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This article discusses the International Maritime Organization's (IMO) theme for 2013, namely, “Sustainable Development: IMO’s Contribution beyond Rio+20.” The theme will serve for the World Maritime Day, coinciding on 26 September 2013.... more
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      ManagementSupply Chain ManagementClimate ChangeInternational Business
This is an earlier and substantially lengthier version of the European Commission’s Green Paper on Ports and Maritime Infrastructure, which I had prepared as a member of Commissioner Neil Kinnock’s wise men group. The Green Paper has... more
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      BusinessManagementEconomic HistoryTransport Economics
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      BusinessMARINE POLLUTIONBusiness LawNuclear Materials
Since its appearance in 2003, the what has come to be known as “The Erasmus Report” has been making headlines throughout the world. This, mainly due to its finding that “liner shipping conferences have a stabilizing effect on freight... more
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      BusinessManagementEuropean StudiesEconomics
In het verslag over het wetsvoorstel tot invoering van het Belgisch Scheepvaart-wetboek in de Kamer uitgebracht, verklaarde mevrouw Daphné Dumery: "De bestaande wetgeving is niet meer van deze tijd en vooral de verzekeringswereld drong... more
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      Maritime LawShipping LawAdmiralty/Marine/Maritime/Merchant Shipping and Port LawAdmiralty and maritime law
Apuntes sobre el contrato de transporte. Se expone sucíntamente el régimen del contrato de transporte en el Derecho español: normativa existente, elementos subjetivos, obligaciones y derechos, documentación y responsabilidad del porteador
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      Carriage of Goods by Land Sea and AirLaw of Carriage - Road, Railway, Sea and Air - Shipping/Transportation LawShipping and Carriage of Goods by Sea Law
Commentary on the Sections 67 to 70 of the Spanish Inland Carriage of Goods Act, which deal with the multimodal carriage
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      MultimodalityTransport LawShipping and Carriage of Goods by Sea Law
The current article is practice-oriented and is intended for shipowners and sea carriers as well as for practitioners and students who wish to revise or expand their knowledge on this specific area of the carriage of goods by sea. The... more
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      Maritime LawShipping/ Transport LogisticsShippingCarriage of Goods by Sea
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      Commercial ShippingShipping and Carriage of Goods by Sea Law
My dissertation, entitled "The P&I Letters of Undertaking as a modern form of security for the release of arrested ships" touched on a number of areas of the law and was a comparative examination and analysis of the civil procedures... more
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      International LawPrivate International LawMaritime LawShipping
Jasa keagenan kapal laut ptsbn (ship agent Indonesia) WA: +62 813-8333-2284 memberikan pelayanan yang profesional kepada seluruh calon atau pengguna jasa keagenan kapal laut baik lokal maupun keagenan kapal asing untuk jenis kapal... more
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      Shipping/ Transport LogisticsShipping ManagementShipping and Carriage of Goods by Sea LawMarketing on the Shipping Industry
A freight cost is computed by shipping company based on both weight and cubic size and charges the higher cost..
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      International LawShipping/ Transport LogisticsShipping ManagementShipping Economics
The commented Judgment raises the problem of the liability of the freight forwarder for damages to the goods caused by its inaccurate stowage into containers and which are manifested at the end of the maritime phase of a “door to door”... more
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      Maritime LawMultimodalityMultimodal TransportLaw of Carriage - Road, Railway, Sea and Air - Shipping/Transportation Law
This document provides basic information on the bill of lading and the responsibility of all parties (shipper, carrier and consignee) in relation to the bill of lading
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      Carriage of Goods by SeaBills of LadingShipping and Carriage of Goods by Sea Law
This essay is intended to provide a comprehensive overview of the key functions of the Bill of Lading with reference to its role as a contract for the carriage of goods in international trade and transport by sea, through case law, while... more
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      International LawInternational TradeMaritime LawShipping
A review of the second edition of Stephen Girvin's book on the carriage of goods by sea.
