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      SociologyQueer StudiesLaw and SocietySexuality
The law and ideas of justice play an essential role in much of Shakespeare’s work. His characters often refer to contemporary laws and legal institutions even as the plays raise larger questions about justice and the workings of the law.... more
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      ShakespeareGender and SexualityLaw and LiteratureLaw and Sexuality
Honours Thesis written in requirement for a Legal Studies Bachelor of Arts Degree at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology.
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      Gender StudiesFeminist TheorySex WorkProstitution & Trafficking
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      Gender StudiesQueer TheoryReproductionFeminism
Two years after the Supreme Court dismissed a review petition filed in Suresh Koushal vs Naz Foundation, in which the court had held Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code to be constitutional, the case has been listed for Tuesday in a... more
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      Criminal LawConstitutional LawGender and SexualityLGBT Issues
Книга представляет результаты исследования открытых данных судов о преступлениях ненависти против ЛГБТ в России. Даются определения преступлениям ненависти, общая характеристика доступных данных, проводится сравнительный межстрановой... more
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      Russian StudiesViolenceHuman Rights LawHuman Rights
 2015, Diritto e questioni pubbliche, Palermo.
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      Gender StudiesSex and GenderGender and SexualityLaw and Sexuality
This article analyzes how concepts of gender, gender equality, and secularism have been addressed by the higher judiciary in India in cases dealing with matters of religion. The discussion focuses on three landmark decisions of the Indian... more
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      LawJurisprudenceConstitutional LawQueer Theory
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      Cultural StudiesLawFamilyCreative Engagement
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      Gender and SexualityLaw and Sexuality
"In this chapter, we extend our earlier work on sexuality education in U.S. public schools in which we forwarded a theory of adolescent sexuality, which we called thick desire (Fine & McClelland, 2006). We chose the metaphor of thickness... more
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      Sexualities educationGender and SexualityDesireLaw and Sexuality
This paper considers issues of sexual citizenship in light of new UK legislation that prosecutes the viewers of ‘extreme pornography’. Justified as an attempt to uphold public decency, government intervention seeks to prevent people... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaCensorshipSex and Gender
Institute of Development Studies Brighton BN1 9RE UK T +44 (0) 1273 606261 F +44 (0) 1273 621202 E [email protected] W The Gender, Sexuality and Social Justice Edited Collection is a... more
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      Criminal LawGender StudiesDevelopment StudiesInternational Law
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      Queer TheoryLegal HistoryGender and SexualityMoral Panic
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      Postcolonial FeminismSubaltern StudiesLaw and Sexuality
Last summer I was at this commitment celebration and had the most awkward argument about sex work. It was the night before the ceremony and my husband and I were enjoying a dinner cruise arranged for out-of-* Ummni Khan is an Assistant... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesLawFamily
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      FeminismViolence Against WomenPostcolonial FeminismLaw and Sexuality
This collection of essays juxtaposes developments in law and policy relating to same sex desire and sexuality more broadly in the Indian and the Ugandan contexts with the intention of opening up new questions for struggles in both these... more
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      Queer StudiesLaw and SocietySexualityGender and Sexuality
This article critically assesses the notion of dignity used in recent Supreme Court judgments on ‘third gender’ and ‘transgender rights’ in South Asia, and suggests a reexamination of dignity as the basis for demanding justice for... more
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      Human Rights LawHuman RightsGender and SexualityInternational Human Rights Law
Institute of Development Studies Brighton BN1 9RE UK T +44 (0) 1273 606261 F +44 (0) 1273 621202 E [email protected] W The Gender, Sexuality and Social Justice Edited Collection is a... more
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      Criminal LawGender StudiesDevelopment StudiesInternational Law
On September 6, 2018, the Supreme Court of India decriminalized the intimate lives of LGBTQ individuals in the country by reading down Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code. One of the most significant elements of the decision is its... more
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      Gender and SexualityLaw and LiteratureLaw and SexualityLaw and Social Justice
This piece focuses on a police drive against transgender communities in the city of Bangalore in October 2008. Published in Arvind Narrain & Alok Gupta (eds.), Law Like Love:Queer Perspectives on Law, Yoda Press, New Delhi, 2011.
