Recent papers in Significance
problem, but what is the probability that we will experience more than one once-in-a-lifetime (Poissondistributed) event in our lifetimes? David Hand (DH): The improbability principle answer is that you're certain to experience more than... more
De todos los eslóganes que los musicólogos transmiten a los profesores y a los medios de comunicación, y éstos a los pobres diablos que estudian música en los conservatorios, selecciono siete. Pero casi todo gira en torno a cierta... more
This article aims to identify the ethical and accurate research in the significance and the application of Takhrij al-Hadith of the Prophet SAW. It is important to create a predictive model of academic writing involves the sayings of the... more
This paper discusses the design and implementation of an OFDM modem used in wireless communication. The transmission of binary and text file using OFDM with its protocol as well as system parameters have been explained in detail. This... more
The relation between forests and floral diversity is a very strong. It helps in the functioning of many biophysical and ecological processes such as hydrological cycles, carbon cycles, climatic regulation and others. Gujarat is one of the... more
ABSTRACT America seems obsessed as no other nation by guns. Mass shootings such as at Columbine and at Sandy Hook school in Connecticut bring calls for gun control laws. Opponents claim that such laws would only disarm the law-abiding and... more
Moneyball: B r a d Pi t t , t h e s t a t i s t i c i a n a n d t h e m o v i e
Μέσω πληθώρας νομοθετημάτων, κανονιστικών πράξεων και διαχειριστικών μέτρων η πολιτεία επιχειρεί να διαφυλάξει και να διατηρήσει τη βιοποικιλότητα της ελληνικής επικράτειας. Επιπλέον, η Ελλάδα εφαρμόζει δεσμεύσεις και υποχρεώσεις που... more
Being competitive at the international level requires a certain number of conditions to be fulfilled. Research has identified port costs, port infrastructures, hinterland proximity as factors that can determine the competitiveness of... more
De todos los eslóganes que los musicólogos transmiten a los profesores y a los medios de comunicación, y éstos a los pobres diablos que estudian música en los conservatorios, selecciono siete. Pero casi todo gira en torno a cierta... more
Richard Nobles and David Schiff revisit the Sally Clark case and consider the presentation by non-statisticians of statistical evidence in court. Richard Nobles and David Schiff are Readers in the Law Department at the London School of... more
Kuldeep Kumar and Sukanto Bhattacharya Introduce an unexpected quality in natural numbers that can help to detect faked data
Contemporary artists are faced with a cacophony of choice when it comes to materials. With this expanded practice, where everything and anything could be considered a material, come questions for those charged with the care of these... more
In this paper we introduce the concept of '(in)significance' as a way to think about values in heritage, and in the attribution, recording, description, assessment and categorisation practices that characterise heritage processes. Our aim... more
Phitsanulok is one of the most interesting provinces in the North of Thailand. It is an important hub and an ideal base for visitors wishing to explore the lower North and western Northeast. For today’s visitor domestically and... more
Citizenship and History can be seen as natural partners- this was confirmed by Sir Bernard Crick, the founding father of the modern Citizenship education movement in
Weaving carpets of triangles into spheres and simpler polyhedra Eliciting memorable spherically symmetrical semiregular polyhedra Illustrative application to symbolic reconciliation Spherical tiling and spherical polyhedra Use of... more
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has again confirmed our obsession with, and misuse of, the Book of Revelation. Of course, this is definitely not the first time that Revelation’s themes and imagery have been pulled out and... more
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) can be measured with the variation of RR intervals exhibited in a sequence of ECG sample. For a short-term HRV, measuring time is usually defined. However, with numerous possibilities of shortening the... more
Researchers have not yet done an adequate job of reverse engineering the complex cultural concepts of religion and spirituality in a way that allows scientists to operationalize component parts and historians of religion to consider how... more
The experiment projected to study how body reflexes mirrors one's personality. This matter is very significant for it would let the experimenter to understand how our reflexes came suitably to our personality. These reflexes were measured... more
determining, by empirical analysis of Bach' s chorales, which hidden sequence of harmonies is most likely to underlie the given melody 4. Ebcioğlu achieves similarly promising results via a completely different approach, encoding 350... more
Towards a future with large penetration of distributed generation: Is the current regulation of electricity distribution ready? Regulatory recommendations under a European perspective. Energy
How many roads must a man walk down before you call him a man? How many seas must a white dove sail be-fore she sleeps in the sand? How many times must the cannonballs fly before they're for-ever banned?
Taken in an all-encompassing sense (as initiated by Werner, 1926), the notion of affordance allows us to think as a first approximation our perceptual relation to objects and especially to what we make of this relation as subjects.... more
To determine the effect of different enabling factors such as curriculum, role of faculty, academic advising and availability of learning resources and supportive services on the performance of students pursuing their Bachelor's degree in... more
Richard Nobles and David Schiff revisit the Sally Clark case and consider the presentation by non-statisticians of statistical evidence in court. Richard Nobles and David Schiff are Readers in the Law Department at the London School of... more
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is applied to infrastructure and other large projects. The European Union EIA Directive (2011/92/EU as amended by 2014/52/EU) requires EIAs to consider the effects that a project might have on human... more