Social Equality
Recent papers in Social Equality
Ogni antropologo è figlio del suo tempo. Il mondo che ci si presenta davanti è un mondo in rapido movimento (T. Ingold 2000) e le scienze sociali devono rapidamente analizzare e comprendere i cambiamenti. Un'antropologia, che in questo... more
Salé s’est développée sous forme de lotissements juxtaposés, et grâce aux flux migratoires importants qu’elle reçoit. Elle est devenue une ville dortoir qui dépend vivement de la capitale administrative Rabat qui concentre l’essentiel des... more
Abstract: in this paper I argue that upper-limit sufficientarianism suffers from a major problem stemming from its distinctive indifference to supra-threshold distributions. I argue that supra-threshold distributions must either be... more
Several democratic theorists have recently sought to vindicate the ideal of equal political power (“political equality”) by tying it to the non-derivative value of egalitarian relationships. This chapter critically discusses such... more
El vol. 2 del libro “Políticas públicas para la equidad social”, ofrece un espacio de diálogo internacional e interdisciplinario en torno a las políticas públicas a partir de tres ejes temáticos considerados imprescindibles para la... more
J. Doomen, Freedom and Equality in a Liberal Democratic State. Brussels: Bruylant (Larcier), 2014
The task to reshape governments in the countries confronted with the Arab Spring prompts the question whether there are necessary conditions to realize a stable society that simultaneously seeks to eliminate the elements that have led to... more
Critics of private charity often claim that the better off should instead assist the disadvantaged through political reform. The present article explores this idea with reference to effective altruism, a powerful new paradigm in the... more
Race has been a prominent discourse in the contemporary world and academic discipline since the last few decades as it determines a variety of moral problems. In response to this discussion, race tends to emphasise a couple of... more
Introductory courses dealing with sex, gender and sexuality are usually quite biased, going as far as to deny the reality of biology. Drawing on the Catholic tradition (Aquinas), this article presents an accessible argument aimed at... more
This essay seeks to provide a justification for the ‘egalitarian authority claim’, according to which citizens of democratic states have a moral duty to obey (at least some) democratically made laws because they are the outcome of an... more
The objective here is to extend work that relates systems of belief to EXECUTIVE economic activity. This is done by assessing the response of a sample of SUMMARY individuals who have started their own businesses (called "entrepreneurs" in... more
U ovom radu kratko je pojasnjen pojam pozitivne diskriminacije prije svega na trzistu rada ali i opcenito u drustvu. Takodjer predoceni su znacaj i ciljevi mjera pozitivne diskriminacije. Ponudjene su definicije pojmova prdrasude,... more
We focus this paper on the conditions to build reliable science, technology and higher education systems in Latin America, based on international comparative studies, fieldwork and interviews conducted over the last three years. The... more
My remarks at the conference to celebrate the philosophy and teaching of T. M. Scanlon, on the occasion of his retirement from teaching, 30 April 2016.
In this paper I analyze interpersonal and institutional recognition and discuss the relation of different types of recognition to various principles of social justice (egalitarianism, meritarianism, legitimate favouritism, principles of... more
Basic, deceptively simple forms of critique.
What are the implications of a commitment to social equality for our economic institutions? How can a “relational” conception of egalitarianism help us to think critically and normatively about the structure and design of our major... more
Esta publicación ha sido posible gracias, en primer lugar, a la colaboración del museo romano oiasso, de san telmo museoa, de la universitat de Barcelona, de la université toulouse III, de la université lyon 2, del laboratoire d'histoire... more
Are democratic egalitarians bound to endorse statism? It seems so, given their insistence on relations of democratic reciprocity, and the lack of such relations in the global realm. If so, it would apparently be inconsistent to endorse... more
In recent years, a number of theorists have argued that Rawls's vision of a property-owning democracy seems like a promising way to institutionalise an ideal of social equality. In this paper, I distinguish two economic aims that appear... more
The idea of equality features in a number of competing accounts of the demands of justice, and does so in a variety of different ways. In what follows here I first examine the background role of a formal idea of equality in all plausible... more
This chapter analyzes the impacts of fair trade's efforts to narrow the global North-South divide, focusing particularly on the case of Africa. Africa is currently experiencing the largest growth in fair trade certified producer groups... more
The welfare state in its infancy even in the period of greatest expansion after World War II could not draw their legitimacy from the philosophical justification. This policy was the result of sharing of positive economic growth and... more
individuals who have started their own businesses (called "entrepreneurs" in this study) with a contrast sample of non-entrepreneurs deliberately chosen to differ (called "career professionals" in this study) to a series of questions... more
In what sense should a liberal state be neutral between the conceptions of the good held by its citizens? Traditionally, liberals have provided two different answers to this question. Some have adopted a conception of neutrality of... more
The writing conceived here undermines the inscriptions of the Master. It emerges as an articulation of alternative views as a basis for the multiple readings and re-articulations for decision, action and transformation in everyday life.... more
So what does writing to undo Power involve? ... "writing is structured like an unconscious that plays with and plays at being the conscious tool of Power. Its surface may ‘say’ one thing while at the same time underwriting the forbidden... more
Este artículo está dedicado a eliminar numerosas confusiones posibles acerca del pensamiento igualitarista. Comienzo por mostrar que las formas más plau-sibles de igualitarismo no se adecuan bien en ninguno de los lados de la distin-ción... more
As the Evangelical Theological Society celebrates 65 years of a blessed existence, we are looking back from where we came and looking forward to where we are going. But unless we can move forward with all evangelicals, our work will not... more
This paper discusses the removal of voting rights from those convicted of criminal offences. I focus on two defences of disenfranchisement: firstly, I question one justification of the view that voting rights are conditional on the... more
Baseada no referencial teórico de Rousseau, a referida investigação assinala que, se a sociedade injusta (iníqua, “que é”), caracterizada pelo Discurso sobre a origem e os fundamentos da desigualdade entre os homens [1754], traz como... more
In our study we investigated the effect of Selflessness and Social Conformity motivations on attitudes towards social equality and ideological preferences, and compared it between Eastern and Western Europe. According to our results both... more
What kind of equality should we value and why? Current debate centres around whether distributive equality is valuable. However, it is not the only (potentially) morally significant form of equality. David Miller and T. M. Scanlon have... more