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      Commercial LawShipping and Carriage of Goods by Sea Law
During the transportation of goods by sea, every cargo must be accompanied by shipping documents that provide for its qualitative and quantitative evidence. Such records are the Bill of Lading, the Delivery Order and the Waybill. The... more
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      Shipping/ Transport LogisticsCarriage of Goods by SeaBills of LadingShipping and Carriage of Goods by Sea Law
The maxim “Once on demurrage, Always on Demurrage” simply means that when the charterer uses the vessel outside of the agreed time/days specified in the charterparty, the charterer will be liable absolutely. The extra time will keep... more
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      LawInternational LawMaritime LawLaw of the Sea
A discussion of remoteness in contract law in the context of the House of Lords decision in Transfield Shipping Inc v Mercator Shipping Inc [2008] UKHL 48. I am grateful to the School of Law, Sociology and Politics at Sussex University... more
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      Contract LawShipping LawLaw of ContractShipping and Carriage of Goods by Sea Law
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      Maritime LawAdmiralty and maritime lawShipping and Carriage of Goods by Sea Law
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      Maritime HistoryMaritime LawCarriage of Goods by SeaLaw of the Sea/Maritime Law
For international trade to flourish there must be an involvement in transaction of goods by sea between a buyer in one country and seller in another. It is essential to know about the contract that governs the carriages of goods by sea,... more
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      International LawInternational ArbitrationIndian LawCarriage of Goods by Sea
The transport industry has drastically changed during the past Three decades, with the advent of containerization and the subsequent development of multimodal transport. These changes, moreover, have been matter of concern due to the... more
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      Marine Insurance LawShipping and Carriage of Goods by Sea Law
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      Maritime LawCarriage of Goods by SeaCharterparties and carriage of goods by seaShipping and Carriage of Goods by Sea Law
Vessels and other shipping assets are volatile in pricing; while the value of most assets depreciates over their useful life, the value (and price) of shipping of assets can improve over time, depending primarily on freight rates and the... more
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      Shipping/ Transport LogisticsShipping ManagementShipping EconomicsMaritime
This paper provides a summary of Factortame I and Factortame II
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      Critical TheoryBritish LiteratureBusinessInformation Systems
This article intends primarily to demonstrate that the inadequate understanding of shipping containers is at the root of all the other issues in international transport law. As evidence of the impact of this lack of understanding, this... more
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      Shipping/ Transport LogisticsShippingContainer ShippingMaritime Container Shipping Industry
Now in its eighth edition, this classic text is a first point of reference for anyone looking to obtain an understanding of chartering and shipbroking practice. It provides hands-on, commercially-focused explanations of chartering... more
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      ShippingMaritime EconomicsShipping and Carriage of Goods by Sea LawMarketing on the Shipping Industry
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      Shipping/ Transport LogisticsShipping ManagementShippingShipping Finance
The carriage of goods by sea remains the foremost mode of transport used in the world today. This research will focus on the various regimes of carriage, especially on the Convention on Contracts for The International Carriage of Goods... more
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    • Shipping and Carriage of Goods by Sea Law
A huge amount of factors can have an influence on an efficient chartering policy. The division into the two main fields of time and voyage charterparties has an influence mainly on costs allocation between shipowners and charterers: under... more
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      Admiralty LawMaritime LawCarriage of Goods by SeaShipping Law
The principal objective of this dissertation is to provide a comprehensive and critical study of International Rules of law governing the carriage of goods by sea. More specifically to recognise the problems arising around the obligations... more
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      Maritime LawLaw of the Sea/Maritime LawShipping and Carriage of Goods by Sea Law
Tài liệu đào tạo chuyên biệt luật hàng hải quốc tế: Hợp đồng thuê tàu
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    • Shipping and Carriage of Goods by Sea Law
Part of a monograph, under the same name, commissioned by the Willem van der Vorm Foundation "Maritime Economics". (HAL Investments).