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      Gender and SexualityLGBT IssuesIndian LawLaw and Sexuality
This article explores the various ethical and legal limitations faced by researchers studying extreme or ‘ shock’ pornographies, beginning with generic and disciplinary contexts, and focusing specifically upon the assumption that textual... more
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      Constitutional LawCensorshipSex and GenderSexual Abuse
This essay examines some of the cultural wars that are being fought out in India in the legal domain, cultural wars that all seem to involve sex. The battles taking place in the legal domain, comprising issues such as a legal challenge to... more
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      SexualityCulture WarsLaw and SexualityGender, Sexuality and Human Rights
An article on the litigation related to section 377 of the Indian Penal Code using hypertexts and existing material on the Pad.Ma site
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      Human RightsLGBT IssuesLaw and SexualityGay Rights
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      Criminal LawFamily LawTortsInfidelity
Published in Sarai Reader 5: Bare Acts, 2005
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      Law and SexualityLGBT issues in India
This paper examines the intersection between sexuality and education, employment, law and citizenship. The fluidity of sexuality and its capability of affecting people in multiple ways means that there is a very real need for enactments... more
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      EducationSexualityGender and SexualityLaw and Sexuality
Partners for Law in Development (PLD) in partnership with Tulir organized a two-day consultation to understand and discuss the criminalization of adolescent sexuality. This consultation sought to addressing particular the impact of laws... more
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      Sexual ViolenceGender and SexualitySexuality And CultureAdolescent
The policy brief was drafted to catalogue how SOGIESC has been addressed within the CEDAW reporting mechanisms. It also provides baseline information on CEDAW for activists based in ASEAN member-states, and offer guidance on its... more
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      Women's StudiesHuman Rights LawHuman RightsWomen's Rights
La sentencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos en el caso Karen Atala e hijas contra Chile constituye un precedente jurisprudencial importante para la región el que se interpretan, por primera vez, los alcances de la... more
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      Women's RightsGender and the LawSexuality & LawLaw and Sexuality
This article analyzes how concepts of gender, gender equality, and secularism have been addressed by the higher judiciary in India in cases dealing with matters of religion. The discussion focuses on three landmark decisions of the Indian... more
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      LawJurisprudenceConstitutional LawQueer Theory
Статья предлагает обзор современных исследований политической и дискурсивной интервенции британских феминисток «первой волны» в сферу регулирования коммерческого секса. Показано, что у современных исследовательниц и исследователей есть... more
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      Gender StudiesColonialismSex WorkFeminist history
This article analyzes how concepts of gender, gender equality, and secularism have been addressed by the higher judiciary in India in cases dealing with matters of religion. The discussion focuses on three landmark decisions of the Indian... more
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      JurisprudenceConstitutional LawQueer TheoryLaw and Religion
Who regulates sexuality in America? Given the high salience of federal laws and policies such as the Defense of Marriage Act ("DOMA"), the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, and states' legal activism regarding same-sex marriage,... more
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      Law and SocietyLocal GovernmentLaw and Sexuality
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      Postcolonial StudiesQueer TheoryNeoliberalismLaw and Sexuality
Upendra Baxi is one of the few legal scholars of his generation to have consistently engaged with the queer movement and the legal struggle for decriminalisation of homosexuality in India. In this article, I outline three key moments in... more
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      Indian LawLaw and SexualityPublic Interest LitigationUpendra Baxi
2017, en Relaciones, vol. 38, núm. 149, invierno, pp. 193-227.
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      Gender StudiesGender HistorySexualityGender and Sexuality
Abstract in English: The Hebrew University Law Journal, Vol. 45, 3, 653-707 The article is the first to offer an innovative conceptualization of sexuality in law. Its first part exposed the manner in which the law constrains the... more
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      Gender and SexualitySexuality And CultureLaw and Sexuality
The contributions to this Edited Collection reveal the complexity of the deceptively simple question posed by its title: Gender, Sexuality and Social Justice: What’s Law Got to Do With It? Many of those involved in this publication are... more
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      Gender StudiesVisual StudiesSex and GenderDevelopment Studies
Hijras in India constitute a much-misunderstood community; they are often denied humane treatment by the state machinery and are deprived of the rights that other citizens enjoy. An article published in Frontline Magazine, Vol. 20, Issue... more
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      Gender and SexualityLGBT IssuesIndian LawTransgender
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      Social MovementsQueer TheoryResistance (Social)Michel Foucault
Despite a sensitive understanding of marital sexuality, the judicial discourse on the subject in India does not involve any mention of consent. This article highlights four approaches taken by judges towards marital sexuality—seeing sex... more
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      Family LawGender and the LawJudicial PoliticsJudicial Decision-Making
The article examines the LGBTIQ movement's engagement with international human rights adjudication from the perspective of its borrowing from or piggybacking on the strategies and tactics of other international social movements for... more
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      Social MovementsInternational LawGender and SexualityInternational Human Rights Law
Сущность и игра полов в Мироздании.
The essence and the game of sexes in the Universe.
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      HistoryPsychologyGender StudiesMetaphysics
This Article explores how prostitution is treated in Canada, despite being legalised, as compared to the highly lucrative business of selling and manufacturing pronography. I also discuss whether the theory of Marxism interactionism fits... more
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      Law and SexualityHuman SexualityCanadaThe Politics of Prostitution
2017, en Relaciones, vol. 38, núm. 149, invierno, 2017, pp. 193-227.
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      SexualityGender and SexualityAztecsAnthropology and Sexuality
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    • Law and Sexuality
An article on the 2018 Indian Supreme Court judgment, Navtej Singh Johar & Ors that decriminalised homosexuality in India striking down section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, thus bringing to an end a 17 year-old litigation that began in... more
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      LGBT IssuesIndian LawLaw and SexualityHomosexuality