits. However, because dance has been frequently perceived as a feminine practice, there is a prevailing prejudice towards boys who dance, making it hard for... more
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      Social MarketingStereotypes and PrejudiceGender EqualityGender and Sport
The purpose of this study is to identify new interventions in the current sexual health care service that will shape the patient-centred sexual health care service providers. This project paper has been modified from its original... more
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      Critical TheoryReflective PracticeAction ResearchArt Therapy
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      Social RightsSocial PoliciesSocial InterventionGypsies
Realicé mi servicio social en el programa de educación popular Sí Podemos UAQ como parte de la 7ª brigada de alfabetización Jacinta, Teresa y Alberta de 2017. A partir de esta práctica como alfabetizador reconozco que mi vida ha cambiado,... more
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      PsychologyLiteracyMéxicoIntervención social
Resumen Este artículo analiza las situaciones que las niñas y jóvenes desvinculadas del conflicto armado colombiano enfrentan por ser mu-jeres en el contexto de una cultura patriarcal. Estas jóvenes excombatientes, luego de experimentar... more
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      Armed ConflictPatriarchyIntervención socialIntervention
The Laboratório de estudos e pesquisas Arte, Corpo e Terapia Ocupacional at University of São Paulo develops teaching, research and assistance activities connected to the public policies concerning mental health, humanization and culture,... more
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      Occupational TherapyBrazilSocial Intervention
Introducirse para investigar en el medio carcelario sigue siendo hoy día una tarea complicada que casi siempre es vista con recelos por las administraciones, por los profesionales que trabajan en él y hasta por los propios presos. Tras la... more
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      CommunicationRadioSocial InterventionPrisioners
A. Klimczuk, Otwarta publikacja naukowa jako metoda interwencji społecznej. Studium przypadku (Open scientific publication as a method of social intervention. Case study), "E-naukowiec" 30.11.2012,... more
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      Creative CommonsScience 2.0Open scienceSocial Intervention
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      Social WorkAction ResearchSocial Intervention
La presente contribución es una presentación de modelo de intervención comunitaria, que involucra el mainstreaming de género como una herramienta de análisis que nos permite vislumbrar las conflictividades que surgen de la construcción... more
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      MigrationInternational MigrationMigracionesGestión de Proyectos
The past two decades have had a profound impact on Bucharest"s social landscape resulting in the addition of a number of fringe elements reflecting phenomena such as homelessness, drug use and begging. The present study focuses firstly on... more
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    • Social Intervention
La investigación de la intervención es un campo transdisciplinar en el que partici- pan ciencias sociales, humanas y de la salud. Estos estudios construyen evidencia acerca de las prácticas de intervención para tomar decisiones sobre su... more
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      Intervención socialSocial InterventionIntervention research
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      CommunityEquitySocial InterventionCommunity participation and engagement
Families in situations of chronicity and dependency on social services constitute just one of the profiles professionals forming basic social care services deal with. The risk of dependence on the part of these families often stems from... more
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      Social WorkEmpowermentSocial Intervention
Comprender la situación en que se sitúan las personas inmigradas en Chile, resulta vital para poder desarrollar sistemas que realmente sean de acogida y promuevan la inclusión efectiva y la participación plena de estos sectores sociales,... more
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      Public policiesInmigracionSocial InterventionRepublica Dominicana
Women deprived of freedom present some profiles and specific problems that distinguish them from the male prison population. The aim of this investigation is to evaluate how these gender differences are presented in the different... more
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      LawPrisonsSocial InterventionWomen in Prison
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      Community DevelopmentDesarrollo Local / Local DevelopmentTerritorySocial Intervention