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      ManagementEconomicsTransport EconomicsSupply Chain Management
The main source of EU Law regarding law applicable to international carriage is Rome I Regulation of 17 June 2008, replacing the Convention on Law Applicable to Contractual Obligation of 19 June 1980/EEC. Article 5 of the EU Regulation... more
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      ContractsInternational RelationsEuropean LawContract Law
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      Shipping/ Transport LogisticsShipping ManagementShippingShipping Finance
Los reinos hispánicos tuvieron un papel protagonista en la llamada Primera Globalización/Mundialización, cuyo camino pasaba, ineludiblemente, por el desarrollo y control de las rutas marítimas y terrestres entre las ciudades, encargadas... more
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      GlobalizationMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMaritime History
The SCOPIC clause (Special Compensation P&I Club Clause) provides an alternative remuneration to salvors, which is computed differently to the awards provided in Article 13 and Article 14 of the International Convention on Salvage (1989).... more
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      Shipping/ Transport LogisticsShipping ManagementShippingShipping Economics
This paper gives a brief idea about the coastal and waterway transport contracts in India with more emphasis on the procedural aspect. Comparative study with USA and UK has been shown. India needs to adopt coastal transports as its much... more
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      ContractsMaritime HistoryMaritime LawMarine Insurance Law
The Joint Cargo Committee has recently updated the Marine Cargo Insurance Clauses. This a spanish translation of the Institute's CL Clauses "A" (a. k. a. "all risks clauses") The original Marine Insurance ICC (A) 2009 text was published... more
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      Insurance LawShipping/ Transport LogisticsCarriage of Goods by SeaMarine Insurance Law
The 2009 revision of the all-risks Marine Insurance ICC (A), by the International Uderwriters Association of London incorporates changes of varying degrees of importance. Formal amendments are designed to adapt these provisions to the... more
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      JurisprudenceContract LawInsurance LawTorts
Η σημασία της εμπορικής ναυτιλίας στην παγκόσμια και στην εθνική οικονομία είναι προφανής, ευαπόδεικτη και αναγνωρισμένη. Η αναπτυξή της σχετίζεται άρρηκτα με τη λειτουργία των λιμένων και με την άσκηση λιμενικής πολιτικής. Παραδείγματα... more
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      LawMaritime LawMarine Insurance LawAdmiralty and maritime law
The use of informatic and telematic applications in the field of transports has several advantages in terms of efficiency, cost reduction and security. On the other hand, it shows risks of unauthorized access to computer systems. Maritime... more
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      Carriage of Goods by SeaRotterdam RulesElectronic bills of LadingTransport Law
Tài liệu đào tạo chuyên biệt luật hàng hải quốc tế: Thẩm quyền tài phán
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    • Shipping and Carriage of Goods by Sea Law
Door to door transport contracts are becoming increasingly prevalent in modern liner transport. However, these contracts are largely falling outside the ambit of existing international legal instruments, in the absence of an international... more
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      Rotterdam RulesMultimodal TransportShipping and Carriage of Goods by Sea Law
Đại dịch COVID-19 đã ảnh hưởng trực tiếp đến nền kinh tế toàn cầu kèm theo rất nhiều hệ luỵ. Các doanh nghiệp Việt Nam nói chung và các doanh nghiệp trong lĩnh vực hàng hải nói riêng cũng không nằm ngoài vòng xoáy này. Trong một thời gian... more
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    • Shipping and Carriage of Goods by Sea Law
The direct action is an action of an injured third party against the insurer of the wrongdoerÕs liability. As a general rule a contract of insurance of liability is a res inter alios acta, and the right of direct action can only be... more
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      Maritime LawMarine Insurance LawShipping and Carriage of Goods by Sea Law
General Average is a concept that belongs only to maritime law. It is connected and interwoven with it and it can legitimately be defined as the first real international body of rules apt to regulate a legal issue in international... more
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      Maritime HistoryMaritime LawCarriage of Goods by SeaMarine Insurance Law
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      ArbitrationMaritime LawArbitration LawInternational Commercial Arbitration