Recent papers in Gephi
Theories on media consumption show that online content influences users’ attitudes and behavior. We employed open-source instruments of data visualization in order to build a network of vloggers based on teenagers’ preferences. The... more
This is a work-in-progress report from an exploration of the intersection between the fairly conventional digital humanities method of creating a database-specifically, the ELMCIP Electronic Literature Knowledge Base (http://elmcip.... more
This collection investigates the publics of the hashtag. Taking cues from critical public sphere theory, contributors are interested in publics that break beyond the mainstream – in other publics. They are interested in the kinds of... more
Tutoriel pour réaliser des réseaux avec le logiciel Gephi
This paper discusses the emergency of retweets networks motivated by live TV transmissions. Based in Actor-Network Theory, the paper considers networks as result of assemblages and agencies that must be analysed in a temporal way, in... more
کاربران ایرانی توییتر به چه میزان خود را در حلقهی همفکران خود محدود می¬کنند؟ به چه میزان در معرض ارتباط با دیگری¬ها قرار میگیرند؟ این موقعیت¬ها از چه الگوهایی تأثیر میپذیرند؟ در این تحقیق سعی کرده¬ایم برای پاسخ دادن به این سوالات، ضمن... more
The primary aim of the author’s dissertation was to create a regional prosopography of the New Kingdom, which is not limited to specific groups of persons, but rather illuminates all identifiable social strata of the Memphite region. In... more
The Ptolemaic military camp of Pathyris (modern Gebelein) in Upper Egypt has generated a rich body of documentary sources preserved on papyri, ostraca and wooden tablets, which reveal detailed information about the lives and affairs of... more
Over the course of Emperor Akbar's long reign , more than one hundred manuscript painters found employ at the Mughal court. The overwhelming majority of these artists worked in a collaborative capacity. This study uses Social Network... more
During the Seventeenth century, the Republic of Lucca, as a small state, needed to seek protection especially from Spain, which was the actual ruler of the Italian peninsula; for this reason it was important to have a resident ambassador... more
Although the scientific discussion about the site and its monuments forms an independent research focus, the archaeological legacy of the Memphite necropolis of the second millennium BC remained uninvestigated for a very long time. The... more
This study tackles pertinent questions about daily life and socio-economic interactions in the late Ptolemaic town of Pathyris (186-88 BCE) through an empirically grounded network analysis of 428 Greek and Demotic documents associated... more
"GENDER AND DIPLOMACY: Women and Men in European and Ottoman Embassies from the 15th to the 18th Century" Symposium by Don Juan Archiv Wien, University of Vienna – Institute of History, Stvdivm fæsvlanvm (Vienna, 11th – 12th March 2016)
This Project deals with the forensic analysis of Social Networking applications viz. Whisper, Snapchat and Hike Messenger on Android smartphones. With the increase in the use of smartphones for social networking, a plethora of information... more
Dijital Beşerî Bilimler ve Tekke Tarihi Çalışmaları, Serpil Özcan
PT Este estudo procura identificar posicionamentos identitários do rap português, e perceber como estes se transpuseram para a internet, assim como se configuram as comunidades online relacionadas ao movimento cultural na rede.... more
Se narra una experiencia de investigación que entrelaza Análisis de Redes Sociales y minería de datos en plataformas como Twitter y Facebook, mediante la reflexión sobre los alcances y desafíos del trabajo con datos, el uso de software... more
Da mesma forma que a ciência praticada contemporaneamente, o trabalho de campo realizado por naturalistas viajantes Oitocentistas também era uma atividade fundamentalmente social. O sucesso de suas expedições geralmente dependia da... more
The Ptolemaic military camp of Pathyris, established around 165 BC, has generated a rich body of written sources that reveal detailed information about the inhabitants and their socio-economic activities and relationships. Because the... more
Esta tese analisa a viagem do naturalista britânico Henry Walter Bates ao Brasil, entre 1848 e 1859, enfocando suas relações com os habitantes locais e observando de que forma estes colaboraram para o êxito da expedição. Durante os seus... more
Although the past few decades of medieval studies have witnessed some renewed interest in the collaborative process by which medieval Latin prose was composed, such interest has nevertheless remained all too scant, and only few solutions... more
Master Course in Digital Humanities and Artificial Intelligence, ENS-PSL, March 2021.
The scripts and tutorials are available on a Github repository:
The scripts and tutorials are available on a Github repository:
Création et développement numériques en ligne - Licence Pro
Using data from the Infosphere, which bills itself as the “largest Futurama knowledge bank on the web,” aiming to be the most comprehensive on the subject, I began collecting my data. I first mapped out the data on paper, showing the... more
The digital tools that allow georeferencing may serve as a foothold for the study of the reception of a text that has generated a large number of translation throughout the world over the centuries. In the case of “Oráculo manual y arte... more
For this visualization...I used data from one of my favorite shows, Futurama. It was an animated sitcom created by Matt Groening, who also was one of the people behind The Simpsons, another animated sitcom, set in 31st century New New... more
Networks are developing very quickly in the social sciences, and they are beginning to emerge in art history. This paper explores the making of network visualizations, from the building of the dataset to the analysis of results. Starting... more
Este trabalho procurou entender como se deu o fenômeno que foi a telenovela “Avenida Brasil” nas redes sociais. A pesquisa inicial ocorreu com a busca de mensagens através de hashtags utilizadas pelos usuários para se referirem à novela,... more
Over the last couple of decades, one of the significant developments in digital STS has been the rapid growth in digital methods and tools for data harvesting, analysis and visualisation. The increasing availability and deployment of... more
A brief introduction to Gephi and to creating networks for historical research. Powerpoint used for the workshops ‘Untangling the Past: An Introduction to Databases and Network Analysis for Ancient Data’ (for the Sonderfoschungsbereich... more
Attempts to reconstruct socio-economic life often equals striving to tackle social and economic complexity. Crucial to their success, is a methodological approach enabling systematic examination of large and diverse data sets, allowing... more
Revealing glimpses into specific micro-histories, private archives not only allow us to come closer to individuals of the past, but also the relational ties connecting individuals or groups. In this respect, ‘Social Network Analysis’... more
E-learning platforms automatically log detailed data on the interaction of learners with the platform and its contents; such educational data are source of valuable information that may be exploited to improve the educational process and... more
Cet article à quatre mains vise à interroger le processus d’élaboration, l’expérience et la pertinence des réseaux pour deux recherches, l’une en histoire moderne et l’autre en anthropologie. Il présente le passage d’un corpus d’archives... more
توییتر ایرانی روز به روز شلوغتر و متکثرتر میشود؛ و این برای طرفداران گردش آزاد اطلاعات، خبر خوبی است. اما نکتهی نگرانکنندهای نیز وجود دارد. بهنظر میرسد به موازات رشد روزافزون تعداد کاربران توییتر ایرانی، استفاده از اکانتهای تقلبی... more
The poster, which was presented at ANEE's Annual Meeting 2021, introduces the author's ongoing postdoctoral research, initiated in the spring of 2021.
Powerpoint used for the workshops ‘Untangling the Past: An Introduction to Databases and Network Analysis for Ancient Data’ (for the Sonderfoschungsbereich 933 Material Text Cultures, Heidelberg, May 5-8 2017) and ‘Network analysis with... more