Sexuality & Law
Recent papers in Sexuality & Law
Au mois de juillet 1849, un Conseil de guerre statue sur le sort de celui que la presse a surnommé « le Vampire du Mont-Parnasse » 1 , et qui passa rapidement à la postérité en tant que premier nécrophile étudié par le corps médical.... more
This paper considers issues of sexual citizenship in light of new UK legislation that prosecutes the viewers of ‘extreme pornography’. Justified as an attempt to uphold public decency, government intervention seeks to prevent people... more
State recognition of gender identity claims in Karnataka has been in the form of administrative measures. Identity documents have become a crucial terrain where these identities are being contested, and citizenship claims are being made.... more
This article explores the various ethical and legal limitations faced by researchers studying extreme or ‘ shock’ pornographies, beginning with generic and disciplinary contexts, and focusing specifically upon the assumption that textual... more
La sentencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos en el caso Karen Atala e hijas contra Chile constituye un precedente jurisprudencial importante para la región el que se interpretan, por primera vez, los alcances de la... more
In this article I examine representations of sadomasochism in visual culture. Increasingly sadomasochistic imagery is becoming prominent and widespread in popular culture. I will ask which forms of sadomasochism are permitted and which... more
This article reproduces and discusses a series of blog posts posted by academics in anticipation of the report on commercialisation, sexualisation and childhood, ‘Letting Children Be Children’ by Reg Bailey for the UK Department of... more
Historically, homosexuality and prostitution were both branded immoral vices that required criminalization, despite the fact that they were also considered 'victimless crimes.' Yet, in contemporary Canadian society, gays and lesbians have... more
Сущность и игра полов в Мироздании.
The essence and the game of sexes in the Universe.
The essence and the game of sexes in the Universe.
There main foci of the research are twofold. On the one hand, discrimination against one’s appearance (e.g. fattism, ageism, racism, slut shaming, internalised homophobia, transphobia, etc.). On the other hand, your rights on the... more
This article reproduces and discusses a series of blog posts posted by academics in anticipation of the report on commercialisation, sexualisation and childhood, ‘Letting Children Be Children’ by Reg Bailey for the UK Department of... more
This article reproduces and discusses a series of blog posts posted by academics in anticipation of the report on commercialisation, sexualisation and childhood, ‘Letting Children Be Children’ by Reg Bailey for the UK Department of... more
In this article, we locate two discourses regarding the incidences of bareback sex practices. First, there is the greater reliance on safe sex practices, including going beyond condemnation of risky behaviour. Second, there is a... more