Social Factors
Recent papers in Social Factors
Objetivo: Analisar o perfil sociodemográfico dos notificados para hepatite B e a imunização contra a doença. Métodos: Estudo com dados de notificação de hepatite B na vigilância epidemiológica de município de Minas Gerais, entre 2007 a... more
Suicide represents a significant public health challenge with far-reaching consequences. It stands as one of the leading causes of death across the globe, with a complex web of factors contributing to this dire outcome. According to the... more
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Introduction. Among the leading causes of deaths in young people aged 15-29, interpersonal violence is the third most common cause, and suicide – the fourth one. Autoaggression and heteroaggression are considered as interrelated... more
Only a few birds besides domestic pigeons and poultry can be described as domesticated. Therefore, keeping a pet bird can be challenging, and the human-avian relationship will have a major influence on the quality of this cohabitation.... more
Background: The Ministry of Health has prioritized social health interventions to enhance the social capital within health systems. This study analyzes the implementation of Iran's Ministry of Health's social health policies based on... more
This conceptual paper investigates the intricate landscape of organizational stress, emphasizing the complex interplay between economic reforms, job security, and employee distress within contemporary workplaces. As organizations face... more
In 1971 "Le Théâtre du Nouvel Ontario" was founded in Sudbury (in the Northeast of Ontario) by a group of university students, willing to answer the questions "Who are we?" by the means of the arts and, specially, theatre. Those pieces of... more
Simplificação no sistema de modo na historia do portugués 1. Colocação do problema CORE Metadata, citation and similar papers at
The exponential increase in internet usage in India has driven the swift growth of e-commerce, with women playing a crucial role in this expanding digital economy. This research presents a thorough literature analysis and framework to... more
Nutzungsbedingungen: Dieser Text wird unter einer Deposit-Lizenz (Keine Weiterverbreitung-keine Bearbeitung) zur Verfügung gestellt. Gewährt wird ein nicht exklusives, nicht übertragbares, persönliches und beschränktes Recht auf Nutzung... more
Museu Cusí de Farmàcia.
The article under consideration deals with the concept of “social stress” from the point of view of the impact of various stressors, such as: human abilities and capabilities; competencies and constraints emanating from group practices... more
ABSTRACT Introduction. As a demographic aging result, societies have experienced effects such as the increase of functional limitations in older adults and high demand for social and health care. The objective is to analyze factors... more
Attention towards topics such as environmental pollution, climate change, or biodiversity has strongly increased in the last years. The struggles to balance market powers and ecological sustainability somehow evoke memories of the early... more
The purpose of the present study is to explain the foundations and factors of the realization of social change in the Second Step Statement of the Revolution. The method of this research is qualitative content analysis and in this regard,... more
Morbidity, prevalence, and mortality are key epidemiological indicators that help to assess the health of young people and draw conclusions about the state of their well-being. The aim of this study is to determine the main trends in... more
Teenagers living in dysfunctional families face difficulties in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Understanding the relationship between the social status of the family and the healthy lifestyle of the younger generation is important in... more
El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar el grado en que se estan expendiendo los antibioticos sin la presentacion de la receta medica en el centro historico de la ciudad de Trujillo. Es un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal... more
BACKGROUND: Juvenile delinquency appears to be the most widespread social issue in comparison to other social issues. Social factors and conditions have a significant impact on the prevalence of delinquency. Individuals who engage in... more
Objectives: This study aims to examine the patterns in juvenile delinquency based on factors including age, gender, offence type, and characteristics used in NCRB reports and to comprehend the various factors that contribute to juvenile... more
Zusammenfassung Hintergrund In epidemiologischen Studien ist die standardisierte Erfassung soziodemografischer Merkmale von hoher Bedeutung, da Variablen wie Geschlecht, Alter, Bildung oder Erwerbsstatus wichtige Einflussfaktoren auf... more
Traditional Iranian poetry has a history of more than a thousand years. This kind of completely melodious and rhythmic poetry has always taught us moral, divine, mystical and social themes, correct lifestyle and the way to reach evolution... more
Background: Research suggests that diagnostic procedures for Autism Spectrum Disorder are not consistent across practice and that diagnostic rates can be affected by contextual and social drivers. The purpose of this review was to... more
In recent years Polish historiography has ob served an increasing interest in the functioning of the family in the past. Nevertheless, present knowledge of the issue still seems relatively insufficient. This paper is an attempt to present... more
Con el objetivo de determinar la prevalencia de automedicación en gestantes y sus características, se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal. Se entrevistó a 400 gestantes que acudían a control prenatal en el Instituto Nacional... more
The main objective of the study is to examine the social causes of diseases. The association among social determinants and diseases is intended to find out because in our society, importance of social factors is not fully recognized. The... more
The main objective of the study is to examine the social causes of diseases. The association among social determinants and diseases is intended to find out because in our society, importance of social factors is not fully recognized. The... more
The main objective of the study is to find out the social and economic determinants of cardiovascular disease. A cross sectional survey was conducted at the public cardiology wards and private cardiologist clinics. Saturation sampling... more
Background: Preventive home visits (PHV) may contribute to identify risks and needs in older people, and thereby delay the onset of functional decline and illness, otherwise often followed by home care or admission to hospital or nursing... more
The main purpose of this study was to know how proud the youth are of being a Filipino. Socio-demographic characteristics also play a role in determining the national pride of Filipino youth. The level of pride similarly varied among... more
L"émergence de l"entrepreneur et de l"entreprise comme facteurs de développement économique dans les sociétés modernes a attiré l"attention des théoriciens dans le domaine du développement des nations. Ainsi, l"Entrepreneuriat renvoie à... more
This article presents theoretical considerations regarding the concept of ‘brand’, identifying it as a value driver for customers and defining how important a brand is in the value creation process. Brand-related constructs (brand... more
Die Schutzambulanz Fulda dokumentiert gerichtsverwertbar Verletzungen nach interpersoneller Gewalt und asserviert Beweismaterial, unabhängig von einer Strafanzeige. Das vom Land Hessen und dem Landkreis Fulda finanzierte Modellprojekt ist... more
This study examines the associations of internet information literacy with two variables: (1) the ability to work with technical aspects of the internet (internet skill), and (2) attitudes about the need for qualitative necessities in the... more
The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is not only a threat to physical health but is also having severe impacts on mental health. While increases in stress-related symptomatology and other adverse psycho-social outcomes as well as their most important... more
The purpose of the present study is to explain the foundations and factors of the realization of social change in the Second Step Statement of the Revolution. The method of this research is qualitative content analysis and in this regard,... more
Objetivo: Caracterizar o perfil epidemiológico dos portadores de Hepatite C cadastrados em um Serviço de Referência Regional para Hepatites Virais no interior do Estado de Minas Gerais. Método: Estudo descritivo, documental, com análise... more
The main purpose of this study was to know how proud the youth are of being a Filipino. Socio-demographic characteristics also play a role in determining the national pride of Filipino youth. The level of pride similarly varied among... more
Introduction: Despite the recent developments in the biology of addiction, a significant part of relapse and its management is still influenced by psychosocial factors and the interplay between them. This study aims at finding the extent... more
This study explored and identified success social-technical factors related to the information security effectiveness in organizations. It explored these factors based on literature view, and documents, the study based on the... more
Besides playing their role to produce competent graduates, university staff have the commitment to develop their career as their final objective. While determining the achievability of the objectives, university staff are exposed to... more
Happiness among employees can give significant impact on performance of any organization. Thus, it is important to know factors that lead to happiness at workplace. This study aims to identify domains that contribute to happiness at... more